*Review*(starting page 22) Saturday 3/20/04 OUTLAW W/REID SPEED Indianapolis, IN

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head count, it was 9,998 actuall.... reid speed was an absolute doll, straight cool as hell... i wanted to keep her... she said she had fun so well just have to bring her back again and again.... i had fun... sorry if i met you didnt meet you, saw you and dont rember it...
djsteadyb said:
Just wanted to say Big Ups to Syon & Kojent...if ya ever need a good sound tech let me know...next time ill have to charge ya(j/k) lol.....Big Ups to the cats who played early in the night I wish more people would get there early so they could here the amazing talent Indiana has to offer....Xavier for getting me hyped before my set....The people who was shaking the asses while i was banging those dirty beatz
(sorry bout the dancers, they was drivin in Indy for bout 2 hours and Jmadd is still MIA, hope he aint in jail) REID SPEED a down a chic....love ya girl....K9 did ya blow the speakers...lol...and even Patr!k Fath got my attentions with some jackin tracks....MUCH LOVE TO ALL!!!!!

No but I sure as hell tried!!! haha
Good party in Indy finaly!

I, along with quite a few others, had a great time. Saw some old friends that I don't normally see on a regular basis, unless we all show up at the same party. So that was a great plus. Got there just in time to catch Steady B. Hun, you never disappoint me and always get me moving!! It was great to see ya hun. Wow Reid Speed! That was like the 3th time I had seen her spin and by far the best set I've ever heard from her. She threw down some great hard DnB tracks. Good job guys on the party!! I'd say when I first walked in and looked around head count was at 300 may be a bit more? But I'm bad at judging head counts, so don't quote me on that! Over all great night!
Oh, I forgot to give props were props is due....

To the promoters of the event... good lookin' out.

it was a nice solid party with a good atmosphere thru-out.

i didn't go into the second room (for obvious noise
reasons ;) ) but i can only imagine it was just as nice
as the main room.

thanks for having me and good luck in the future.

the party reminded me of the 97-98 rebuilding days
where the parties were slightly smaller adn low-key,
but worked in building a solid foundation for future

and thanks to the venue for allowing such events there
knowing that the chief of police in that area has a hard
on for raves, still.
yeah props to syon and kojent... as well as andy cause i know he is uber involved..

crowd was dope... there were some new faces but i still knew damn near the whole crowd too bad abunch of the other regulars didnt rep... but there are always some jive ass mofos that dont know whats hot... oh well at least we can all brag to them about reid tearin shit up and havin a good sat in the nap...
N:CODER said:
10,000 PEOPLE???? I have a very hard time believing that. Partys with 10 Superstar headliners dont even get 10,000 people. If thats the actual number good fucking job!!!!! Cause I havent seen 10,000 people since Groove Attacks 2 in Niagra Falls.

the d n b room was tight...all covered in carpet adn shit...
physix said:

you don't believe my 10.000 count?

I believe it! I was there.. 10.000 WOW.....!

I dont believe you kissed me again is what i dont believe.. Fresh... jk much love!
I had a great drunken time......every set i heard was off the hook.....great vibes....couldn't have went better I thought. After party was fun as hell too, to those of you who came to it. Good job everyone that was involved in throwing this.


Wow, Glad everybody had a great time at the party, i know i did. To answer you question N:CODER it was about 250 people. Thanks again Steady B and Doug for all your help; dont think I could have done it without you. I hope who ever cought my set enjoyed it, looked like alot of people did.
the_witchdoctor said:
I believe it! I was there.. 10.000 WOW.....!

I dont believe you kissed me again is what i dont believe.. Fresh... jk much love!


i was drunk...

wait, no... i was rolling...

NO!!!! wait...you were drunk...???

hey kojent it was 250 paid people through the door.
if you count all the promotional companys and the djs and the
people working the party,it totaled somewhere above 300 peeps
venue capacity is 400 peeps. so you guys came out of this
better than ever expected.
yay defi has it all down.. i left you out of my props and would like to thank you bunches.. never get to really talk to you but your smile always has a great meaning behind it. thanks for helping with this event.. everyone is was happy with this you guys!! .... ashleigh, jake, and ang!!
Had a lot of fun. It was good to see everyone and Shannon rocked (of course ;)) If you didn't see me, I was probably in the corner trying to spend some time with a certain someone. Good times, good times =D

As for the rest of the weekend... Thanks for letting me and Kelly crash there for a couple days!! See you all soon!
^^^^Any time......you should know this.....we're about to get our own townhouse asap though!
i had a good time at the party too :) gotta see all my coo indy peeps and listen to some coo music. and it looked like almost everyone was having a good time. at first i thought there werent gonna be very many people because of the $15 door tag and only reid speed, but it looks like indy is thirsty for parties regardless. this will be good because the more people that come means cheaper door prices and better djs! woooo
THANX........thats all I can say ...Syon and Kojent and everyone
involved this night was great. I heard alittle of everyones set
and I can truly say that Indy and the mid-west has some
of the BEST talent. SUPPORT YOUR LOCALS!!!!!!! This was the
best vibe I have felt @ a party for along time. Reid Speed was
dope as hell.....good to here some nice DnB.......Steve always amazing!
.............also a SUPER BIG thanx goes out to those of you
who kep my after hours afloat......Andy, Hoosier, James B, LMNts,
Mike, and all the other people that more than well respected my
house I've got so much respect for the people in our scene..........
there isn't anything I can say except MUCH LOVE...........


P.h.D. Productions
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