Rate the song above you: Music that isn't entirely electronic

6/10 didn't thrill me but it was good i suppose


Never rated him much, rate him even less after he didnt show up at warehouse project. He's famous for flaking on concerts or being shit live.

6.7? Can you really rate songs to 0.1? Do you not think that's somewhat unnecessay or can you name songs that you would rate 6.6 and 6.8?
i've been reading pitchfork for too many years and it rubbed off.

well fantastic vol 2 is fuckin classic, great track from a great album feelin a solid 8/10 on that joint.

There's a dedicated rap thread you damn hooligans

4/10, this is the kind of rap responsible for it taking so long for me to explore rap and find good shit

before anyone whinges it's an EP not a song, the song I'm posting is the first song so just close it once it's done

Sad music is Sad, and apparently i am a meme now, because i dislike "sad music" so thats my review.
Now you can all go for a ride on the Coma Pony.

^ Nice relaxing instrumental. Good guitar. 7/10

Try this successful rap/early electro mix attempt, circa 1986:

Entertaining the first time I watched but probably wouldn't listen again. Points for originality though. 6.5/10

^ positive message and the music goes well with the spoken word. not something i'd listen to on my own but i do respect/admire expressing ones self like that, especially in front of people cause im shy as fuck. i don't know how to rate it tbh, not like a track i'd usually hear (nice to see it posted tho) hmm i'll around a 7ish, 7.5/10

^ Nice vocals. Song began pretty melancholy then segued to uplifting. I like the content/message. I don't prefer this song (what genre would this be considered by the way?), but I wouldnt mind listening to it. 7/10

^ That's dubstep, at least what it used to sound like before skrillex and nero decided to ruin the genre completely by beating pigs on tape and producing it for "filth" 8). Although this doesn't belong in non-edm I would give it a 7/10... something I would've listened to around 08 I guess.

Haven't heard this song in almost 10 years, so many memories!

Audioslave - Like a stone

^8/10 used to love that song

I actually saw Dinosaur JR like 4-5 Years ago at the Phoenix in Toronto. Good band. 9/10

I found this, i know it has electronic elements to it and it's well in realtion to mindless self indulgence which was awesome when you were like...15.

But this music video and song blew my tits off. Enjoy

^I liked that, very mellow and relaxing! 8/10

While these guys have some parts of music that is electronic, I would classify them more as a jam band that defies description and spans a lot of genres. Fairly groovy stuff IMO

cant get it to play

^then dont post...

6.5/10 I didn't hate it.

i didn't mean mine i meant the song above it

for your song could here it any bar in york any night and still hate it sorry 0/10

^^ 7/10 i'm going to be downloading more of that to experience some more of it.
