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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Running down the street naked save for one sock

Have you ever found yourself running down the street naked on drugs? Nether regions completely exposed?

Why yes i have . A couple years ago on day 5 or 6 of a meth binge i was running downtown Toronto yelling " Frank the tank". A couple friends were supposed to be with me but they just watched. Some non fun person must have called an ambulance because i then spent 72 hours in a physc ward. Good times :)
Im hella tempted to run down the middle of the street with my underpants on my head on this ds crystal lsd
Not me but a friend snorted what we estimated to be close to 1 gram of 3meoPCP (yes you heard that right).

He was buck naked running a muck amd was hogtied and muzzled by the police and hospitalized

It took him 4 days to come down from the high despite antipsychotics administered at the hospital.

Police let him go after dropping him off at the hospital.

I have run down the street on drugs in full hallucination psychosis but wasn't naked (40x Salvia bong hit).
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Not me but my buddy...neighbor called the cops necsuze he was running around the streets naked screaming. he was hogtied and they put a gag ball in his mouth by the police and shot up with antipsychotics and benzos bybthe ambulance and Dr.

Massive 3meoPCP overdose. It also damaged his kidneys. He blacked put and did about 1 gram of 3meoPCP unless he lost it rather than ingesting it.

He was tripping so hard he couldn't speak for about 2 days. Took about 1 week to talk and feel normal again.

He lost his cat (left door open) and when the cat first saw him like a week later it bit the living shit out of him leaving a nice chunk of meat hanging off his arm. Probably thought he was possessed still amd was traumatized by him while he went mad.
I went streaking as a teenager in the middle of the night. Pretty sure we were all just drunk.