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Benzos Rate benzo withdrawal comparatively


Oct 12, 2018
Hello Bluelighters. First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to read this.

I would like to know the opinions of experienced benzodiazepine addicts (former or current) who have struggled with a history with opiate and/or a stimulant addiction. How does the short and long term withdrawal or PAWS symptoms compare with long term use of drugs such as: intravenous H, freebase fentanyl analogues ie. Fu-F, coke, clear, even nicotine. For myself, h and Fu-F takes the cake for long-term withdrawal symptoms. Coke/meth with short-term.

The reason for the question is because I've been struggling with h and amphetamine for a while now, and I'm contemplating going the benzo route again. I've used valium in the past for a few weeks and don't remember having much trouble getting off it. However it's possible what I had was partially degraded in strength. I'm pretty damn certain that I have social anxiety disorder to a greater extent than any therapist/psychologist will grant me. I think this may be a viable method to kill two birds with one stone, but I'd like to hear from people that have more long term exposure to benzo's (xanax/valium/klonopin etc). Is this a smart idea or am I trying to fix a leaky water pipe with play-doh?

I have used the forum search but had trouble finding the answer.If this post is more appropriate in a different section I apologize in advance.
do not plan on becoming physically dependent on benzos. even under doctor’s orders. a few weeks is not enough to become significantly dependent, unless you have been before.

you know benzodiazepine withdrawal is the worst. it’s pasted all over this site and others. it’s the worst. hands down. opiate withdrawal is simply part of the game. benzo withdrawal means you’ve fucked up in a way that was not supposed to happen.
do not plan on becoming physically dependent on benzos. even under doctor’s orders. a few weeks is not enough to become significantly dependent, unless you have been before.

you know benzodiazepine withdrawal is the worst. it’s pasted all over this site and others. it’s the worst. hands down. opiate withdrawal is simply part of the game. benzo withdrawal means you’ve fucked up in a way that was not supposed to happen.

Thanks for your input hydro. Given my scenario would you say it's best if I stayed away and just continue to put up with my existing struggles? Feels like the benzo option was at least a proactive opportunity I'm missing. I should have included the option to compare it to alcohol withdrawal for genuine alcoholics, I've heard and believe in my mind that nothing is worse than that. If people can actually die during the withdrawal I'd say it's no walk in the park.
I’m 1 year6 months off of klonopin and Xanax. In March of 2017 I was yanked off of three mg a day klonopin.

I literally thought I was dead and was going to be thrusted into Hell.

I fired the doc, got back on it and weaned. In March of 2018 I stopped. The beginning was hard but I hardly notice it anymore . I stayed off of forums so I wasn’t conning myself into a worse experience.
How old are you bub and how long have you been dependent on opiates and uppers? Also as mentioned before it really depends on your previous benzo usage? I didn’t realize how seriously dependent my brain had become from occasional year to year usage of benzos. Matter of fact.. I was off opiates/subs for almost 2 years and felt amazing. I started playing around with benzos, amphetamines, and hydros off and on after that 2 year break. And I’d go for a couple weeks which felt forever of severe depression when I’d run out of everything. And because of the longevity of the depression I related it to suboxone withdrawal and blamed my newly reacquainted usage of hydros and subs on the long lasting depression when that really wasn’t it at all. And because of my stupidity or lack of knowledge.. I got right back to the sub doctor and here I am 3 years later dependent as I’ve ever been on subs. When in reality my long lasting depression was never the opiates bc my brain was still healed enough and I wasn’t noticing anything physical as far as withdrawal. When all along it was the much more probable chance of me abusing benzos off and on much of the time mixed with uppers. Definitely couldn’t do uppers without benzos. So I would say if you don’t have anxiety when using uppers then you’ve got no real past history with benzos. What’s sad with my case and hope to keep anyone from making the same mistake is to be hooked on subs and benzos. Used to if I just had opiates or subs that gave me enough euphoria there was no noticing my underlying anxiety. I go through benzo withdrawal every month because of running out and it’s awful to say the least. I’m just waiting around on my probation to end in 3 months so I can goto a year long rehab in FL because I know it’s going to take that long to get to feeling good again coming off the subs and xans. I personally think if you can smoke green to help with the intensity of the RLS and uncomfortableness of the opiate withdrawal (and upper withdrawal which will last a couple weeks probably about the exact same length of your opiate withdrawal depending on the severity). Stay away from benzos. Yes they would greatly help but many of us have been down the road your about to go on and end up hooked on benzos. You’d feel so much better just getting those semi short acting drugs out of your system and being DONE with it! There’s no easy way to do it. There’s shortcuts and masks but they’re all dangerous and just lengthen the withdrawal. I’d suggest going to a 30 day rehab if possible.
Also.. crazy about the alcohol and me. I’ve been what you could call a severe alcoholic and I’m 33. At age 31 I got acute pancreatitis and still occasionally binge on some hard liquor but have never noticed the withdrawal or anything severe like a lot experience.
How old are you bub and how long have you been dependent on opiates and uppers?

