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Gaming (sad) RIP Reckful... I am devastated

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020

God fucking damnit man. I was so devastated when I heard the news, this hit me particularly hard.

IDK if you guys know who Reckful is, but he used to be my gaming idol when I played WoW way back in the day. He is a legendary gamer and streamer. He inspired me to be a better gamer. We're the same age and loved the same games.

His last tweets (sent right after he randomly proposed to his long time ex-gf):

“Ahh, I feel bad for anyone who has to deal with my insanity.”

“Please just know in these situations the insane person does not feel in control of their actions.”

Their family has 3 sons, now 2/3 have taken their own lives. I feel so incredibly bad for that family, and I'm worried for his mother. Rumor has it Reckful and his mother talked about killing themselves together after his brother killed himself.

I will never understand. I was always jealous of his life. He seemed so happy. Just like Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Anthony Bourdain and so many others.... money/fame mean nothing and are not the key to happiness. I will never understand. I've wanted to end my own life before but reason and hope always override those thoughts.

I am so depressed right now. Fuck.
Yeah it's pretty crazy. Unfortunately I feel like he sought out his "friends" and inner circle from the streaming world and not actual genuine people. His last tweet was about proposing to his ex and then going back on it ( a clear manic episode) and everyone just meme'd him and that was probably the last straw.

I feel like a lot of popular streamers have more signs of being extreme narcissistic sociopaths than the average individuals we brush into and a lot of those people he openly associated with.
I feel like a lot of popular streamers have more signs of being extreme narcissistic sociopaths than the average individuals we brush into and a lot of those people he openly associated with.

I completely agree. I used to casually stream but I really wouldn't want to make a career out of it. Maybe I'm too introverted but broadcasting my daily life to people sounds like a horrible proposition.

I haven't watched anyone on twitch in years, but man I still took his passing really hard.
I haven't watched anyone on twitch in years, but man I still took his passing really hard.

I just watched Reckful and Asmongold's highlights when I was playing classic and waiting for groups.

This was his last stream. He seemed pretty deep into an episode :/ Just crazy no one who could do anything really saw it, but then again who knows.

He was definitely one of the good ones and it's sad to see him go. He was like the first WoW god besides Swifty, but Swifty was just good because everyone sucked so bad.

"maybe the trick is that I need to die to get to the next part. there's another game" 😥

Man even when he's having the worst. most horrible thoughts he always seems so happy and lighthearted. I think that's what breaks my heart

He was like the first WoW god besides Swifty, but Swifty was just good because everyone sucked so bad.

Yeah man I was huge into retail raiding/arena back when he was the first 3k god. He really inspired me.

I tried to get back into WoW when classic came out but I quit around lvl 45 and I can't really remember why. I was thinking about getting back into WoW but I'm so far behind on classic at this point, maybe I'll play retail... IDK... maybe I'm just reminiscing.

What do you think?

I used to be in a top 5 US raiding guild back in WoTLK. I miss it. I miss my WoW friends (but they're all gone).
Haha I still play WoW. Classic from Blizz was just a shitshow. They did a terrible job. I just play on private servers.
The world is such a fucked up place these days. A lot of despair and the people in power who could make a difference just don't give a shit.

It's sad but unfortunately pretty common, I think, that suicide runs in families and one can often lead to another.

Social media is just absolutely terrible for your mental health. No doubt the responses he received could have pushed him over the edge.