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Reversing the effects of PCP?


Jul 25, 2018
Does anyone know which drugs reverses / inhibits the effects of PCP (Phencyclidine)?
Noopeept will but who'd want to do that? A crazy person most likely...
Like getting wet? Best bet would be a GABAergic like a benzo to relax you or maybe a tad bit of ethanol to relax the nerves but it won't reverse it. Anti psychotics should help with agigtation and knock you out.
Like getting wet? Best bet would be a GABAergic like a benzo to relax you or maybe a tad bit of ethanol to relax the nerves but it won't reverse it. Anti psychotics should help with agigtation and knock you out.

There's nothing to reverse / inhibit effects of PCP?
Only things like noopeept. Like I said GABA drugs will certainly take the edge off but not end it
Racetams will do so almost completely if not totally. Pramiracetam, aniracetam do so best in my experience, although I've never tried noopept.

Even piracetam will do it. I once, years ago, had been on probation, but I'd forgotten, and been shooting a LOT of MXE, 4-MeO/3-MeO and 3-OH-PCP, then realized 'oh SHIT!', and at the time I was in a real state, barely out of a hole, and the probation officer would DEFINITELY have noticed, could barely slur a few words. So I sterifiltered and IM'ed a dose of pramiracetam. By the time I got to the probation office, I was just slightly uncoordinated, which I blamed on my having a bad leg and hips (which I do, I fell on glass as a kid, went right through my patellar tendon and into the knee joint itself, deeply, big spike of glass, and as I was recovering after its surgical removal, got assaulted by a big fucking gang of pikey chav trash, who absolutely despised me, for no better reason than I'm classically autistic, and that, being damn proud of it, make absolutely zero effort to even try and pass for looking 'normal' (to me, I AM normal, and being Kanner's autie, it isn't just the best way to be, it's the ONLY way. Fuckers hated that. Got jumped and nearly killed, had my kneecap stamped on, the shite knocked out of me and left for dead in the road)
Ever since, the knee has never been the same, been on strong painkillers for years and years and years now as a result, and due to the way the knee injury changed my walking gait, I've got trochanteric bursitis on both sides, plus, after a failed knee operation to try and restore the function, removing some bone and splintered off bone fragments, which left me with permanent nerve damage affecting my calf on that side, causes a constant muscle spasm, severely painful and it never, ever goes away, or didn't, until I got a script for high dose tizanidine, a potent muscle relaxer related to clonidine, but far more powerfully myorelaxant, shorter acting, and more hypotensive)

So I blamed the incoordination on having a bad day with my joints. But damn, that 'racetam shot, it just reversed the effects of the dissociatives within 5-10 minutes at most. Went from just out of a hole, slurring words and barely able to speak at all, to...well I'd say as sober as I am now, if it weren't for the fact I just shot about 100mg morphine=D