This must be the 5th time I've had to use an age calculator website to verify how old I am. I'm 34.

So I would say if you don’t have anxiety when using uppers then you’ve got no real past history with benzos

I do have anxiety when using uppers. It increases by a factor of at least 2x, or more depending if I have to be around people. My baseline anxiety level has always been high even before drugs. I was prescribed wellbutrin and paxil for my depression, but I stopped taking them 6+ months ago because they were giving me suicidal thoughts. What I want to get a handle on more than my depression is my lifelong anxiety. H definitely helped, but after waking up in the hospital a few times too many, I realize it's almost certain I will die if I continue that route.

Stay away from benzos

Given the new information I supplied above, does that statement still hold up?
Drugs withdrawals in order of how horrific they are:

1) Alcohol Withdrawal - worst thing I have ever experienced in my life (including being raped). Makes opiate withdrawal seem like an orgasm. I have also have 9 grand mal seizures, a heart attack and a mini-stoke with this. Not to mention it can often be FATAL. Alcohol withdrawal is classed as a medical EMERGENCY and if you are experiencing it, medical proffesionals recommend you call 999/911/ - 10/10
2) Benzodiazapine Withdrawal - my god the sheer ANXIETY is like nothing you can imagine. It's like a panic attack that goes on and on for days. The only reason I'm rating this as worse than opioid withdrawal and not equal is that this also causes seizures and while not fatal as frequently as alcohol withdrawal, it CAN kill you. - 8/10
3) Opioid Withdrawal - It's not considered dangerous but is infamously unpleasant. Days 2-4 are known as "the 3 days of hell" for a reason. Awful stuff that I would wish upon anybody - 7/10
4) SSRI/SNRI Withdrawal - Within 6 days I was back to panic attacks every few hours and having suicidal thoughts again. - 7/10
5) Z-Drug Withdrawal - anxiety and NO SLEEP EVER really sucks - 5.5/10
6) Amphetamine Withdrawal - I basically felt extremely tired, slept for 2 days and then was fine. Easy peasy - 2/10

I think That's all the things I've had withdrawal from.
Drugs withdrawals in order of how horrific they are:

1) Alcohol Withdrawal - worst thing I have ever experienced in my life (including being raped). Makes opiate withdrawal seem like an orgasm. I have also have 9 grand mal seizures, a heart attack and a mini-stoke with this. Not to mention it can often be FATAL. Alcohol withdrawal is classed as a medical EMERGENCY and if you are experiencing it, medical proffesionals recommend you call 999/911/ - 10/10
2) Benzodiazapine Withdrawal - my god the sheer ANXIETY is like nothing you can imagine. It's like a panic attack that goes on and on for days. The only reason I'm rating this as worse than opioid withdrawal and not equal is that this also causes seizures and while not fatal as frequently as alcohol withdrawal, it CAN kill you. - 8/10
3) Opioid Withdrawal - It's not considered dangerous but is infamously unpleasant. Days 2-4 are known as "the 3 days of hell" for a reason. Awful stuff that I would wish upon anybody - 7/10
4) SSRI/SNRI Withdrawal - Within 6 days I was back to panic attacks every few hours and having suicidal thoughts again. - 7/10
5) Z-Drug Withdrawal - anxiety and NO SLEEP EVER really sucks - 5.5/10
6) Amphetamine Withdrawal - I basically felt extremely tired, slept for 2 days and then was fine. Easy peasy - 2/10

