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Rethinking schizophrenia: Taming demons without drugs

"Antipsychotic drugs are the main type of treatment for people with schizophrenia, but they can cause serious side effects. Indeed, the investigators found that patients who took antipsychotic drugs had more negative side effects than those who took a placebo, including movement disorders (16 percent versus 9 percent), sedation (13 percent versus 9 percent), and weight gain (10 percent versus 6 percent)....
"'Antipsychotic maintenance treatment substantially reduces relapse risk in all patients with schizophrenia for up to 2 years of follow-up,' Stefan Leucht from the Technical University of Munich, and colleagues, said in a journal news release 'The effect was robust in important subgroups such as patients who had only one episode, those in remission,' he added."
Antipsychotics Do Help Many With Schizophrenia - More than 50 years of data shows the drugs cut relapse rates, although side effects common, May. 3, 2012

This does not negate what I said. Relapse rates may be reduced but at enormous cost to day to day functioning. Also the side effect numbers are misleading. The " movement disorders" ( tardive dyskinesias) are caused by brain damage to the areas of the brain that control movement and become permanent. The incidence of this condition approaches 100% if you are on them for life ( at least with the "typical" ones, not sure about the atypicals. Those numbers also include those on minimal doses used for minor episodes of psychosis that fall under the absurdly broad category of schizophrenia. No one can consistently be on the types of doses given to people in a psych ward without experiencing severe side effects. Some people drool on themselves all day and need assistance in the washroom because of the sedation.

This class of drug is an abomination of medicine and was simply meant to be a semi- permanent, passive-aggressive alternative to surgical lobotomies. They even refer to these drugs as chemical lobotomies because they do what I described in my above post.

Why can't schizophrenics have the option of living in benzo land instead of being forced into an obese, diabetic, anhedonic hell?
I think schizophrenia is just a mid step in the evolution of our brains.. i think it is the beginning of the ability of our conscious and subconscious being able to communicate clearly. if you look a the voices that are commonly heard by schizophrenics they seem to be representing specific emotions. I think as this progresses through time it will form a human where the conscious has merged with the unconscious. I always think of a time where i got a head injury an was able to remember every phone number i had ever dialed or heard with out hesitation for the doctors who were looking for contacts. I think they were amused and a friend I was with that had known me for years was there.. he said I spit out hundreds of phone numbers for my entire family and friends.. so this information is locked in the unconscious.. imagine if we had access to it. This is an interesting piece on a woman that has been able to work with her voices and they gave her the answers to on of her doctoral exams..

Is It Possible To Live With The Voices In Your Head? Eleanor Longden

I'm not schizophrenic or anything like that but I do experience voices sometimes at night and stuff. Not in a frightening or horrific way, but in a way kind of like the sort of stuff your talking about here. I agree that it can definitely give access to hidden emotions and other forms of unconscious material and overall I'd say that for me, it's actually a positive thing, not a problem or disorder at all for me.
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A natural treatment for psychosis follows:

What a load of absolute and unmitigated codshit - dangerous advice too - Mercola is a complete crank and people should NOT be promoting his bunkum, expecially for conditions as serious as psychosis
This does not negate what I said. Relapse rates may be reduced but at enormous cost to day to day functioning. Also the side effect numbers are misleading. The " movement disorders" ( tardive dyskinesias) are caused by brain damage to the areas of the brain that control movement and become permanent. The incidence of this condition approaches 100% if you are on them for life ( at least with the "typical" ones, not sure about the atypicals. Those numbers also include those on minimal doses used for minor episodes of psychosis that fall under the absurdly broad category of schizophrenia. No one can consistently be on the types of doses given to people in a psych ward without experiencing severe side effects. Some people drool on themselves all day and need assistance in the washroom because of the sedation.

This class of drug is an abomination of medicine and was simply meant to be a semi- permanent, passive-aggressive alternative to surgical lobotomies. They even refer to these drugs as chemical lobotomies because they do what I described in my above post.

Why can't schizophrenics have the option of living in benzo land instead of being forced into an obese, diabetic, anhedonic hell?
I believe often medications have different results for different groups. Are you sure you are not missing the bigger picture?
^Disabling people in the crudest possible way besides a surgical lobotomy due to a theoretical risk to public safety and because it is cheaper than long- term institutions is demented. The profit driven nature of the industry co-opting medical science makes it worse as these medications are massively over-prescribed. Pharmaceutical companies have even been fined for illegally advertising and covering up their risks for side effects.

