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Redosing several times in a night?


May 12, 2015
I havent seen much posted about people taking mdma repeatedly over the course of one night. I know this isnt a "safe" thing to do, but where I'm from, in NC, this is a VERY common thing to do.... anyone have any experience?
I've done it twice. The most recently was at a festival. I rolled just as hard the second time, although the duration was shorter.

It seems like a good idea at the time, but most of the time it's not worth it. I don't get bad comedowns, although the day after I've dropped twice I definitely notice the extra one!

HR wise, it's a terrible idea, especially doing it regularly, although if something really awesome if going to happen and you feel dropping again will make that night extra special, its up to you. For me, I was seeing the prodigy for the first time, and I figured that warranted throwing the following day down the toilet!
What's up I'm down in SC!! But yeah il second what the other guy said, taking it several times in a night will end up in a great long lasting roll. But oh man be ready for the awful come down and terrible next day. The next day after a single dose I have a nice afterglow but if I redose I don't leave the bed and get mad depression. I'm easily able to shake it off because I know it's just the drug but it's def finally still present.

Now I have been able to redose on methylone, which is sold all around my town as real mdma..... fuck those people, as many times as I want with no real bad sides other than residual stimulation after my roll is over which the real girl doesn't really offer herself.
Redosing more than 2-3 times usually just adds more side effects and damage without increasing or lengthening the roll much.
Single dose + booster if you wanna add a bit of length. Thats it. You gotta just choose a time period.
Well, everyone acts different online than in real life. People always say that you should only do one dose. But when you are high in the sky with the magic flowin', and it starts to fade away at a festival with your mates, with a bag full of crystals in your backpocket... are you seriously NOT going to redose? Well, shit, if people took the time to read for 5 minutes on erowid.org, they would find one of the effects of MDMA is "Strong desire to do more when coming down". It's simply your brain that is just set on doing more, wich is why it's really hard to not redose, when given the right oppurtunity.

Doing more MDMA after the first hit is of course more dangerous in terms of long term damage, and the day after gets more tiresome indeed. It also adds alot to your tolerance wich makes the effect of the drug weaker the next time you do it.

Every time I have done MDMA, I have redosed at least once. Mostly only one redose. Every time I did it, it made the roll last longer, it "put me back in that place" so to speak. Not as powerfull as the first comeup, though, if I remember correctly (2 years since last roll now).
It also makes your mind alot more messed up, you start to act alot more tripped out. You will sit and talk about so many lovely things with your friends, and then suddenly realizing that you are all speaking nonsense. It's like going from being REALLY interested and into the conversation, to being really unintersted and suddenly bored. Thats when the second comedown kicks in. You and your friend(s) might feel really stupid or lame, tired and maybe a little depressed that life isn't THAT great when the drugs wear off. Thats the time to just let it go, and be thankfull you had a great trip, and know that you'll be fine tomorrow. I reccomend to smoke a joint at this point, if you like cannabis. Good cannabis CAN prolong the effects, it happened with me at least. The 2nd comedown hit hard, and I smoked a big bowl of weed from the bong, and the effects of MDMA just came back! Like, you just feel the good sides again. This way you can keep the good effects longer, and NOT redose anymore. You can also do this after the 1st comedown.

A small percentage of the MDMA turns into MDA, wich is far more psychedelic. So if you do enough, you'll start hallucinating, seeing people who aren't there perhaps, seeing hats on people heads wich are not there, beards that dont exist on peoples faces. I saw my friend walk across the floor and enter the bathroom at a house party, only to turn around and see him still sitting in his chair. I also saw a guy outside of the window, who ofc, wasnt there sunday 7 o clock.
That night I left the party really scattered and threw up alot of water, and fell asleep in my bed hallucinating with my eyes closed, seeing beutiful things. All of the time my mood was still good and happy and not afraid. But for others this could be scary..

If you have real MDMA, you will not die just because you eat a couple more doses, but you need to stay hydrated all the time, and keep your head with you and realize that you're on drugs. Not everyone is capable of this, and thus, it could lead to bad things. Like getting into a hospital, or actually dying from dehydration :O I think thats a long shot though, the big risk is adultarated drugs.

My experience with redosing also tells me that it will make you stop using the drug faster. I just realized one night after doing it two nights in a row, that the drug is unforgiving and best left sacred. MDMA is not for using a lot. It's just not worth it. Because no matter what we tell ourselves, the brain dont like too much of that stuff. It's just not good. The effects feel good, and you can get alot out of it, but yeah, its a drug and it will suck you in, if you're not careful. Its easy to do a drug, but hard to it the right way.
Dont waste your MDMA tolerance on mediocre festivals or at parties with friends you only hang out with when you're high.
MDMA is best used with close friends, on very rare occaisions.
been there done that. and i don't recommend. no or only one redose has me feeling completely fine the next day as if i hadn't taken anything, a second redose adds some lethargy the next day and leaves me pretty exhausted when coming down but adds another hour of fun, but beyond that it just isn't worth it.
with 3 or more redoses i'll really feel burnt out while coming down, have strange hallucinations while falling asleep and feel pretty exhausted for at least one day afterwards. if it added another hour of rolling it still wouldn't be worth it, but it only adds one hour of confused stimulation, so ime there really isn't anything positive to redosing repeatedly.
Definitely not worth it. More oxidative stress on the brain. Also too avoid redosing only take 1 dose with you that way when it's done it's done.
Don't do it. And if you MUST do it, it has to be half of the initial dose. Let's say you take 150mg initially, your redosing should be 75mg MAX. And only ONE time. The more you re-dose, the worst it is for your brain.
interesting points....personally its been introduced to me years ago as redosing is just what you do, this opinion is pretty shared among UK scene...as far as I am aware. I can def vouch that redosing does make the next day worse. If I know what the stuffs like/tested I do try these days to go in bigger at the start, then maybe a redose hour or so in and a small one the same time again.

Got a festival this weekend coming up and know this stuff is pretty good so im gonna go in at say maybe 180 then redose say a 130-50 an hour and half later and leave it at that.

Happy rolls guys!
Well, everyone acts different online than in real life. People always say that you should only do one dose. But when you are high in the sky with the magic flowin', and it starts to fade away at a festival with your mates, with a bag full of crystals in your backpocket... are you seriously NOT going to redose? Well, shit, if people took the time to read for 5 minutes on erowid.org, they would find one of the effects of MDMA is "Strong desire to do more when coming down". It's simply your brain that is just set on doing more, wich is why it's really hard to not redose, when given the right oppurtunity.

This is a very dangerous mentality, and tbh, only idiots who have no self respect or care do this. If you know how mdma works, you WOULD NOT risk your happiness in this way. Its a risky game. Understand how mdma works, cause re-dosing all night is a terrible idea. Respect yourself enough to enjoy the high and appreciate what it was when its gone. Dont go chasing. I personally do not get the "strong desire to do more when coming down" Even when it was one hell of a roll. Work on that mental toughness everyone.