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Rank your favourite opioids you have tried! (and reasons if you wish)

What was it?

Sep 4, 2010
Haven't had a thread like this in a while on the Aussie forum, so here goes. What is your favourite opioid that you have tried and why?
What would you still like to try?


1. diacetylmorphine (heroin) - smoked...intense rush, euphoria and ensuing sedation.
2. morphine - IV at the hospital repeatedly and also plugged or snorted - great sedation - soso rush
3. clean high quality opium - very pleasant and dreamy....a myriad of effects whereas most pharms are pretty straightforward and can lack character - new post (edited)
3. oxycodone - snorted, plugged, oral - good overall feel
4. hydromorphone - plugged and oral - versatile non-specific opioid feeling
5. dihydrocodeine - oral - very good body-high and sedation
6. hydrocodone - oral - as above
7. codeine - oral and plugged - ok fuzziness
8. buprenorphine - snorted - heavy weird high....confused.
9. Poppy Seed Tea (forgot this-just edited)
10. Diphenoxylate - weak but still better than Tramadol
11. tramadol - oral (yuck) - I hate tramadol - it gives me depression and a comedown 2 days later.
12. Loperamide - no high but great for those WD runs =D

Would still like to get my hands on Oxymorphone, Pethidine, Nicomorphine, Poppy pods and Fentanyl....but all in due time.

I'll probably give methadone a miss if I ever find it.

I ranked Oxycodone 3rd and Dihydrocodeine 5th but should mention that if I had unlimited tablet-form supply of either I would chose the DHC over the Oxy as it feels more similar to Morphine which I prefer. As somebody else mentionned further down this thread it's hard to get DHC in any other form than Rikodeine in Oz though.

Essentially 3-5. are somewhat fluid. I really couldn't tell if I like Oxycodone or Hydromorphone better with the experiences I've had. I could imagine Hydromorphone to get quite good at higher dosages but I haven't been brave enough to venture there as it's a new substance for me.

I edited this 23rd of January 2012...today. Don't like Hydromorphone much orally and beginning to like Oxycodone less and less, too. Heroin, Morphine and opium still tops.
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1. codeine
2. tramadol

im a bitch when it comes to scoring anything hard, but would love to try morphine just because i enjoyed burroughs work so much
my favorite opiates is Paracetamol!!!

they are the best when its combined with codiene.

but even the generic ones that just have APAP still gives me the wickedest NOD ever
Don't get too keen oxymorphone isn't even in Australia afaik.

Oh and
1. Oxycodone (DOC)
2. Codeine (by default, don't enjoy it at all)
my favorite opiates is Paracetamol!!!

they are the best when its combined with codiene.

but even the generic ones that just have APAP still gives me the wickedest NOD ever

Hahaha, thanks for that :p

1. Morphine - IV'd in hospital | Very relaxing
2. Codeine - Oral | more euphoric (but had higher dose, so...)
3. Oxycodone - Oral | I've never felt good on this.. tried over 10 times and have yet to even feel relaxed, just sick.
1. Heroin
2, Dihydrocodeine
3, Oxycodone
4, Codeine

There's others in hospital I've had, tho can't recall what. But I remember the first time I had pethidine, I was 17 and it was a pre-med before an op, and I was really happy the doctor was running behind schedule!

PS - I also have to say that I don't think anything will top the experiences I've had with heroin.
Hahaha, thanks for that :p

woohoo. at least one person thought it was funny!

i've tried plenty of opxxxOXyiates since i've stratrd trying drugs.

1. Fent Patch <---- Cut into strips and put on gum of my teeths for 30second each time
2. Oxy <-- crushed n plugged
3.Mscontin <--- Crushed and Plugged too
4. codiene with all ya potentiators, aka, dxm, benzos, white grape fruit juice!

i've yet to try the good ol' hammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmer

I'm sure its as good as everyone says it is ^^
Haha Headdah. Can't believe you left ibu out of your list ;)

For me,

1. Codeine
2. Heroin
3. Oxy
4. Morphine
5. Dihydrocodeine
6. Opium
7. Tramadol

For some reason, codeine is just magical for me. I get a better and more consistent high off codeine than any other opiate. Heroin does have a great rush though.
Personally my favourite opiate/opioid is heroin, but if my tolerance is low enough (never seems to be anymore, even with breaks :() to nod off codeine that is my favourite opiate of them all. I would probably rank oxycodone next, I actually prefer the high of morphine but the fact I don't inject makes it extremely uneconomical. Tramadol and DHC are pretty much tied for last place, DHC has a better high but tramadol seems better for potentiating other opies.
Tried oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone. Never tried codeine, dihydrocodeine, morphine, et al.

1. Hydrocodone - Just love the euphoria, beats out oxy and hydromorphone for me (probably didn't do a high enough dose of hydromorphone). 30mg hydrocodone puts me RIGHT where I need to be.

