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Relationship issues


May 14, 2017
Il try to keep this short
My boyfriend and I have been together 3 years. We have never really been close. Not like my past relationships where we've been "two peas in a pod" or whatever.
He's spoiled rotten by his grandmother and aunt whom raised him. His parents were abusive meth heads and his dad is severely mentally ill. He just turned 28. Doesn't work. Doesn't want to work . Though I can't blame him for that . I don't want to to work either . Umm,
he's a little shit head .
He is extremely narcissistic. He has a really annoying victim mentality. He is so arrogant it drives me crazy. This guy is afraid to walk around the block at night. What in the hell does he have to be so arrogant about? Nothing
He never admits when he's wrong.
Constant double standards
He's so jealous and controlling it's pathetic I put up with it. I can't even talk on the phone to a friend I've had for YEARS without him freaking out and treating me like shit calling me names slamming doors and being a prick the WHOLE rest of the day.
He's a meth addict .
I smoked the first year we were together but now I'm sober.
It's ok for him to stay gone all night.
He's just up the hill at the neighborhors but who knows if that's really it. He has started this thing , where he is gone all day now too. I hardly see him.
I don't say anything to him when I do
He treats me really bad when he is out of drugs. That's a lot of fun.
He never apologizes. He just acts like everything is fine . If I try to talk to him he gets mad and calls me crazy and weird . And just try's to be right , and says things like , " oh but it's ok for you ". When I don't do shit like that. I tell him and he says " oh I forgot your perfect you never do anything wrong". I at least apologize to him when I feel like I do or say something screwed up. That's just how I am. Nothing to do with him.
We live with his grandparents and aunt.
It's turned into this weird condependet ... thing ... for both of us , with each other,
I don't think either of us really loves the other. He has no idea what love is . And I might love him in a different way , but I don't want to be with him anymore. If he can't even apologize to make me feel better .....
i can't stand him ......
I feel like I got stuck here and convinced myself to try and make it work. I really don't have anywhere to go and I don't have a car. I will end up in a tent. It's really hot out... I don't have any friends really... I have one person but they work a lot.
I have a good job , I can save up for a car..
I'm just really depressed and disappointed. 3 years is a while... I just wish he would at least say sorry sometimes. Instead of acting like he's a freaken king and how dare you say anything . Oh... my favorite is , when I do call him out on something he will say "why are you treating me like this"???
I can't stand him

Any advice?
Leaving is going to be really hard.
Once he gets wind of it . He will get really pushy and not let me out of the house. Till I bash him in the head with something and his grandma calls the cops and tells them that I attacked him. That he's perfect and I'm the crazy one.
get a car and move out.

why are you living there if you have a good job- you should have choices
Lol. Ya... I've had the job for about 2 n half months. My first few paychecks all went to vet bills and dog stuff .
I'm gonna be down one paycheck because I sprained my foot . I should have a car in a month.
It's hard though. He keeps telling me he loves me . In between his jerk moods and tweak missions..
I want to believe there is hope. That's nice. Hope . But I think he is co dependent like me . He's not really in love.
It's sounds easy to leave but it's so hard. He's gonna text me and call me crying, and threaten to kill himself , and then he's gonna tell me I ruined his life and he hates me ..
What do I say to him? It's all your fault ? Should I tell him to quit meth ? I don't want to be alone either ... I'm just down in the dumps about it. I guess that's just life...
Geez , I guess I really needed to vent . that's been building up !
I woke up at some ridiculous hour
Morning Cortisol levels seem to do more damage to me when I don't get enough sleep . Idk if that's a fact or not.. just what I seem to experience.
I guess this is a "no brainer"
And... it's what I signed up for . A relationship
We ain't getting married so it's gotta end sometime.
This crap is the WORST
I hate it