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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Salvia Nemorosa - First Time - 5g *fresh* Salvia Nemorosa flower petals as a tea

Anonymous Dissident

Mar 27, 2017
1/3 cup fresh salvia nemorosa flower petals as a tea:

1/3 cup of fresh picked flower petals were picked and crushed in a mortar and pestle prior to the addition of roughly 8oz of distilled water and allowed to sit with intermittent stirring for approximately 60 minutes. As the brew was stirred, it took on a distinct pink/violet color similar to cabbage juice, though the terrible smell of cabbage juice was missing. The brew smells sort of sweet with hints of pineapple and freshly tilled earth. The smell is in no way unpleasant. It smells very good for an ethnobotanical brew. The plant material was left in the cup in case I decide to add more water. There’s a slight oily sheen on the surface, hopefully signifying the volatile fraction is still present. Fingers crossed.
It should be noted that I’m trying to use this brew to skip my 20g afternoon kratom dose, and I’m unsure of how that will influence the effects. It will be remarkable if this brew mitigates the withdrawal symptoms like the restlessness that keeps me addicted to kratom.

T 0: approximately 4oz, or about half the brew ingested. Flavor is mild and sweet. It tastes far better than just about any psychoactive substance I’ve tried. I start reading the book I’m currently reading to pass time and wait for effects to begin.
T 0:10: colors are becoming more intense, but it’s nothing I couldn’t chalk up to placebo. Slight visual lag is beginning to manifest.
T:30: A distinct and unexpected sense of relaxation has come over me. I’m surprised at how well I’m feeling since I was beginning to feel hot and unable to sit still that signify the beginnings of kratom withdrawal. Colors are still enhanced. I’m adding more distilled water to try to get another dose or two out of this brew. The effects are now well beyond anything I could call placebo. I’m at a strong + 1 or mild++ on the Shulgin scale, though, again, there is nothing even slightly psychedelic from this particular sage.
T: 1:30: the restlessness of kratom withdrawal is beginning to manifest. The hot flashes are as of now missing and the restlessness is diminished but not completely absent. I’m now feeling slightly sedated, but decided to walk my dogs to, hopefully, deal with the incipient restlessness. I drink another ½ of the brew. The effects are not intrinsically euphoric, but I’m definitely enjoying myself . Cotton mouth is present.
T: 2:30: I really enjoyed the walk. Aesthetically, everything is enhanced and sharp. Mild trails are present, but this is in no way a psychedelic. It could, however, be nice to take the edge off of a strong, stimulating trip. Still very a neutral, but peaceful headspace.
T: 5:00: Though I ended up taking kratom a few minutes ago, my dose was only 10g as opposed to the 20g I normally take. The effects of the tea is beginning to wear off, but I’m still feeling fairly good, better than if I had taken my normal 20g dose.

Afterword: I find myself having a very hard time putting the overall effects in words, though it was very similar to my other experiences with it. Some analgesic effect is present but is not the primary effect. Walking was slightly challenging, but no worse than if I took an extra pregabalin. The cotton mouth is always present, and I found myself quite hungry during the experience. I think I find the headspace to be the best part of the experience. It’s a worry free sense of peace that’s very meditative. For someone with strong anxiety, this could be almost medicinal. I will definitely make a stronger brew in a few days. The experience is very much like my previous experiences with it. It differs slightly from the quidding I usually utilize. This was more noticeable visually visual, but its trademark sense of peace that keeps me coming back was present.
At no point was there any nausea, anxiety, or anything even slightly unpleasant. It wasn’t overwhelming, but the effects were undeniable and in line with my previous experiences with it. Suffice it to say, I’m very glad I have 6 big salvia nemorosas growing in my yard 😉.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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We need more trailblazers. Thanks AD. Totally interested. Makes me wonder what is beyond chamomile that we can grow and relax us as a tea. There has to be all kinds of goodies in Nature. And I bet as we discover them some will be as potent as some synthetics. Imean Salvia Divinorum is a good example of how potent some psychoactive plants can be.

I saw you request for any info on other psychoactive Salvia's. I keep poking around but have not come up with any relevent documents yet.

Since I can not get etizolam easily anymore (bummed) I have been looking to nature. Hopeful we will discover some psychoactive plants that mirror some of our substances. I still think mulungu has some hope.
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We need more trailblazers. Thanks AD. Totally interested. Makes me wonder what is beyond chamomile that we can grow and relax us as a tea. There has to be all kinds of goodies in Nature. And I bet as we discover them some will be as potent as some synthetics. Imean Salvia Divinorum is a good example of how potent some psychoactive plants can be.

I saw you request for any info on other psychoactive Salvia's. I keep poking around but have not come up with any relevent documents yet.

Since I can not get etizolam easily anymore (bummed) I have been looking to nature. Hopeful we will discover some psychoactive plants that mirror some of our substances. I still think mulungu has some hope.
Mulungu is more pronounced than Salvia Nemorosa. It's kind of "benzo-y" and more sedating than Nemorosa. I'll have to pick up more, as it's a very useful plant. I just hesitate to utilize it too often due to its relation to curare...
I think I find the headspace to be the best part of the experience. It’s a worry free sense of peace that’s very meditative. For someone with strong anxiety, this could be almost medicinal.
Do you have any experiences with low-dose dissociatives to compare, specially the ketamine variants of them and out of them, specially deschloroketamine but also good old K? Unless I overdid it, I found exactly this, a completely worry-free headspace, so intriguing and reinforcing with them. When crossing a certain threshold this effect vanishes and gets replaced by an emotional rollercoaster, thus I'm specially asking about low doses.

As about potency of plant-based drugs, DMT is another nice example, it's the most potent psychedelic known afaik (unsure because LSD is a hella lot more potent mcg-by-mcg wise but never heard that LSD could teleport you straight into an alien spaceship, like DMT is able to).

Definitely need to acquire some salvia nemorosa. Thanks for reporting! These salvia's seem to offer more surprises after divinorum (which remains to be the maybe most weird substance I came across so far.)
DMT isn't that potent dosage-wise but as far as power is concerned, yeah nothing beats it.

Salvinorin-A is extremely potent (dosage-wise and effects-wise). Not as potent as LSD but it is dosed in micrograms as well.
DMT isn't that potent dosage-wise but as far as power is concerned, yeah nothing beats it.
Well that's only due to the fact that it's smoked.
In fact DMT is one of the weaker psychedelics as far as actual receptor affinity is concerned
The dosage makes the poison though (or in this case, the transcendental psychedelic). Smoked and orally (with MAOI), it is the most powerful of classical psychedelics.