Rob gets cranky and swears alot.


Dec 21, 1999
Ya know, the more I read boards nowadays, the more my bloodpressure goes up.
Re: NaOH aka Sodium Hydroxide. Sometimes called Lye.
Give me a break people... CONTROLLED? Yeah, its controlled, thats why you can buy a little jar of it to pour down your drain. Or buy it at any photo shop. Or use it to make your own soap.
Controlled=Federal government says you no can buy without license. But I guess if you call joe's chem supply down the street and they don't have it, it MUST be because its a controlled substance, right? Jesus Christ
"You can just buy Red Devil lye, same stuff!"
You know that F.C.C. (Food Chemical Codex) Grade sodium hydroxide can contain 3mg per kg of arsenic? Or 10mg per kg of lead? Heavy Metals? what heavy metals? No assay? it don't matter!
Purity? whats that? Bottle says 100%! Must be pure! Nevermind that even ACS grade isn't 100% (More like 98%), or FCC grade is 95%, bottle says 100%, must be safe, after all since its just going to be used to dissolve hair and scum in a drain, the manufacturer MUST be making sure the stuff contains nothing dangerous for human consumption! Gotta keep those cheap lazy druggies safe!
Hell, anything in that bottle thats NOT sodium hydroxide is just gonna be 100% totally inert chemicals that won't react in any way, shape or form and be 100% safe for ingestion, so why care? Shit, no glass bowl to mix it in? Its all the same, just use aluminum! Hell, lets just use tap water... safe to drink, gotta be safe when mixing caustic chemicals, right? Hell, I know someone at Dow chemical who tells me they save a ton of cash just buying truckloads of red devil lye instead of purified NaOH for their labs... only idiots pay for certified lab grade chemicals!
A *POUND* of PURIFIED ACS GRADE sodium hydroxide is FIFTEEN FUCKING DOLLARS for Christs sake! Just for the hell of it I did a search on the web and came up with 5 suppliers in about 2 minutes. Getting GBL was kinda hard, getting NaOH is fucking childs play.
Fuck it, why do it right when you can save $10 and 10 minutes of work
Rob: (After watching friend cook some white powder in a spoon and shoot it in his vein the night before) "Hey, want to grab a burger?"
Idiot drug friend:"No way man, red meat is bad for you!"
Druggies... gotta love em!
*Crawls back under his rock*
Hey - ease up.
What people want to put in their own bodies is their business.
Just because you don't happen to agree with idea, don't judge it unfairly.
Sorry, that was my rant
You call that a rant, Geezer?
You should see one of my page-scrollers.
Anyhow, I think what Rob was getting at in his own swearing, brash (and goddamn funny with that dialogue) way was just quality control. Sure people have every right to make up crap for themselves, but it kinda gets dangerous when you start selling it to others while claiming it's 'pure' or whatever. Of course, buyers should also be aware of the risks, but still.
Despite the tone he put on it, the post was actually informative, especially to people who just want to mix their own stuff (as dangerous as that is). You DON'T want to cut corners with this stuff.
Personally, when ingesting "floorstripper and lye" as someone put it, I'd like to know the floorstripper and lye involved were the best that could be found
Red meat's bad for you... hehehehe
Loupy - you actually made the point i was going to make. It's your responsiblity to get the right stuff.
The people you get this stuff from are drug dealers. You've got to trust them, because there is no other way (except legalisation) to ensure your quality
Don't judge me
Actually, my REAL point was this:
Just because YOU *THINK* Red devil lye is just as good, or are willing to risk your long term health by slacking off on chemicals, DON'T go around misinforming other people. I really don't want to go around pointing fingers, but there are posters telling other people stuff like "NaOH is a controlled substance, I checked it out, I know what I'm talking about" "It says 100%, so it must be, and even if it isn't, the stuff that isn't NaOH just means you get less GHB"
Bullshit, pure utter bullshit. I was floored at that second conclusion.
Drain cleaner is NOT the same thing. If YOU are willing to take the risk, thats fine and dandy, more power to you! I'm ALL FOR people filling their bloodstream with god-knows-what, just don't misinform other people, mmmmkay?
What pissess me off the most, is I actually said, for the first time in my life "Goddamn Kids" And MEANT it! ARGH!!
That's exactly what I was referring to when I made a post about that a few days ago. Some wannabe chemist posted that like a month ago about using red devil lye in g synth, which maybe what some of these kids are drinking.
"I will sleep when I die."