If you think that just because someone has symptoms of psychosis that they will somehow not experience these side-effects you are mistaken. It does differ from person to person to dosage to chemical but this is one of the most destructive and damaging drug classes in existence.
It might be demented. They might be driven by profit. These might be over prescribed. I am sure companies have been fined... dentists have been serial killers, it doesn't make any difference to dentistry as a whole. I may be mistaken, and I am well aware of that.

I am asking for insight into your knowledge about how these side effects are related to their symptoms. You are only implying enough to lead me to look into it myself, which is not what I am asking, and you only repeated what I already knew, which is that you think these drugs have these side effects and that psychotics invariably suffer from them needless.

I am asking the exact same question as before, are you so sure about that? Look into it for me. Confirm what you are saying, if you can.

If you are trying to say you can't, because the companies are not disclosing the side effects, then you have a belief, and I am not interested.
The comment about dentists was ignorant because over prescription is endemic in the industry. A better comparison would be to unnecessary wisdom tooth removals as well as the lasting to the jaw that can result. Are you looking for a source for the list of side effects I have provided? As well as evidence against the mystical belief that psychotics would somehow be less prone to the side effects?

The first I can provide easily because even Wikipedia is heavily cited from medical journals but I will have to search for the second. I am asking you what leads you to believe that a group that suffers from a condition would somehow be less likely to experience side effects stemming from the administration of drugs used to treat said condition. The fact psychosis has a very wide spectrum of origins as well as symptoms lends itself to the fact that they would not mysteriously have an immunity.
I am asking you what leads you to believe that a group that suffers from a condition would somehow be less likely to experience side effects stemming from the administration of drugs used to treat said condition. The fact psychosis has a very wide spectrum of origins as well as symptoms lends itself to the fact that they would not mysteriously have an immunity.
"In fact, if normal individuals were to take even a small dose of one of the more potent antipsychotic drugs - such as fluphenazine or haloperidol - they would in all likelihood notice no tranquillization, and, indeed, might possibly experience a jumpy, restless feeling called akathisia."
The Social Science Encyclopedia
Adam Kuper
Taylor & Francis, 1996

This seems to imply a different prevalence of side effects.

EDIT: Since over-prescribing is endemic it has no special relevance to antipsychotics.
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Psychotics are particularly relevant because they have the worst side effects.

The fact that you took that from a social science encyclopedia is telling. That branch of science has nothing to do with psychiatry or pharmacology. They also refer to only 2 of the possible side effects in reference to minuscule doses and do not mention long term effects. The phrasing "even a small dose" is questionable because the effects of a larger one would be more significant.

Akathesia does not fucking make you feel jumpy, holy shit. I have experienced it from a different type of medication that I quickly stopped taking afterwards. It is an inescapable feeling of internal restlessness that makes to pace around, then try to get rest by laying down but it doesn't come so you get up and start pacing again etc. It has driven some people to suicide. That is why I do not consider drugs that have this side effect " tranquilizers".

Akathesia is also possible to experience while you are sedated as you would have said feeling but simply move less/ pace more slowly. It is not a simple phenomenon occurred in sane people, anyone can get akathesia from these medications.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19724759 This is what you wanted, read the abstract at least.

I also highly recommend you read the Wikipedia article on akathesia as it gives an excellent first hand description of just how bad it is. Patients will often refuse medications from this side effect alone. The source you used is deliberately misleading to an almost criminal extreme. If you do not believe me than read the wiki article.
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It said, "jumpy, restless feeling"; I just messed that quote up. The fact is it says akasthisia says it all. A movement disorder, which is mentioned in my other statement earlier, about which you asked about. To wit, I bring you an ENCYCLOPEDIA and you should simply accept it and say, "OK, I see where you got that from."

Obviously sociology has a lot to do with psychology and pharmacology, besides this topic being in their encyclopedia and you not having respect for either.

I don't see anything in your article's abstract that would change my opinion or which promises to contradict any other evidence we have seen.

So ya...
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The movement disorder i was talking about was tardive dyskinesia. It is completely different, Dur! It is the one that becomes permanent and is caused by brain damage from neuroleptics. Just be caused they made a dishonest reference to one side effect doesn't mean shit and no, social psychology absolutely nothing to do with it. I have just finished a course on the subject.

The effects of psychiatric drugs on different populations regarding side effects has jack fucking shit to do with social psychology. Yeah, a plumbing textbook may make a reference to the physics of the flow of water but that does not mean it is a legitimate source for informtion hydrodynamics.

