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RC out at the moment that is close to MDPV?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
I'm NOT after a source / vendor etc as I have one I 100% trust so you can keep your contacts to yourself but is there anything out there on the RC market at the moment that comes close to MDPV?

Thanks in advance.
I find it interesting that Australia actually lists Pyrovalerone as a schedule 4 drug only, same as Valium, but it's not authorised to be prescribed for anything. To buy it online legally, I was told to get a license and importation permit from the Office of Drug Control first.

As far as I know, MDPV is one of a kind, some thing come close, A-PVP maybe, but MDPV just seems to have an aura about it in discussion (haven't taken either of those two.)
Alpha-PHP, alpha-PVP is probably closer but has been banned more widely
N-ethyl-hexedrone isnt bad compared.
Bit more coke like in the effects, mdpv had the balance between meth and coke perfectly, this is more on the coke side.

Quite good nonetheless
The pyrollidone analogs are the most desirable with hexen being a substitute that lacks the magic of PvP or mdpv.mdpv is far more desirable than aPVP but is a accepted substitute that lacks the magic of the MD analogs.the best mdpv substitute would be mdpb or mdph.
I hear nothing but positive reflection on MDPV now that people don't have it in their lives. Reviews were different when it was available, I'm sure. I still remember the walls of text that littered sites like Bluelight:

"just redosed for the last time then put everything away, so this is my last post for the night."

24 hours, 30 last re-doses and 64 edits later:

"okay, so I'm pretty sure there are people in my attic and they're whispering, making up lies about my dog!"

It was 2010's most flushed drug by far. I tried it a couple times then hid it away so well, it was never to be found again..

Until I found it again :eek:

I think 3,4-mdpbp is around, structurally that's probably the closest thing.
I almost sure that 3,4-mdpbp will be just as good as mdpv is, but slightly weaker of course....it nothing changes actually, unless you have huge tolerance, both should be very strong... I was just(for some time....about 2 years or so) comparing *pvp and *pbp "families"(in fact I've also tried buphedrone/4-MBP/3,4-DiMe-buphedrone and pentedrone + 4Mpd...buphedrones certainly are closer to MCAT's by effects).

3,4-md(ohh....this magic MD..)pbp I didn't tried though.... But used all kinds of pvps through very many years: used periodically with little dosages, lets say 1g for a few days. Used everyday(up to 1-2g a day).
MDPV is my favorite drug by the way, not only here but from anything I've tried, it's just perfect for me. I mean hq stuff! Low quality pyrovalerones, and derivatives are acting not as they should, you may get almost opposite effects from it.( It's not comparable at all in many cases! ) .
So... After many years on pvp's, or even more(sometimes much more) potent analogs I didn't waited too much from pbps... Even having in mind that a-ppp compared to apvp turned out to be not that weak as I expected, though 4meppp is shit.).
I used quite for some time pbps, mostly 4-me,
now I'm back again on PV....o_O both are very very strong and similar by effects! Not as shitty and crazy as unsubstituted ones certainly (up to 1 moment I didn't understand before how anybody can like it!!! Now I somewhat understand it. But prefer not to touch it.. and it smells worse than any other

3,4 Mdphp could be intresting compound, may be I already tried it before, idk... other phps of course shitty poisons, in my opinion(mostly shitty!!! And a bit! a bit poisonous....))))

PS: btw I'm smoking now PV + 3,4-DiMe-Buphedrone combo...(fb of course!))) Oohh it feels much better than pv by itself Im sure... But few days were spent in almost uncontrollable delirium, always promise to myself not to let it happens - never again!!! but sometimes it runs out of control...
With Mdpv I never had such problems, never!!!
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I hear nothing but positive reflection on MDPV now that people don't have it in their lives. Reviews were different when it was available, I'm sure. I still remember the walls of text that littered sites like Bluelight:

"just redosed for the last time then put everything away, so this is my last post for the night."

24 hours, 30 last re-doses and 64 edits later:

"okay, so I'm pretty sure there are people in my attic and they're whispering, making up lies about my dog!"

It was 2010's most flushed drug by far. I tried it a couple times then hid it away so well, it was never to be found again..