I think That's all the things I've had withdrawal from.

You and everyone else have made a convincing case against using a "legal" drug which main purpose is to relieve anxiety and is the main issue I'm trying to target (in addition to helping get off the other things). That's powerful. Ever heard of anyone use to sticking a needle in their arm, shooting a pharmacological untested substance into the blood stream, and then say "no thanks" to professionally tested prescription medication? Now you have, I'm convinced.

Thanks for the effort replying everyone.
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You and everyone else have made a convincing case against using a "legal" drug which main purpose is to relieve anxiety and is the main issue I'm trying to target (in addition to helping get off the other things). That's powerful. Ever heard of anyone use to sticking a needle in their arm, shooting a pharmacological untested substance into the blood stream, and then say "no thanks" to professionally tested prescription medication? Now you have, I'm convinced.

Thanks for the effort replying everyone.

Don't get me wrong: if you HAVE anxiety - I have always had severe anxiety with panic disorder and I started out with a legitimate prescription - benzo's are like a tiny little miracle. I just recommend you look up the maximum dose of whatever benzo you chose that would be prescribed in a day and don't take more than that. When you decide to stop taking them, cut down slowly.

EDIT: I've have used illicit drugs but prescription drugs have always been my first choice because they are pure, you know exactly what you are getting and the exact dose etc. I'd chose morphine or oxy over heroin any day. Similarly I'd chose amphetamine sulphate or dexamphetamine over meth.
Don't get me wrong: if you HAVE anxiety - I have always had severe anxiety with panic disorder and I started out with a legitimate prescription - benzo's are like a tiny little miracle. I just recommend you look up the maximum dose of whatever benzo you chose that would be prescribed in a day and don't take more than that. When you decide to stop taking them, cut down slowly.

I have an addictive personality, and it sucks not being able to trust yourself. A miracle sounds really appetizing to me. I can almost see it now, starting off with a normal dose and then a month or two later when my tolerance has built up, increasing the dose just to feel something chasing the feeling I had in the beginning. Does this wonderful cycle of fun not apply to benzo's like I'm picturing?
I have an addictive personality, and it sucks not being able to trust yourself. A miracle sounds really appetizing to me. I can almost see it now, starting off with a normal dose and then a month or two later when my tolerance has built up, increasing the dose just to feel something chasing the feeling I had in the beginning. Does this wonderful cycle of fun not apply to benzo's like I'm picturing?

Unfortunately it does. You also develop a tolerance to them pretty quickly so, for example, when 0.25mg Xanax may calm you down initially, fast forward 6 weeks and you're taking 1mg for the same result.
They also cause amnesia and it's extremely easy to forget you took it and take it again...then forget that and take it again...the next thing you know it 5 days later and all your pills are gone. They also cause Delusions of Sobriety where, even if you're really fucked up, you seem totally normal to yourself and nobody and nothing can convince you that you are not being your normal self.
Unfortunately it does. You also develop a tolerance to them pretty quickly so, for example, when 0.25mg Xanax may calm you down initially, fast forward 6 weeks and you're taking 1mg for the same result.
They also cause amnesia and it's extremely easy to forget you took it and take it again...then forget that and take it again...the next thing you know it 5 days later and all your pills are gone. They also cause Delusions of Sobriety where, even if you're really fucked up, you seem totally normal to yourself and nobody and nothing can convince you that you are not being your normal self.
even the low doses i take make me feel like i black out with memory loss so i am drinking lots of coffee and energy drinks and probably need to take vitamins too. So be very careful with large doses you definitely don't need them even if you think you do it will always be too much.
Write down a daily log whenever you take a small dose. Too much and you won't remember anyway.

