Mental Health Respirdal vs Seroquel


Jan 19, 2018
I?m a 40yr old male who used no drugs until the age of 36, where I used Meth for just a little over 2 years. It started out smoking the pipe, then had over 80 bongs, to hot railing, all leading to IV use during the last 11 months of usage. I have been clean now for almost 9 months but by clean I mean I have done Cocain once, shot approx 2grams of phenyermine (amphetamines) over a 3day weekend, and shot meth recently a couple times. I no longer binge 18 hours on the pipe or by 4-5 IV Shots per day everyday except once every 3 days to stop.

During my meth use (even when I was smoking) about 8 months into it I started to experience auditory hallucinations and it was the realest and most scary experience of my life, which got even worse during my IV use, but I was so convinced they were real I kept using the substance, hating my life, and audio recording any running ware, drains, showers, fans, car mufflers, tea kettles, you name it... if it had a chaotic drip it was talking to me. I went through paranoia and mental stress beyond explanation in the things I would hear. I wasn?t like others who heard much, I heard voices, 5-6 characters men and woman who would talk about me, about past or live events, and about the future. They would sometimes be conversing in commentary fashion and others they were interactive, if I flipped them off or spoke to them they would comment or respond back.

I recorded over 2000 hours of audio with 30+ recorders and would try to have family and friends listen and hear what I hear, I would make videos of me recording the audio to show how I could capture these voices, I had lost my mind!

I went to a psychiatrist and he put me on 1-2mg per night Respirdal to help with the psychosis and recommending I quit. To date the reapirdal has been good, but I have cycled on and off of it to see if the voices return without the mess and they don?t (although I still despise the sound of drains, water, bathroom fans, etc) but they are not clear voices anymore. I thought they were gone forever but they are not, when o shoot amphetaimes or meth they immediately come back, they came back with the amphetaminea on day 3, and lasted for 4 days Nd I was miserable, I upped my mess to 3mg a night for those 4 days, and gone... then I went off reapirdal and still gone, I was aooo thankful it was over. Recently I tried my tried and true and shot 2 shots of meth (almost ODd and hated the experience). It was some bad meth or good meth but no cough and the experience was not pleasurable at all, no rush, no cough, no real high, but immediate swats, a rapid heartbeat for 8 hours (scary as heck) and shortness of breath mixed with disgusting anxiety. Tried a small shot next day and noticed no good effects from this meth,put it aside probably bad stuff, even doesn?t tast bitter when tasted. Anyhow reason to share this is because the voices came back but were not as bad as the amphetamine 3 day streak, they were not as clear and I took 3mg respirdal and they are 90% gone.

Which is better ? Respirdal or

I can say that reapirdal helps in my psychotic audio hallucinations (which if lasted for more then while I use drugs then I would NEVER touch drugs again or commit suicide due to the terror of living with it in daily life, it?s impossible) but how is Seroquel.

Respirdal makes me kinda tired some nights but I hear Seroquel gives you the best sleep ever every night guaranteed (is it like Xanax as a sleeping aid)

Which has had Stronger/Better anti-psychotic benefits for auditory hallucinations and hearing voices

Which is safer to use if you do a shot of meth, or makes you hear things immediTely and you want to take the medication alongside (quickly after your shot) if you any handle the voices. I heard someone once telling someone else that doing meth while on the medication or taking it after will fry the neurons in your brain and your brain will go haywire, but I looked up reapirdal on the net and it says it?s used to treat anti-psychotic systems and was administered on many occasions to subjects who had done a high meth dose. Is serequol safe to use to get rid of the voices of the meth is overpowering?

What is each drugs primary stream goth over the other? Why would one doctor give reapirdal and perscribe serequol, what makes one more favorable then the other?

What are the big side effects to worry about. They each have a list but obviously there are te 3 or 4 that are te real concern (like on reapirdal is high elevated liver levels) which is so important that even when I was taken to jail for a month and they were giving me respirdal the medics called me in to test my liver levels saying it?s common and a concern with this medication, luckily nothing negative on my tests. Another with reapirdal is weight gain and I didn?t seem to experience that.

What they dont don?t tell you about respirdal (from my experience):
The drug completely kills your sex drive (libido). You will have minimal interest in sex. Bummer. (But so does the meth when you stop using, the high dopamine levels of meth sex, vs the reduced dopamine levels of after meth sex, combined with the dopamine reduction of even 1-2mg respirdal make sex so uninteresting and life dull). I can speak from first hand experience that Respirdal has a significant part in this. When I cycle off the mess and by day 2-3 I get the urge to still master bate once in a while or watch a lil porn, but once back on the urge stops, I?m not interested in even masturbatipn, porn, anything sexual. I could care less. I?ve done this test at least a dozen times since being on reapirdal. I consider this a huge side effect, and it?s not on their list. Users beware, but hey think with the right head all the time and you could be a millionaire in a year, so maybe it?s a benefit not a side effect. Take it how you will, I don?t like feeling like I?m not a man anymore, for me it?s a negative.

Does anyone have experience with Seroquel, does it affect dopamine levels same as Respirdal or differently, what can I expect.

Which medication is the winner here, if you had once choice between the two which would you pick and intimately why would you make that choice?

Im looking to get my prescriptions refilled and am thinking about which would be a better choice for me, Respirdal or Seroquel, which should I choose?
Seroquel is your best bet for aborting a trip or for a stim comedown. Just start with the lowest dose 25mg and work your way up. Taking too much antipsychotics can be unpleasant as well.