  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Rio Olympics


Jul 20, 2016
Anyone going to watch the Rio games? I plan on watching a few sports. Basketball, soccer and probably track and field. Hell, might watch anything that comes on to be honest.

Anyone see where they're adding baseball, korota, skateboarding and other things in the 2020 games?
More like the hobo Olympics...
I'm watching it now with opening ceremony, there's all these people in painted paper bags, really hipster nintendo junk style stupid bikes, stupid kids with baby trees, people that that look like subway performers with a drums or buckets.

I can see the confession style interviews 5 years into the future of athletes crying they got zika, and how "brave" they were for attending.
Idiots all of them.
I'm supposed to be watching them, but time got in the way and i got busy off nothing.
Looks like an Olympic competition for disease germs. I've seen some really appalling photos of, literally, rivers of shit flowing into the bay.
Yeah it's pretty gross. Hopefully everyone makes it out ok tho!

I wonder: is it better, as a country, to have more gold medals or to have the most medals overall?
lol at Americans calling this a hobo games. Do you not remember the Coca Cola games of 1996? Now that was an embarrassment at a corporate level.

Rio has the best Olympic flame in history, hands down.


I'm looking forward to the 7's rugby, rowing, track cycling, taekwando and the track and field.

They can pull the plug on the pool because I couldn't give two shits about the swimming though.
Yeah they should just cancel the swimming because some dentist in Australia doesn't wanna watch it.

Lol no wonder it's only aussies getting robbed at the Olympics
The green water during the Diving competition the other day was rather interesting to see. I was flipping the channels and happened to see it. A few minutes later the announcers chimed in saying that it happened over night and it was tested as still being safe.
The green water during the Diving competition the other day was rather interesting to see. I was flipping the channels and happened to see it. A few minutes later the announcers chimed in saying that it happened over night and it was tested as still being safe.

Lol what caused it?

Anyone catch that insane bike crash?

I missed it. How many involved?
im just gonna watch the sailing, cause its rare you get that level of competition at my favourite sport.