Until I found it again :eek:

I think 3,4-mdpbp is around, structurally that's probably the closest thing.
You cracked me up! Lol thats so true!

Lonely? Tired of lurking alone on Bluelight?
Want a new "bestie"? One that will never leave.
No sketchy spyware-dating app needed!

Uncover the true potential of splitting your own mind?!
-Ask your doctor if MDPV is right for you.
I used MDPV a fair bit back in the day, sure it was very euphoric smoked but overall it was shit IMO. Mine ended up flushed, I could stop my binges easily but would always end up using it again a few days later.

For 10 cents a dose it was fun but still pretty meh for myself.

As far as "RC golden age" stims go 4-mmc was the hands down winner. It honestly ruined all other stimulants for me, they never measure up to good old mephedrone.
I'll tell you one story, that is hard to believe I guess...(I have many stories like that. But it is truth from first to last word). It was 2010 on the street... (probably, exactly of course i don't remember...and it is not that important at all...). It was time after 1st wave of cathinones were banned in russia, and for some time there were not many legal compounds thats easy to get... Btw I always loved mdpv, I never liked mephedrone to much (what I should like here.... It's a lot like mdma but without its magic and several times weaker.... Nothing special I think. ) But mephedrone I was using pretty heavily during next years - from time to time, it was just easy to get for me... So I know what it is and effects it have, not bad of course! But nothing special for me... So i bought in one shop powder, very fine crystalic powder , 1g I think it was.. they sold it as 4-fmc. And it was latest gram they had...
To be short what I can say, it feels definitely like some methcathinone derivative... Taste and smell and everything pointing that it is that.. but at the same time very strong shit, so 100mg was incredibly cool... Even 50 is already very nice. But 100mg if used IV gave soo good so strong rush... That it is just Unforgettable!! One of the best I've ever had... And it certainly not like pv's rush .. its like methcathinones, but many times better all that I tried. Effects I'd describe like this... it is something between methcath and 4-mmc, but about 5x stronger and more euphoric))) 2-4h acting .. and I'll never forget this taste in the mouth after shooting))) I'm not kidding, I'd give to it second place in my personal chart of best IV rushes.... And I tried a lot of everything... I tried every cathinone I had access to, hopefully that i find this one....I learned about 4fmc as lot as I could find!!! And even everybody were telling me that I shouldn't do it .... Because its unlikely could be real 4fmc(4fmc is veryvery weak shit, actually) in the end I synthesed it personally... To be sure that it is relly 4fmc and nothing else....yes 4fmc is shit.it was something else, i probably never find out what it was.....
MDPV is the only RC that I truly appreciate. I think it's better than smoking freebase cocaine. With freebase, you feel good but you might want to share that feeling with somebody else even if nobody's with you, so it's kind of lonely but with MDPV it feels good just to be alone and to feel good in your own skin. It's hard to explain but it's a potent drug, that's for sure

I had 2C-I sold to me as MDMA and I hated it. The other RCs I've tried have all been mediocre and sort of weak in terms of what somebody with experience in harder recreational drugs expects
Mdpv is the best I agree, but not most potent at all... there are a lot more potent analogue s.... Just a few though worth trying I think, many are really toxic, and unlikely to give you any "high" feeling at all, just a nightmare delirium usually....and burns your brain really fast. But a few unknown pv's were unique, giving just unreal effects...there is nothing to compare. Everybody who tried are agree with me) just nothing to compare! It's just another level of feelings...😁
Btw I tried 2ci iv two times... Terrible.... But by itself 2ci is nice enough. 2cp of course better, and the best from 2c as far as i know))
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I used MDPV a fair bit back in the day, sure it was very euphoric smoked but overall it was shit IMO. Mine ended up flushed, I could stop my binges easily but would always end up using it again a few days later.

For 10 cents a dose it was fun but still pretty meh for myself.

