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Gaming Runescape

Juniper Bruhmomentius

Bluelight Crew
May 10, 2019
Lets talk about this classic of the web gaming. What made you like it? What made you stop it? Was runescape unhealthy or fucking unhealthy for you? Pvm or pvp kinda guy? F2p?
I started Runescape about 18 years ago. I was first a pvp guy and then became pvmer. Lots of breaks from the game too. Nowadays I just randomly play and do bosses. I miss the old Runescape community alot.
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I started Runescape about 16 years ago. I was first a pvp guy and then became pvmer. Lots of breaks from the game too. Nowadays I just randomly play and do bosses. I miss the old Runescape community alot.

I started in the fall/winter of 2001. I was just getting old enough to be interested in computers. Everyone had dial up and all my friends used to get online after school and play different games. One of our favorite sites was Shockwave (anyone remember shockwave?) where we played games like InkLink and others.

another similar site was jagex. Not many people know this, but RuneScape started off as just one of many games on their site. They had other options there, but it became clear soon after they launched RS that they had struck gold and they began focusing all of their attention on it.

the whole experience was very magical for me. I was so young and the internet was new to me. It was so insane that me and all my friends could play this game together with our own separate characters. One of my friends loved pking, another was all about the quests, and I was really into mining and smithing.

Like I said, I got into the game super early. I was able to make a shit ton of money smithing. Then I got into bartering in the courtyard next to Varrock castle. That was the central hub where everyone gathered to buy and sell items. Back then there was no built in system. You just had to type out what you were buying or selling, and then other people would approach you.

Back then jagex had holiday events. The first one I remember was chrisTmas crackers. They appeared randomly everywhere. Then there were party hats, Easter eggs, Halloween masks, etc . They became extremely valuable in game, and were a status symbol. If you were a real badass in RS you had to have a party hat. Blue was probably the rarest color overall, although it fluctuated somewhat.

I wish I knew how to take screenshots back then. I'd love to be able to look back at my bank inventory. I see party hats and other rare items selling for thousands of dollars on eBay. I'd be one rich motherfucker right now if I hadn't lost my account.

I was friends with blue rose and zezima, among others. I mean, we weren't bff or anything but we knew each other.

good times.