Mental Health Risperidone + Methylphenidate...strange but not unheard of combo...


Aug 14, 2012
I've been reading about this combination being used to successfully treat autism spectrum disorders that are comorbid with ADHD symptoms.

But I kept wondering whether or not their effects would cancel each other out. I see that one blocks dopamine and the other releases/prevents re-uptake of dopamine.

Does anyone else here know what the ultimate results are from this combination? Obviously it all depends on the dose, but there are a lot of questions. Obviously the psychiatrist who specialised in mental health disorders such as the ones I struggle with would know a lot more than I would. So I'm willing to try this combo, even though I already take a high dose anti-depressant each night (mirtazapine, which is a tetracyclic, not a tricyclic so hopefully safer with the other two drugs) which mostly helps with sleep.

It'll be interesting being on 3 meds all at once. If this doesn't work then I guess dexamfetamine or Strattera will be the next options. Will be interesting how this story evolves over the coming weeks/months. I was warned that with one of my conditions being autism spectrum disorder that I was at a higher risk of a psychosis due to stimulants, hence why they would only prescribe the antipsychotic first, then add the stimulant after a few weeks to re-balance everything out.

This is all new to me, with probably 3 drugs in my system all doing stuff instead of just 1 drug...but if it greatly improves my quality of life then I guess it's worth it in the end.
That's an excellent explanation. I presume that the risperidone would also stop the irritability as well, which Ritalin (and other stimulants like Dexamfetamine) might cause too.

It'll be an interesting time at any rate. I guess I'll know how this works soon, and hopefully my life turns around, it's been in the doldrums for the past few years, so I am looking forward to a higher quality of living.
what will stay is alertness & cognitive enhancement and motivation (enjoying goal directed behavior) that caused by dopamine 1 (its the best receptor)
and also dopamine 5 which is effect is unknown
I'm not sure about that, I was on olanzapine and all those effects were blocked, not even meth would work.
Yep. It was just apalling. All I got were the less than great side effects of Ritalin. I'll be discussing further with the psych soon. They'll probably try dexamfetamine next. Don't know if it will help but I'm willing to try anything to get out of this rut. It could turn out to be purely autism with no ADHD but I will never know until I exhaust everything.
Yeah it's valid that if one has bipolar and ADHD that they make sure the antipsychotic is introduced before the simulant, serving as a base from which to grow.

I don't think that psychopharm means nothing, but we're far from being able to say that "this drug does this to this receptor that makes you feel this way". Best to keep it simple and keep to the algorithms that studies suggest.

For example, if D2 were entirely responsible for ADHD, then selegiline/modafinil/dopamine-replacement therapies would be indicated for ADHD. And the fact that straterra and intuniv, non-dopaminergic stimulators in the limbic tract, are effective for much of ADHD, sort of blows a hole in the basic theory you're referencing.

Why would D1 be the "best"? Increased cognition? If so, then you're discounting a mood effect of D2, which you beforehand referenced as the best "anti-ADHD" method, so that's quite the contradiction.

Nicotine has more data on it in regard to cognition, but it most directly serves as an nAChR agonist. Caffeine is an A2 antagonist, similarly. Piracetam promotes acetylcholine activity.

Ritalin tends to be smoother, but amphetamine tends to be a bit more effective. It's a real trade-off, one that should be discussed.
While ADHD supposedly begins as a child and parkinson's is a form of dementia mostly relegated to older age, both can be progressive. The reason that levodopa works is that it primarily affects the nigrostriatal dopaminergic tract. If methylphenidate, a medication that isn't known for being tough on the brain, were to affect the nigrostriatal tract instead of the mesocortico/limbic tract, then it would likely be used as well for dementias.

Or, simply, as stated above, levodopa acts on a different circuit. No one gives that for ADHD.

"Best" would be relative to circumstance.

As there are different types of medications involved in treating ADHD, so are there differentiating presentations.
i take 3mg risperidone along with matazpine 30mg x2 70mg elvanse and 25mg instant dexamfetamine.
if you take the matazpine out of the context the risperidone and a stimulant work well. however be really carefull with the risperidone it will cut your sex drive off and make it really hard to feel any sexual feelings no matter what or who you are tring to get it on with and hard to orgasm. you will feel like crap no energy at all each day want to sleep alot for a few months starting taking it, gain a shit load of weight, myself i had breast milk come out of my man boobs for a few month on higher doses than 3mg which for a man is not good. any drugs you take the high will not work anymore, you will fell hungry all the time even though your taking stimulants on top, ive had another rare case where i took an extra 1.5mg by mistake coz i wasnt sure if i took dose or not and my tongue swelled up making it hard to talk and breath a joint fixed that and within 50 minutes went back to normal size. i take a 3mg half in morning and half at night. what else oh yeah it takes your flight and fight adrenaline away so good luck if someone jumps you at night. its dumbs you down down and you will feel lack of feelings like love/happy/angry/hate/sad.
so yeah long story short be careful of risperidone i only take as ive been on loads of other antipsychotics and had to go back to this one as the others didnt work for me.
all the best
That's why I either don't take it or only take a small dose - ie. 0.5mg, sometimes even half a 0.5mg tablet. I'm on the dexamfetamine now. 5mg twice a day. It works reasonably well, and I find myself getting more stuff done. I find that if I take the risperidone it damps all that motivation down and I get nothing done, but it does help with panic attacks before I started the dex. I haven't had any panic attacks since I started and I started 2 days ago. I usually have one panic attack per day, sometimes two, usually caused by sudden tinnitus spikes that last a minute which is weird, but I get a funny feeling on one side of my head and start shitting myself thinking this horrible thing that happened to me last year is about to happen again. That shit fucks you up real bad because I know where I would end up if it did actually happen. I guess it's fear of death under another set of clothes, but the funny thing is I'm not scared of death, just permanent disability or a fucked up vital sensory function, and we know what I'm talking about here. Death doesn't scare me, because I'd nope out if anything of that nature happened to me. But I don't want to die.