As far as "RC golden age" stims go 4-mmc was the hands down winner. It honestly ruined all other stimulants for me, they never measure up to good old mephedrone.
What about that rumor mdpvp or " flakka " as they called it in the news, was actually designed as a crack substitute? Never had it so anyone know??
I'll tell you one story, that is hard to believe I guess...(I have many stories like that. But it is truth from first to last word). It was 2010 on the street... (probably, exactly of course i don't remember...and it is not that important at all...). It was time after 1st wave of cathinones were banned in russia, and for some time there were not many legal compounds thats easy to get... Btw I always loved mdpv, I never liked mephedrone to much (what I should like here.... It's a lot like mdma but without its magic and several times weaker.... Nothing special I think. ) But mephedrone I was using pretty heavily during next years - from time to time, it was just easy to get for me... So I know what it is and effects it have, not bad of course! But nothing special for me... So i bought in one shop powder, very fine crystalic powder , 1g I think it was.. they sold it as 4-fmc. And it was latest gram they had...
To be short what I can say, it feels definitely like some methcathinone derivative... Taste and smell and everything pointing that it is that.. but at the same time very strong shit, so 100mg was incredibly cool... Even 50 is already very nice. But 100mg if used IV gave soo good so strong rush... That it is just Unforgettable!! One of the best I've ever had... And it certainly not like pv's rush .. its like methcathinones, but many times better all that I tried. Effects I'd describe like this... it is something between methcath and 4-mmc, but about 5x stronger and more euphoric))) 2-4h acting .. and I'll never forget this taste in the mouth after shooting))) I'm not kidding, I'd give to it second place in my personal chart of best IV rushes.... And I tried a lot of everything... I tried every cathinone I had access to, hopefully that i find this one....I learned about 4fmc as lot as I could find!!! And even everybody were telling me that I shouldn't do it .... Because its unlikely could be real 4fmc(4fmc is veryvery weak shit, actually) in the end I synthesed it personally... To be sure that it is relly 4fmc and nothing else....yes 4fmc is shit.it was something else, i probably never find out what it was.....
You from Russia? Then you know vint.
I guess thats replaced now. Whats up with Desomorphine aka Krokodil being such a runner? I read a test on street samples containing between 0 up to 70% desomorphine. Dont you have fabulous Dope from Afghanistan?? You say you have many such storys. Might want to share? I would love to read em.
I used MDPV a fair bit back in the day, sure it was very euphoric smoked but overall it was shit IMO. Mine ended up flushed, I could stop my binges easily but would always end up using it again a few days later.

For 10 cents a dose it was fun but still pretty meh for myself.

As far as "RC golden age" stims go 4-mmc was the hands down winner. It honestly ruined all other stimulants for me, they never measure up to good old mephedrone.
Mephedrone quite heavily fucked me and a few friends up for years. I'm still not quite right. Of course, we were 15 year olds with no scale to eventually find out we were bombing 800mg compulsively for days on end.

Never tried mdpv thank god

I wonder when all of us RC babies will start dropping dead of brain cancer...
Btw I tried 2ci iv two times... Terrible.... But by itself 2ci is nice enough. 2cp of course better, and the best from 2c as far as i know))
I had five of these blue i pills which turned out to be 2C-I. I haven't had other 2Cs so maybe that's why I didn't know what to expect. It was like MDMA, I saw a shimmer on objects and slight pixelation at times but it wasn't anything like it other than that. It also lasted a few hours longer which made me feel uncomfortable towards the end of each trip. At the time I didn't know any better and wouldn't have bought them if I knew they were 2C-I

With MDMA and MDA, I want to keep taking it because it feels nice and in control but 2C-I wasn't a nice, clean experience for me. I'll just leave it at that
2cb, however, is perfectly well rounded and essentially MDA without all the side effects. Not jittery, not uncomfortable, even in high doses, no possibility of a bad trip even at high doses due to euphoric push
What about that rumor mdpvp or " flakka " as they called it in the news, was actually designed as a crack substitute? Never had it so anyone know??

It was sold as "supercrack" in Australia. I've never smoked cocaine but people who have had both report it is very similar. Some say it is more euphoric and addictive. They have a similar receptor profile if I recall correctly.

Ive never enjoyed cocaine much either, much prefer releasing agents. Hence my preference for 4-mmc. That certainly did some releasing :)
After mdpv, flakka is total shit. And yes, its like cocaine but 10x stronger, a-ppp is most Close to cocaine in potency, but with a bit higher dopamine reuptake blocking and less serotonin... Not to weak, i can say.