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Really need some support and advice 1 week into comedown


Sep 12, 2016
Hi All,

I took about 200 maybe 250 mg of tested MDMA a week ago and I am feeling horrible. I had a weird rolling flashback today, I feel shaky, I have been crying, brain fog, can't find the right words...etc. I'm almost a week into this now and crying spells, head pressure, slow thinking, 0 short term memory. This is VERY scary....I know I broke the dosing rules, and I just don't know how long this is going to last. I'm reaching out on here for some success stories and advice.

I have taken this dose before but feel really different this time. I'm sleeping ok now, but having intense dreams, weird ones about hell and stuff. It's horrible. My heart is racing...and my vision is weird. UGH. 8(

I tried 5-htp but I think its making things worse...I feel like I have enough pre-cursors to everything, but my brain is just really down regulated and unsensitive to serotonin. 5-HTP is not a good supplement for me....SSRI's just one dose have made me very sick.

I am eating great....actually have an increased appetite for once. I had a pretty intense roll, no sickness, came up kinda fast, but it lasted most the night..it was a long roll and a redose about 5 hours later same amount so like total around 250 mg and just really hope I am going to be ok...I'm a smaller female. I won't be doing this again EVER. I just feel like I could use some words of support for people who got better. I have a sensitive brain (I know this) and just lost control that night and with the new type of Euro pills that are 250 mg it's just entirely too easy to take the other half when you are not in your right mind!

I'm eating really well...drinking water....taking omegas...but I think i'm going to stop supplements for a while and just do normal food and omegas and let my brain rest and reset. I'm getting out on short walks...i do have depression and anxiety to begin with...im sure this didnt help AT ALL. =/

I feel like "I've really done it this time" and I'm terrified. I almost feel like giving up. Anyone out there can please support thank you so much.

Much Love
Hi OP Here. I just wanted to say that I'm feeling a lot better today! More energy, less fatigue, clearer, sort of happy again, my anxiety is less because I'm starting to think again. 1 week into this and I'm starting to come around. I'm not 100% I still have vision issues and feel a bit crummy. My confusion and brain fog are lifting. I stopped the damn 5-HTP. I have a theory about that stuff - and it's really not good for you. A Benzo is better on the comedown. I think what happened to me is that yes I took too much for a F in her 30's and a strong ass pill and I had a rough time, but I continued to make it worse by loading with vitamins and supplements that were forcing too much serotonin into my brain when my brain was down-regulated and didn't know what to do with all the excess serotonin! That's why I had the weird flashback - I was entering a very light SS syndrome from all the supplements. I even started getting chills, teeth chattering and grinding...i mean it was scary i was thinking WTF, i'm sure it was from my week on 5-htp.

So here's what I think - you need to just CHILL after and not go insane on supplements trying to make your serotonin come back faster...you have enough but your receptors are like NO I don't want this I had enough. So just eat chicken and veggies - eggs. Take a multi vitamin and definitely omega fish oil. I think people who have this happen are sensitive and obviously need to be very careful. There have been a lot of studies of Fish Oil helping with TBI so it's definitely on my my list of brain healing supplements.

Some symptoms that I still have are my tinnitus is a bit aggravated - which is telling me that my brain is over stimulated even a week later
A little head pressure, but i'm sneezing too ...might be the weather changing
Walking a bit, I get over heated, but it's in the 90's and humid....so whatever.
I've been drinking water like a crazy person
I won't be doing mdma ever again I think that was my last time...oh well.

TL : DR So basically if you're still feeling like crap weeks after rolling (and you're still taking 5-htp ) that might be part of the issue you're sensitive to it and you need to just let your brain make its own neurotransmitters and become sensitive to them again.

PS If you are an older roller (LOL never thought I'd say that) The new pills with the split are F'n STRONG BEWARE!

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I stopped the damn 5-HTP. I have a theory about that stuff - and it's really not good for you. A Benzo is better on the comedown.

exactly. serotonin levels are back to normal after 24h. longer serotonin depletions are only seen in animals with 10x the equivalent dose. 5-htp is not even proven to make it to the brain (though some people get side effects like drowsyness or sometimes even side effects that are a bit reminiscent of serotonin syndrome but obviously a lot milder in sensitive people). so at best 5-htp does nothing and at worst it causes very uncomfortable side effects.

benzos might also cause some drowsiness or memory disturbances, but they usually greatly reduce anxiety (which seems to be the main factor for most people with longer comdowns) and relax the user. so they reduce the comedown symptoms and often make it shorter altogether. of course people who want to use benzos need to be aware of the addiction potential.

i got the impression that >90% of supplements are just there to extract money from people by selling substances with at best dubious benefits and little to no research behind it. if you eat normal, healthy meals you get all the nutritients you need.
Feeling A LOT Better

Hi - It's been exactly 1 week now since my crazy night lol. I'm starting to feel a lot more "online" today. Thinking is clearer, my vocabulary is back, I have energy, I am feeling more or less normal. I did a bit of research and for me I think it's less about what MDMA does to my serotonin but more of what it does to my dopamine and norepinephrine...I feel the lingering effects that people have such as Vertigo, shaky, confusion, movement issues to me sound more like a dopamine issue. Maybe some of us are just WAY more sensitive to the actual methamphetamine component of E and have these lingering effects. Of course this is just my own thoughts on this given that I know I had all my serotonin back because I almost got mild SS from over doing 5-htp!

I know if i stay down in the 100mg to even up to 150 range I'm FINE but if I go slightly above that I've had week or even month long hangovers, no fun and terrifying. I will say this though I think THC and CBD really help with this type of long term side effects they seem to be Neuroprotective (maybe protects dopamine receptors?)
I'm not saying go and hammer like huge amounts of E and just smoke pot for protection...but it might help if you have a woops night. I also read ALA is supposed to be great. I'm not touching this stuff again...but just for the sake of writing this thread and following up i wanted to explain some of the stuff i researched.

Anyway...don't go CRAZY 5-htp I stopped it after a week and my intense completely manic depressive comedown ended the next day, I was seeng colors, feeling completely SICK and then it just ended...i wonder if time or stopping the 5-htp is what helped? probably both.

again IMO i have massive anxiety...I know this...I'm also highly sensitive so any changes in my body i'm hyper-aware - if you're freaking out get a benzo and CHILL for a few days you're probably just way over stimulated and anxiety isn't helping. of course don't STAY on benzo's long term just to reset your flight or flight system and let it just HEAL. some people have this unique chemistry that is anxiety prone and stimulants (even coffee) can make us weird.

My only remaining issue is i'm not sleeping very deeply...still a little weird on the sleep. but most of the terrifying and annoying symptoms have cleared up after banging my brain up quite a bit....

if you are a week or 2 into feeling like total crap..stop 5-htp. just take omega-3, maybe some ALA and EAT REALLY HEALTHY

I also take a low dose lithium carbonate supplement daily for mood etc.

I thought i was going to DIE a few days ago...i was ready to throw the towel in I was so scared. STAY STRONG you will make it through this.


Sorry for horrible punctuation and grammar today :p