Recently In accident and got brain trauma, heroin?


May 13, 2017
Hello, recently I was driving my truck and unfortunately someone illegally hit my driver door. The truck rolled there times, additionally I flew out and landed on the road at some point. I got 5 cracked bones and a bruised and bloody brain. It could have been so much worse. I very well could have died and couldn't breathe by myself for about 3 days and had tubes breathing air into me. At the time of the accident I had been using at least a half gram of IV heroin for many months plus other amounts of usage the months prior. After the brain injury I cannot be doing drugs or caffeine etc as it can keep the brain damaged permanently. However I have been smoking a small amount, a fifth of what I used to do. I know this is horrible and dangerous. It has only been six days of doing this, and 3 weeks after the accident I did none. I know I need to quit but I am also terrified. I have had no withdrawals so far. I also have no suboxone. I was wondering if anyone can give me advice and if anyone may have an idea of how bad this is for my brain. Please help I would appreciate it so much. I have never been sober from weed or anything since 2011 and I don't know how to deal with life, particularly now that I have to rebuild mine. I can't legally drive, work, or go to school for another two months minimally and it is so overwhelming. Sorry for ranting I just have no one to talk to who can help me.
I was wondering if anyone can give me advice and if anyone may have an idea of how bad this is for my brain.

Unfortunately, I cannot give you advice regarding your question specifically. But, isn't your doctor supposed to advise you on this? You can talk freely with your doctor regarding illicit substance usage, their priority is your health!
Shit man.
I've had friends go through similar horrific events - and while i can't offer you any decent advice, i just wanted to say that i'm glad you survived.
Without sounding preachy, life's a pretty sacred thing, and i hope you can find some medical professionals you can open up to and discuss this honestly.
I imagine the pressure to continue using in a secretive manner is immense...but i hope you can find a way to get through this without further complications.

Take care <3