The abstract referred to heavy side effects when treating people who were not psychotic, your flimsy article wasn't even from the same field of study. You obviously didn't read article close enough to notice this and are just being adversarial and stubborn. Everyone who has any symptom from psychiatry do not fit into the same category. Your careless and limited response leads me to believe you don't really care to learn about the subject. You just crudely address my points in an incomplete, leisurely way. Why do you even take the time to respond?

It is like you half read each paragraph when I give an in depth post then brush it aside without even understanding it. You confused the terminology and looked at an encyclopedia from the wrong field. I don't know what more I can say without getting banned.
I will edit later with further rebuttals but as for the last 2 articles:

The fifth article says that some instances are reversible. I never said that temporary use leading to TD could not be reversed. They did not follow up beyond 2 years. What I said was that if you continue to use the drugs after showing symptoms they will become permanent at some point. Stopping these poisons when you get Tardive dyskinesia can make it go away if you stop early enough.

The sixth article proves my point I do not know why you added it.
the problem is that the negative symptoms aren't being adequately treated. even abilify and latuda don't entirely treat the negative symptoms. ssris and other drugs are useful, but not entirely. I'm lucky to have found a combination that works for me, but it's a hell of a lot of drugs, and I have to take it every day. luckily I didn't get the cognitive symptoms as bad as many people. so I can still go to school. and due to having no positive (or very mild positive) symptoms and mostly negative/cognitive symptoms at the fore - that along with a compassionate, experienced doctor - I'm able to take a stimulant when needed, which is pretty much all the time lol but I will take a break when school gets done.
I will edit later with further rebuttals but as for the last 2 articles:

The fifth article says that some instances are reversible. I never said that temporary use leading to TD could not be reversed. They did not follow up beyond 2 years. What I said was that if you continue to use the drugs after showing symptoms they will become permanent at some point. Stopping these poisons when you get Tardive dyskinesia can make it go away if you stop early enough.

The sixth article proves my point I do not know why you added it.
I posted all the relevant articles, against your first two quotes and in support of your last two quotes, because I want what is true. There is only one truth and belongs to none.

The reason we got heated and argued, even without having read anything about the particular topic I noticed you used the words: not any and 100%. Those are red flags anywhere.

We are not literally talking about putting a bullet in the patients head. I have a modest faith that a large number of people making decisions, whether or not they were doctors, would have seen a reason to act as they did.

There is generally a difference between people who are sick and those who are well, in terms of reacting to medicine. That just make sense. I think the fact that the side effect, in this instance, is worse for the ill than the healthy, says something in particular about the kind of medicine this is. Kind of reminds me of chemo-therapy, the high degree of compromise being made.


My original intent was not to contradict your statements. Simply to show what I consider to be a high risk of side effects but also to show that even without taking these drugs schizophrenics may have these symptoms.

In practice, yes, if you continue taking these antipsychotics, after getting true tardive dyskensia, it would become intractable.

The thing that sucks for many people, I imagine, is that taking the typical anti-psychotics followed by the atypical seems worse than taking either on their own. What a trap!

Now if someone wanted to come here and discuss the benefit of the medicine, even if the patients develop this uncomfortable disorder, they might benefit for a short period of time, perhaps 2 or 3 months, and I think that short relief could be a huge benefit for patients.

the problem is that the negative symptoms aren't being adequately treated. even abilify and latuda don't entirely treat the negative symptoms. ssris and other drugs are useful, but not entirely. I'm lucky to have found a combination that works for me, but it's a hell of a lot of drugs, and I have to take it every day. luckily I didn't get the cognitive symptoms as bad as many people. so I can still go to school. and due to having no positive (or very mild positive) symptoms and mostly negative/cognitive symptoms at the fore - that along with a compassionate, experienced doctor - I'm able to take a stimulant when needed, which is pretty much all the time lol but I will take a break when school gets done.
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I love how you post in a vague and apparently contradictory way then only explain yourself several posts later after we have reacted to your absurdity. Perhaps you are just saying this now to cover for yourself? We may never know.

The point is, neuroleptics tend to cause symptoms that are similar to the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. They are a cruel weapon we use against undesirables in society ( difficult foster children, dementia patients, criminals) and a dubious medicine.
They are used to subdue disturbed foster children and to stop agitated dementia patients from doing things to make the nurse's etc. job easier. Depending on where you are, they may be used directly as a punishment in prison but some places have laws saying it must be voluntary.
There are some laws that require voluntary treatment but in many cases they can force you to do what they think is best.

Altering someone's personality with drugs is considered a form of torture, but there are obvious ethical boundaries between involuntary treatment and punishment.

I can see it becoming an unclear boundary for someone who is ill.