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That's why I like behavioral neuropharm. We get to relate the mechanism directly to the behavior instead of doing a bunch of statistics on subjective data

I've never even heard of that, man. Thank you.

Thank you for giving me a rabbithole to fall through tonight.

I washonestly trying to figure out a way to add the caveat to my last post, "it oftentimes feels like psychology but I'm absolutely enthralled with explanations of which part of the brain controls this, or this, or that... like spatial awareness being confined to the right superior temporal complex (I definitely just googled that) or how the amygdala has the most say-so when it comes to regulating your emotional state.

Psychology typically doesn't do that, though, and I'm actually really grateful that you just fed me with the term "behavioral neuropharm."

I still do enjoy the speculation of why a person acts the way they do, but until we can refer to a portion of the brain as being formative in those behaviors instead of some traumatic event that "probably has some kind of an effect," I just don't really buy into it.

I do dig the doors it opens when it comes to manipulation and control of a conversation, however, but.... but is that still psychology, or does it become sociology when 2 or more people are involved?

[EDIT: alright, so I'm reading this after I posted it and man..... I think I've drunk a few too many drinks tonight. It still makes sense, but I have to WORK for it to make sense and... well... that's not good...

what I THINK I meant was "It oftentimes feels like psychology is a pseudoscience but I'm absolutely enthralled with [...]"

I'll be honest, though. The rooms starting to tilt and I'm hitting delete more often than the correct keys to fix typos, so uhhh.... might be callin' it a night, y'all]
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That's why I like behavioral neuropharm. We get to relate the mechanism directly to the behavior instead of doing a bunch of statistics on subjective data

Given my research into dopamine receptors and Delta FOSB, i’m now convinced it will soon be possible to have a drug that induces a high dopamine state including supersensitivity to reward, very high motivation and stress resilience without any tolerance developing and hopefully without psychosis risk. Breaking up that D1/D2 Heteromer sounds like a pretty good starting point.