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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

rti31/variable dose - first time


May 6, 2012
received 250mg rti 31 in post
it's a very fluffy white powder similar to ethylphenidate

started out with 10mg to test potency
this stuff burns worse than ethylphenidate nasally, jesus

10mg has very little effect

move up to around 30-35mg insuffulated
again little effects but the burning is lessened and gives way to a cocaine style numbing of the nose, nose begins to run and can smell something metallic, would bet on this being v. unhealthy for the nose

finally just insuffulated 50-60mg, slight mood elevation, very little in terms of stimulant effects

tbh, seems a bit crap, very disappointed since was excited about a decent coke analogue
Couldn't say whether it's got a metallic smell, only that it is the most fucking horrible chem my schnoz has ever experienced. My mini-TR (I know I'm a fuckwit, and that this doesn't follow guidelines) but this is a HR forum so there ya go. Doses eyeballed however if this pisses anyone off, you be the silly MF to do it instead! :)

Last Thurs: Received 250mg of supposed RTI-31. Clumpy bright white powder, no smell to speak of. Started slowly with a bump of 5-10mg intransally. Hurt like hell, like having the right half of your face ripped off and by far the worst thing i've ever snorted. Tried smoking it thru a bong but it didnt want to burn at all - like fell out of the bong still completely white. I know coke has a relatively poor oral bioavailability but ended up eating the rest, out of pure frustration of how good this could/should have been, over a 4-6hr period. All in all, whole 250mg done over the above three ROAs over max 6hrs with pretty much nothing to speak of effects-wise. Slight stim maybe, like a high dose of psedo-ephedrine but nothing more. Read somewhere that Cocaine HCL is an essential precursor of this - if that's true, some chemists should be jailed for inappropriate chemical research! My guess - not an RTI-anything....... Lidocaine + a load of other bollocks.