Site Feedback ridiculous


May 15, 2014
Hey just wanted to say your new member registration is very frustrating, I had to re-apply like 10 times because the letters are too hard to read. really stupid system
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Yeah captchas suck sometimes I can't even read those things, but glad you made it aboard! Welcome to BL :)

If you have any questions feel free to ask! There are lots of us here willing to help if needed.
I'm moving this NMI > Support.

Sorry you were frustrated with the process. Welcome to bluelight.
i can see that you would think it was stupid when you only have to consider your own convenience and don't have to look at the bigger picture.

bluelight is run entirely by a volunteer staff and we fight a constant battle against spammers, trolls and other troublemakers. we have procedures in place to slow those people down at the registration step.

inevitably that's going to create a slight inconvenience for some regular users like yourself and that's a price we're quite willing to pay. if you're disappointed, then we'll just have to find a way to live with your disappointment :)

welcome to bluelight.

i can see that you would think it was stupid when you only have to consider your own convenience and don't have to look at the bigger picture.

bluelight is run entirely by a volunteer staff and we fight a constant battle against spammers, trolls and other troublemakers. we have procedures in place to slow those people down at the registration step.

inevitably that's going to create a slight inconvenience for some regular users like yourself and that's a price we're quite willing to pay. if you're disappointed, then we'll just have to find a way to live with your disappointment :)

welcome to bluelight.


Was that last sentence necessary? The whole post wasnt a necessity but i think the first few things said in it was enough. The jab at the end followed by a smiley face was kinda of a cheap shot. Doesnt seem like a good way to welcome a new member and Im not sure what kind of reaction you expect them to have after reading that.

The posts before this were quite professional in welcoming the new person and acknowledging their issue at the same time where this post might just alienate them even more from the site.
No, he's being serious. This site is run by volunteers, so no one member is important enough for us to change something which would make the system less secure, whatever that change might be.

It's also a free forum, so you can put up with it, or you can donate some money and maybe get a say (just kidding, you could also donate your time or effort).

But he was also serious about the line after that, "Welcome to Bluelight." We've heard your complaint and responded, now please enjoy your forum experience.
You're forgetting something. People like myself who have a visual impairment really struggle with that kind of registration n it takes a long time to register with a headache at the end. Could you not introduce a voice activation thing?

While I respect what you are saying here, it may not be a case of one member. Lots of members do not say anything. I didn't because I didn't want to appear as someone who whinges on about stuff.

No offence, Alasdair, but I do agree with legalizeall in this case. Although you may not realise you're doing it, you do come across blunt at times. I'm sorry I'm not trying to be rude or offensive. But isn't it good that the site is receiving feedback? - whether that's positive or negative, it's feedback all the same.

Cubi welcome to BL n hope you get what you need/want here. We are a friendly, supportive n welcoming bunch here. If you decide to post an introduction in NMI I'll try give you some directions of where to go on the site. You're also more than welcome to PM me. And welcome to BL. Really is the most ace forum ever full of knowledgable people.

Take care
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I really struggle with these new Captcha things - yes I understand the bigger picture, Yes I know the site is run by volunteers. Surely the 'bigger picture' understands that a lot of people seeking urgent help from this site may actually be high - if the Captcha is really obscure then they will be unable to make an account.

Have a - 'put this in x box' as a captcha and not some randomly produced text with lines / shading / capitals etc.
Basically the idea of a captcha is to prevent computers from making accounts and then spamming right? If its a problem alot of people are having can it be switched to an easier one? I have seen ones that arent case senstive and pretty easy to read and ive seen others that i was sober as hell and it took more times than i would like to admit to get correct.
Bearlove makes a valid point with people who may need a site in an emergency.

How about someone create a poll thread to see how many struggled with this compared with how many did not?

If there is a lot who express difficulty then is there a possibility of looking at it?

What needs to be asked is ; if his is a problem for many - then how many people have been put off from registering, who may now be members? It is surprising how something complicated can put a person off, especially if they are someone with little patience. And are we not trying to make things as easy as possible for new members, so that they stick around, become integrated members of the site and can help in Bluelight's mission of harm reduction?

Like I say I have a problem with the new style of Captcha - I really struggle reading them when sober let alone trying to read them with one eye covered and one foot on the floor to stop the world spinning as fast etc.

Of course I know the site gets spammed (normally reported after 1 or two post?). Alasdair, can you do some number crunching and tell us how many spambot accounts (or suspected spambot) were made on the site last year (for the full 2013).
First, I'll say I don't see our CAPTCHA going anywhere, however I am aware it's a pain to certain members. As an example, I've manually created accounts for colorblind individuals before via requests through the admin email.

With spam already being at a near record high on the forums, I fear to thing what making it easier to get in would do. To those who simply have to make a couple attempts, that's life, and at the days end you get a free functional site to use.

Perhaps for those having serious issue with it, a link could be created to generate an email request for manual registration to the admin account? Thoughts?
^ Not a bad idea IMO - possibly worth trialling if enough people struggle with it (I signed up a few years ago, and have never gone through this process, so I don't know how difficult it is). a genuine emergency, bluelight probably isn't the best place to turn.
There is so much information on here (and elsewhere on the net) that I would hope it wouldn't come to that.
Isn't there an audio read-out option choice with most captchas now?

Seen it in a number of places anyhow.
First, I'll say I don't see our CAPTCHA going anywhere, however I am aware it's a pain to certain members. As an example, I've manually created accounts for colorblind individuals before via requests through the admin email.

With spam already being at a near record high on the forums, I fear to thing what making it easier to get in would do. To those who simply have to make a couple attempts, that's life, and at the days end you get a free functional site to use.

Perhaps for those having serious issue with it, a link could be created to generate an email request for manual registration to the admin account? Thoughts?

That's actually a good idea. Marmalade, a lot of sites do have an audio version but they tend to be so fast it's difficult to hear them - or just generally don't sound very clear - otherwise, yes I agree that would be a better idea as it wouldn't disrupt admin time.
