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Ravers and Rappers: Quit Glorifying Drugs That Kill People


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
Ravers and Rappers: Quit Glorifying Drugs That Kill People
By Ben Westhoff Wed, Mar 5, 2014


Ivan Minsloff Are ravers the modern day hippies? There are plenty of parallels, from the flower imagery to the PLUR mentality. Then, of course, there's the idea of using drugs as a path to enlightenment. (Or at least, amazing vibes.)

But when it comes to drugs there's a key difference: The hippies were safer. From their weak-ass pot to their LSD, their preferred recreational drugs were less likely to kill you.

Sure, LSD death is possible, but rare. And the idea that it makes you say, "Hey! Wouldn't it be fun to jump off a building?" is baloney.

As for ecstasy, or molly? That stuff ends folks' lives on the regular.

Sure, anyone can get a "bad" dose of drugs, but as Dennis Romero reported in September, all of those rave deaths you hear about aren't a result of, say, molly mixed with rat poison — they're the result of molly itself.

But EDM devotees aren't the only ones glamorizing unsafe drugs. Hip-hop, which has featured its own sporadic shout-outs to MDMA over the years, has became increasingly obsessed with lean, aka codeine-promethazine cough syrup combined with soda (and sometimes Jolly Ranchers).

What started as a phenomenon confined mainly to Houston and the South has spread out all over the country; mainstream rappers including A$ap Rocky and Drake have talked it up in song. Even Miley Cyrus had on her tour giant screens featuring animated images of overflowing cups of purple drank.

The difference here is that lean is not just killing rap fans — it's killing rap artists themselves. Out of Houston alone, the deaths of DJ Screw, Big Moe, and Pimp C were all tied in to syrup use. A lean addiction nearly killed Lil Wayne; at the very least it contributed to him getting eight root canals, which is as bad as death.

Particularly annoying are rappers like Fat Joe, who have glamorized it in song and don't even use it themselves.

We understand that youth music is always going to trade in rebelliousness; we get the whole sex, drugs, and rock and roll thing, and understand that you can't stop kids from getting fucked up. And, yeah, obviously, legal stuff like alcohol and cigarettes have killed more people than lean or ecstasy ever will.

But encouraging behavior that is so directly linked to death is too much. Why mainstream EDM culture continues to glorify ecstasy is a mystery; indeed, as often as not, ravers and musicians will allege persecution by the media, or insist that the solution is simply "responsible drug use."

That is, in fact, the solution, but it doesn't mean getting kits to test your molly. It means not using molly.

Whatever happened to getting fucked up responsibly?

No, seriously, marijuana is a great drug that will not only safely get you high, it will, like put you in touch with the spirit world. (And God bless the many, many rappers and ravers who speak up, nearly constantly, on its behalf.)

Magic mushrooms? Some scientists think they're pretty safe.

And both of those drugs are waaaay cheaper than promethazine cough syrup, which we've heard can go for hundreds of dollars a bottle.

In any case, by all means have fun out there. Just put stuff in your body that will still allow you to have a body when it's over.

And if you're in a position where people actually give a shit what you say, try to say something that's not destructive.

i agree, we need more alcohol and cigarette commercials and consumption, not death drugs like mdma.

But wtf, either that's a rly good shoop, or someone is a terrible pet owner.
That cat looks pretty happy to me.. either that or its thinking if I make it through this when wait until I land im going to carve you up fucker..
I agree with this article completely, it may be a bit emotionally charged and arrogant but it's true.
I HATE when people make songs about drug use, or wear "wheres molly" hats or shirts, or even when ravers make kandi with the word molly or lucy or anything in it.
Raving or music shouldn't be about drugs. Never ever ever no matter what forever
^it's not true though. even this line

marijuana is a great drug that will not only safely get you high, it will, like put you in touch with the spirit world

is fucking idiotic.

couldn't resist with the spirit world and all.. "did you see the size of that cocken son of a god damn dew?"
... a bit emotionally charged(1) and arrogant(2) ...
(1)I HATE when people make songs about drug use, or wear "wheres molly" hats or shirts, or even when ravers make kandi with the word molly or lucy or anything in it.
(2)Raving or music shouldn't be about drugs. Never ever ever no matter what forever

The examples are even in the same order!
But encouraging behavior that is so directly linked to death is too much. Why mainstream EDM culture continues to glorify ecstasy is a mystery; indeed, as often as not, ravers and musicians will allege persecution by the media, or insist that the solution is simply "responsible drug use."
What "mystery"?
Electeonic dance music/raves etc have been linked inextricably to MDMA for nearly 30 years.
This article is stupid. How old is the writer, 18?
ok, I'm divided on this.

i just do not care if entertainers glorify drugs on general principle - if you buy into what they're 'selling'/saying, that's on you!

BUT, i fucking hate when people talk about shit they haven't done OR don't endorse...for example, Wiz Khalifa has dropped verses on Molly but he actually speaks against using it in interviews...now that does piss me off. Wiz shouldn't glamorize shit that he KNOWS he doesn't give a fuck about
lol EDM culture loves MDMA and always will. real MDMA used responsibly is no cause for concern. the adulterated pills and fake RC 'mollys' are the issue here. EDM and even massive rave-type events are pretty awesome without drugs, but once you have heard your favorite song in the throes of a roll, it isn't easily forgotten. As for rap, hahaahaha for even mentioning the drugs they rap about. Uhh... if these assholes cared about the content of rap lyrics why arent they concerned about the rediculous emphasis on money, power, violence, guns, racism, killings, gangster lifestyles, perversion?( I mostly love rap so I'm just saying, why bring up the issue of glorifying drugs if there is so much else that is wrong?) Fuck this article, fuck this societies views on drugs. Fuck bitches, get money. and do some drugs ;)
This is an idiotic article. The number of people who die with MDMA in their system, whether adulterated or not, is tiny relative to the number who use it. The number who die with only MDMA in their system is not even worth consideration it is so rare. Like David Nutt said, it's less lethal than horseback riding.

People have died with cannabis in their system, too.

There is nothing that angers me more than marijuana yahoos who love to proclaim how wonderful their drug is and condemn someone for using a different illicit substance.
"DRUGS ARE BAD, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TOO GET HIGH, YOU ADDICT SCUM!" * said with lit marlboro in left hand and tallboy can of budweiser in the right*

hypocrites are almost as fun as..... hippo bites? lol idk lame humor attempt. But any person who thinks they can tell someone who they don't even know how to live their life and what to put in their bodies is assumptive, self-righteous prick who should get curb stomped promptly.
Pure MDMA is safe and only safe when you know almost exactly how many mgs of that pure MDMA you are taking... unfortunately most people that are selling "molly" are usually just selling some dumb ass RC chemical like 5/6-apb and all them other ones out there... So I myself never take anything someone calls "molly" b/c 10 to 1 its some retarded nasty ass research chemical from china that some 20 something year old kid bought of the internet and just tells people "its pure MDMA powder man!"... god i hate retards
Another gripe:

But when it comes to drugs there's a key difference: The hippies were safer. From their weak-ass pot to their LSD, their preferred recreational drugs were less likely to kill you.

This is a very naive view of the 1960s drug scene. There was a hell of a lot more than just pot and LSD.
"STP" anyone?
Hippies did a lot of "methedrine" as well, as I understand it.

Stupid, uninformed piece of shit article
"STP" anyone?

I was going to mention STP and the hundreds that wound up in hospital because it hadn't kicked in after an hour so they took more... sounds much safer than kids doing exactly the same thing with all kinds of pills and powders these days 8)