edit: @ OP
even the low doses i take make me feel like i black out with memory loss so i am drinking lots of coffee and energy drinks and probably need to take vitamins too. So be very careful with large doses you definitely don't need them even if you think you do it will always be too much.
Write down a daily log whenever you take a small dose. Too much and you won't remember anyway.

edit: @ OP

Adding a note in your diary (or similar) every time you take it with the time and the dose is an excellent idea to keep yourself on track.
This must be the 5th time I've had to use an age calculator website to verify how old I am. I'm 34.

I do have anxiety when using uppers. It increases by a factor of at least 2x, or more depending if I have to be around people. My baseline anxiety level has always been high even before drugs. I was prescribed wellbutrin and paxil for my depression, but I stopped taking them 6+ months ago because they were giving me suicidal thoughts. What I want to get a handle on more than my depression is my lifelong anxiety. H definitely helped, but after waking up in the hospital a few times too many, I realize it's almost certain I will die if I continue that route.

Given the new information I supplied above, does that statement still hold up?
I’m 33 so it just helps me relate to people. Benzos in my opinion are a whole lot like Buprenorphine. A perfect drug for temporary usage then be done with it. But you sound just like me and the majority of us with severe addictive personality. Have you gone down the Buprenorphine road? That might be a great month or two plan as long as you’ll be serious about it. I’m really against the benzo idea. Just like the guy said previously about the tolerance build up with the xans. You will most definitely will be like us and feel sober but look fucked up. That’s the benzo road and you get there quick. Some of my biggest mistakes in life and most embarrassing times have been because of benzos. And my history with them is minor compared to a lot of others. If you can’t handle H you can’t handle benzos. I know that’s not the best comparison but it doesn’t matter... just don’t do the benzo road bc it will come back to haunt you. I’ve taken the lexapro Effexor etc.. currently on Wellbutrin is Only one I’d suggest sticking to. A good diet, environment, exercise routine , and a hopeful future is your best bet. And best way to get there is a rehab whether short or long term. You know what you need. Staying away from subs and benzos will definitely keep your recovery time shortened that’s a fact.
Withdrawing from benzos was definitely one of the worst experiences in my 20+ years of drug use/abuse.
Just my 2¢
Withdrawing from benzos was definitely one of the worst experiences in my 20+ years of drug use/abuse.
Just my 2¢

and in your input would you say it would be less severe of a withdrawal if i keep the dosage down to small amount, then ? always wondered about it.
and in your input would you say it would be less severe of a withdrawal if i keep the dosage down to small amount, then ? always wondered about it.
Honestly don't know.
50% of my brain says yes - withdrawing off a 2mg xanax/40mg diazepam a day habit cant be as bad as withdrawing off 20mg xanax/400mg diazepam a day like I did. (nearly died accidently cold turkeying one day. That's when I realised I had to get off them. Then it took me about a month of tapering down using diclazepam, and a lot of ketamine, booze and weed to help fight the symptoms and then there was a good 3 to 6 months of PAWS that followed)
50% of my brain says no - withdrawals are withdrawals. It will probably still be as bad but maybe just take less time.

I've only ever experienced it once. Maybe some poor soul here has experienced it twice at different doses of abuse and can comment.
my opiod taper is long and drawn out.

but yes it seems no matter the amount of dosage from what has been experienced, from the information i have gathered, it seems benzo tapers are more severe and a much shorter duration to recovery.

but i concluded, i might have to find out one day, if i ever need a benzo taper. oh no !

stay safe, sorry to hear about your accidental ct, but i am so happy you made it through. Accidents can be scary upsetting too. ♡.