2. Oxycodone - Good chemical, I like doing it with my girlfriend because it's stimulating, but it doesn't have the painkilling properties of hydrocodone for me at least, and any dose over 20mg makes me feel sick, whereas hydrocodone I can dose 30-35mg and feel fantastic.

3. I'd really like to try some dihydrocodeine since I've heard it's got the warmth of hydrocodone. Im sure diamorphine is good but the issue of purity alone is more than enough to stay away. Plus, pills just look so delicious.
1. Oxycodone - First drug I ever caught a proper nod off, catapulted me to heaven for a good 3 hours.
2. Morphine - I find it very social, while being mood enhancing and creativity enhancing. Love morphine
3. Dihydrocodeine - Can be very nice but is difficult to abuse due to the sorbitol present in Rikodeine...
4. Codeine - Very warm dream like high
5. Tramadol - Love it's long lasting effect and SSRI attributes, great for dosing in the morning for a long fuzzy day
6. Poppy Seed Tea - a hit and miss which can provide great relaxation and even euphoria yet at other times sickness and a headache.

I'm yet to try hydrocodone, hydromorphone, opium or heroin but wouldn't pass them up considering my experience thusfar.

I will say plugging oxycodone was far and away the greatest euphoria I have ever achieved with a drug.
1. Oxycodone - plugged, snorted, oral
2. Morphine - oral and IV
3. Codeine - oral
4. Tramadol - oral

Sadly these are all I've tasted in Australia. I agree with infectedmushroom, plugging oxycodone for the first time was the epitome of bliss for me. IV Morphine is fairly decent as well, oral was pretty mediocre. Codeine and tramadol are mild, but I've had good times with them nonetheless.
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1. poppy pod tea
2. oxycodone
3. heroin
4. poppy seed tea
5. buprenorphine
6. pethidine
7. dihydrocodeine
8. codeine

i'm not entirely satisfied with this list - it is too subjective. some of these substances, i've only had the chance to try once (pethidine; in hospital) and this definitely shapes the way you experience and appreciate it. i'll just have to keep experiencing more, huh?
also, my limited experience with heroin was when i was fairly opiate-naive, and i don't think i really appreciated it.
i found the heavy nod and sedation kind of boring and escapist - i was too high to really enjoy myself, fell asleep mid-sentence and was generally just zonked. i didn't find this a euphoric experience (like oxy, for example) just sort of dull. intense, but dull.

also, the circumstances under which i took dihydrocodeine was always a little bit dodgy. a nice buzz, sure - but i never got around the intestinal discomfort (and that's putting it lightly) of the sorbitol in the cough syrup.
i wish i had the same love for codeine as others on here, but i found that even when it was good, it was never great. could never work out whether re-dosing had any effect either, which was a bit frustrating. eventually my tolerance made codeine a total waste of time.
on the other hand, pod tea - which i have had a lot of experience with - is easily my favourite.
i tend to use it almost like weed (without it causing any anxiety-inducing effects) in that it seems to heighten my enjoyment of life rather than numbing me to it.
it can be used to relax and laze about, or as a sort of stimulant...depending on what you want from it.

i've been known to take a dose and go dancing! the euphoria is warm and very, very long lasting.
i made some for some (non-opiate-using) friends last year, and they both said they had a pleasant afterglow for the next two days. yes, it is (to me) noticeably different in effect to poppy seed tea which is something i still really enjoy on occasion.
i believe there is something in the spectrum of alkaloids present in opium (be it pod or seed tea) that gives it the extra magic i enjoy. i am lead to believe that this is what is responsible for the duration.
while oxycodone seems very euphoric, my perspective has always been that the pharmaceutical opiates are lacking something that i enjoy in opium.
unlike most of the other opioids listed, i've had the opportunity to refine my method of consumption and my dose over the years with pod (and seed) tea which is probably part of the reason it comes in at the top of my list.

so wow...there are some really mixed responses to this question, and i'm sure there are many that would disagree with my opinions, but like i say - it is a very subjective thing that is reliant on context and experience.
it would be interesting to see if our responses would different in a double-blind test :)
Recreational preference I suppose would look something like this:

1. Diacetylmorphine
2. Oxycodone
3. Morphine
4. Opium
5. Poppy Tea
6. Codeine
7. Methadone
8. Tramadol
9. Buprenorphine
1. Hydromorphone
2. Codeine
3. Oxycontin

In my point of view no opiate comes close to Hydromorphone. That stuff is just ultra potent.
Hey Bluelighttt, what was the o-desmethyltramadol like? I'd be interested to know how you found it...
never tried tramadol to compare against.
but yeah a friend gave me a little to play with a while back and it was really cool... deff not capable of the same sorts of "high" as my 2.) or 1.) However, you know when sometimes you dont want to be fucking wasted on an opiate but you just want a nice little buzz? like when your doing something boring on the monday after a big weekend for example, it was perfect gave that nice relaxed opiate good feeling - was so sad when that baggie ran out... its not going to blow your mind if you have a tolerance though
Its hard to find though, quite the rarity
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