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Need Help RLS.. both arms and legs. HELP!


Apr 30, 2019
Morning Bluelighters!

It's 6am for me and I have been up all night yet again with painful RLS in both tops of arms and legs. It's like a burning tugging feeling and starts 2 mins after laying down for sleep at night and even during the day.

I have just gone through WD off loperramide and kratom and I'm feeling a lot lot better and now the PAWS are starting. It's hell

I am basically flailing around in bed trying to sleep but simply cannot do it. I'm so friggin tired. This is causing me severe anxiety and past 2 nights almost had what I would say a panic attack after getting into bed and after 2 mins that all too well know feeling comes back yet again. Sick of it. Even the ball and chain said last night "what the fvck is wrong with u just go to sleep!" Well I can't simple as.

I was on Bupe for 4 years and when I came off that had the same problem hence why I started the lope and then the kratom. I just couldn't deal with it anymore.

We even went to my local GP together on Friday morning and begged for some help and she just stared at me with that look in here eye and said there is nothing we can do for you apart from give you ropinirole again ( which made it 10 times worse last time I tried it).

I'm in the UK don't have access to any decent medication. Can't buy it from a plug and I'm at my wits end. I just no its gonna last for weeks as it did like 6 years ago when I was on 400mg of DHC/200mg Tramadol a day and went CT. Was hell on earth.so after 4 weeks I relapsed.

Not sure what I can do now. I am even thinking of going to one of these online doctors and paying £100 for a online consultation which I can't really afford and would have to wait until next payday which is the 23rd May. I think I get free medical care through my job but not sure how it works and if it's covered and I don't want to go back to the clinic as they have said they can't help me apart from put me back on Bupe/Methadone which I DO NOT want to go through again as that was 2 months of WD and was WAYYY worse than the DHC/Tramadol WD. I cracked the end and went on Lope and then kratom.

I am on blood pressure medication and 30mg of mirtazapine at night.

Just so bored of it now and it's really getting me down and affecting me during the day.

Sorry for the rant 😁

Just not sure what I can do it can't continue otherwise I'm ill crack...
How much kratom did you go through?

Kratom withdrawal has always produced strong full body RLS, especially in the arms, where other opioids I usually just get it in the legs. Plus the physical agitation, restlessness and anxiety.

Anyways, something that really helps with that for me is L-Dopa, like a mucana puriens extract (at least 15-20% l dopa). It's a dopamine precursor which is actually prescribed sometimes for non-opioid RLS.

It helps your muscle relax when you lay down. RLS is thought to be caused in part by low dopamine.

Easy to buy online or even in a supplement shop.
How much kratom did you go through?

Kratom withdrawal has always produced strong full body RLS, especially in the arms, where other opioids I usually just get it in the legs. Plus the physical agitation, restlessness and anxiety.

Anyways, something that really helps with that for me is L-Dopa, like a mucana puriens extract (at least 15-20% l dopa). It's a dopamine precursor which is actually prescribed sometimes for non-opioid RLS.

It helps your muscle relax when you lay down. RLS is thought to be caused in part by low dopamine.

Easy to buy online or even in a supplement shop.
Thanks for the reply! I went through 250g of red vein.

I think there's a bit of residual lope WD thrown in as well tbh.

I'll try the L Dopa out I can get it delivered tomorrow

I'm also waking up in pools of sweat. So much that my wife things I keep pissing the bed at 50 years old! Even my pillow and legs are wet when I wake up like I've just got out the shower and it's got that WD smell too. Nice!

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just keep playing that rocknroll and let your fingers n toes do the talking
Ask your doctor about lyrica. I find 2 75mg pills work great for my rls. Gbapentin works to but you need higher doses and it doeset work quite as good
Ask your doctor about lyrica. I find 2 75mg pills work great for my rls. Gbapentin works to but you need higher doses and it doeset work quite as good
Thanks. Yeah I've already asked for a short course of that and others but cos it's on my medical record that i am an addict in the UK NHS then will not give me any of that kinda stuff. It's a big no no for me 😞

He'll they wouldn't even give me clonidine as my GP Saif it was "unorthodox" bitch!
Thanks. Yeah I've already asked for a short course of that and others but cos it's on my medical record that i am an addict in the UK NHS then will not give me any of that kinda stuff. It's a big no no for me 😞

He'll they wouldn't even give me clonidine as my GP Saif it was "unorthodox" bitch!

That is some fucking bullshit
Thanks. Yeah I've already asked for a short course of that and others but cos it's on my medical record that i am an addict in the UK NHS then will not give me any of that kinda stuff. It's a big no no for me 😞

He'll they wouldn't even give me clonidine as my GP Saif it was "unorthodox" bitch!
Getting anything legal seems worse than America. Clonidine, are you serious? Paranoid Android is right about Lyrica and gabapentin in regards to RLS.
They are all I've heard about in regards to this.
It seems like their is an absolute shit load of drug Use in the UK, but the doctors in many cases are less than useless, from the complaints I have read.
I'm guessing if they poo-pooed even clonidine to give you some kind of relief they wouldn't be into this, but what about topiramate? It's not known to be abused the way gabapentin/pregabalin are, but has similar uses (including helping with restless legs).

Also holy fuck I hate how often huge bodies of existing evidence are ignored by medical professionals. No way clonidine is unorthodox for withdrawals. Maybe if your knowledge of clonidine's uses was frozen in the 70s.
Thanks foor all your replies, so I went 2 days ago to see my doc to beg for some help again as i was even pulling my hair out at this stage

so i taked them into giving me some Zpiclove 14 x 7.5 so i could get some goddamn sleep and it worked! had 2 nights of decent'ish sleep now like going bed 10pm and waking up at 5am

so lets hope this makes by body and mind repait a bit quicker now, sleep is the key, i have to go back to see her in 2 weeks so fingers crossed