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Reefer madness: Why are Swedes so scared of pot?


Jan 22, 2013
Sweden may be progressive in many ways, but the country's reactionary attitude toward marijuana leaves American graduate student David Olson wondering what exactly the Swedes have been smoking.

For some Americans, moving to Sweden can feel like you’re not just switching countries, but switching eras. Sweden is years ahead of the US in so many areas — education, health care, sexuality, worker’s rights, social welfare, etc. — so it’s easy to understand why it feels like entering some progressive Disneyland when I left California for Stockholm earlier this year.

But despite Sweden’s perks, there’s one issue here that’s left me questioning the open-mindedness of the Big Blue & Yellow — weed.

Marijuana is unacceptable in Sweden, both legally and socially.

If you lit a joint outside one of the coolest clubs in Södermalm, even the hippest of the hipsters might look at you like you were shooting heroin in an H&M.

And that’s nothing compared to what the police would do if they smelled something funky on you in the bowels of the Stockholm metro. A spliff of Swedish weed could mean a one-way ticket back to the United States for an immigrant like me, and severely impact any Swedish citizen’s future based on the social stigma of having such a crime on his or her record.

Continued at http://www.thelocal.se/20131112/reefer-madness-why-are-swedes-so-scared-of-pot
No idea, but I remember scandinavia being really stringent, even back in 2000 when I was reading everything on erowid, it seemed like everything was already banned in Sweden, Norway, oh also Germany.
Actually norway and Germany have more sensible drugs policies. Only in Sweden are drugs illegal to be IN your body. Swedes are no better then nazis when it comes to drugs. But what do u expect from a country where people stare at you if u look different? Germany usually u can have 5 grams and norwiegens are smoking pot all over Oslo. In fact liberal swedes move there to take drugs. Sweden is stuck in the 1970s with drugs policy.
Weird that we just had an article about Sweden relaxing its drug policies and closing prisons. I guess everything is always relative.

Also, is this stereotype true?


Do Swedes really need so much personal space?
"For much of the 20th century, the European nation of Sweden had one of the highest suicide rates in the First World." >source<

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Its crazy there are still so many countries wordwide so against drug use.

Time to go read up a lil more on sweden.

And Yeah that's prolly why ^
Weird that we just had an article about Sweden relaxing its drug policies and closing prisons. I guess everything is always relative.

Also, is this stereotype true?


Do Swedes really need so much personal space?

Yes it's true

"For much of the 20th century, the European nation of Sweden had one of the highest suicide rates in the First World." >source<


It's easily explained through temperature and sun exposure; this is why Greenland has #1


Living in a cold desert would be almost as logical as living in the mojave desert.
Why is it any country with a welfare state is "progressive"? Free education is great, unless I am paying for someone's PhD in Women's Studies. Living in a socialist state is the ultimate nanny state, trust me I live in Canada. Even mention legalizing a drug and everyone complains that I will end up in hospital and they will have to pay.
I hope the USA does it and shows the world drug legalization is for everyone not just extreme unsustainable welfare states in Europe.
Why is it any country with a welfare state is "progressive"? Free education is great, unless I am paying for someone's PhD in Women's Studies. Living in a socialist state is the ultimate nanny state, trust me I live in Canada. Even mention legalizing a drug and everyone complains that I will end up in hospital and they will have to pay.
I hope the USA does it and shows the world drug legalization is for everyone not just extreme unsustainable welfare states in Europe.

Fucking right man. I believe in capitalism because I am a hard working mother fucker and believe that any body that really tries in a country like America and many others can do pretty well. For those that can't then family and charity should step in. Not a government that taxes the shit out of it's people so they don't even have the money to help their fellow man.

Anyway I hope I didn't offend anybody not trying to start a war. I also want to know do swedes drink a lot because I thought they had a huge culture of alcoholism.
^The high taxes in places like Scandinavia actually go towards social services , however only a small fraction of taxes in the states actually go towards such services, hence the greater amount of social problems there such as violent crime , poverty , malnourishment and homelessness.

Welfare states such as those in Scandinavia are considered progressive is because equality is a progressive ideal unlike the traditional elitist power structures you find in places like the US.

Yes the Swedes do drink a lot , both frequently and heavily, it's socially acceptable to get totally slaughtered yet anti drug attitudes even amongst liberal youths are quite common. quite a contrast to over the border in Denmark where in certain parts of Copenhagen you can freely purchase and use hash and mushrooms.
Isn't Sweden considering giving everyone a minimum salary of $30,000 a year, whether they work or not?
Fucking right man. I believe in capitalism because I am a hard working mother fucker and believe that any body that really tries in a country like America and many others can do pretty well. For those that can't then family and charity should step in. Not a government that taxes the shit out of it's people so they don't even have the money to help their fellow man.

I conditionally agree, but there are currently more people than jobs. If capitalism can't ensure that everyone who wants to work can work, then government should step in and do something. Before you freak out about that, let me tell you what I have in mind: a complete overhaul of the education and employment system in the US:

An overhaul where people are trained for specific occupations at no charge, and where we do away with sending out resumes and all that bullshit. Instead, we set up a centralized HR department for everyone in the country. If a company wants to do business in America, they have to employ their fair share of Americans, so they have to allow the government to place well-trained employees in their company's entry-level positions, regardless of their skin color, drug or employment history. That way the country can guarantee that everyone who wants a job can get a job.
So um, that picture with the Swedish folks waiting for a bus while keeping to themselves - is it really that bad over there? I mean, that looks downright antisocial.

Yet, I still fantasize of Swedish chicks in my bed - preferably blonde twins. Hell yeah.