Mental Health racing thoughts feeling frozen


Nov 19, 2018
sometimes my aniet gets so bad i cat do athing i jussit frozen the racing thoughts stop me doing stuf.
itsall the time
i cant clean
it stops at other peoples
when im alone
drugs dont help
weed is aggraating it
i wont be able to taper opiates with ind like tis
tried breathing exercises, new anti depressant, cbd oil helps but go thru £40 in 2 weeks for canabis oil what dont get u high rip off
i think i got schizoaffective disorder i dont hear the voices but myh brain jus on one and mad shit pops inmy head
I felt very much the same coming off benzos on a rapid taper.... Just so inhibited that all I could do was freeze. My best advice is to look up DBT/CBT grounding techniques... and to know it will pass. During that time everyone kept asking if I was okay, because I was like a complete zombie.