Mental Health Quitting Valium


Jan 14, 2022
I've been on this since the beginning of the year. It started off I'd say 5mg a night until February, then I was 7.5mg a night somewhere into March when some nights I'd take 10mg, then up to 12.5mg, and now I've been taking 15mg a night for a month or so.

I understand this dosage is quite low, and I'm not planning to cold turkey. But if I did, how bad do you any of you suppose the withdrawal would be? I have gabapentin on hand, which, basically does nothing at all. It's a sugar pill to me at this rate. It's part of a ritual just as much as taking valium is, my brain convinces me that it's helping do something. At the moment I'm just not taking this one, because I only take 600mg a day and this simply isn't really enough to cause a withdrawal. I've taken some breaks before without issue. Gabapentin is such a limiting drug because tolerance goes up so fast and bioavailability is so poor, so I'll likely stay on this one for a little while but really only use it on occasion.

Although I never wanted to touch a benzo in my life, this has been the toughest year of the 28 years I've been alive (nearly joined the 27 club before my birthday last Fall). I'm not going to get too into the specifics because it isn't entirely relevant. All that needs to be said is that it's been a horrible year for me, mainly due to chronic issues with my sinuses that put me through major surgery 2 weeks ago. I waited all year for it in agonizing pain all over my head and face while holding a full time retail job through a hellishly cold winter and poor heating in my house. There is a lot more to it than this, but I'll leave it there. Valium single handedly saved my life and I would not have gotten through these months without it, period. But I do have a history of mental health problems regardless, with the biggest demon being C-PTSD/general anxiety (I think depression is just the side effect of these and not its own condition, but I can't really say). A very large portion of my depression I believe comes from my life in general, family issues, isolation, shitty friends who show no sign of maturing or growing. I have severe trust issues which makes it difficult to branch out and try to connect with others beyond the same crowd I've known since school days.

Things have begun to look up. Summer has arrived, and I don't want this shackle on me any longer. I love valium, it is very relaxing, but the whole reason I even ended up on it is because my sinus issues made using cannabis impossible, even in edible form. Every time I would get high it would exacerbate my pain a lot. I think it may be related to how THC can dry out the sinuses, or change in pressure around the eyes. I can't really say for sure, because I started to puff a little a month ago weeks before my surgery and I was no longer having these issues.

THC is really an essential part of my life. Sure, sometimes it can GIVE me anxiety, and I often think when it does it's for a good reason. It means there is something in my subconscious that I've been trying to bury and it's being brought to the surface. Although in general it's more to do with when I use it. I don't like getting high during the day at all, it just makes me feel foggy. But as a night time ritual, it's almost always enjoyable unless I smoke too much.

My tolerance has stayed consistently quite low so it's happened a few times lately, but granted I stick to a lower amount, I'm golden. Whereas prior to all of these issues, I was smoking quite heavily, almost a gram a day (which is heavy for me). Massive bong rips covered in kief, and I felt like my ceiling for highness had gotten so much lower. It's like I was smoking myself sober sometimes, or I'd just feel really tired and spaced out, rather than full of creative, deep, insightful thinking and observations. I think my use of THC will change forever after this.

But anyway, I don't know what to expect with the valium. Maybe I could CT it, but I would rather not, because the fact is this has become a ritual for me. It wouldn't be easy to just have the rug pulled out from underneath me. I'd chew one up, shower, get out, crush 2 and put them under my tongue. Valium was a lifesafer for my stomach as well over the last few months because chronic stress did a number on me and gave me intense cramping. I'd take a valium and suddenly, I could eat, I could be comfortable. But since I started using cannabis again I've gained 10 pounds in a month. I went from a frail 118 pounds, 6"0 to 130. This is still very low, but still, I've always been around the 130s regardless of how much I eat because I have a very fast metabolism.

I've been on prednisone lately post surgery and I ended up using up more of the Valium than I'd have liked to. That means I actually do have to begin tapering as of now, because if I were to keep taking 3 a night I will have run out before I can get more filled. But the half life is so long that I'm sure I would be fine. I'm actually attempting to quit prozac at the same time, because I seem to be responding to amitriptaline better. Supposedly men don't do as well with SSRI/SNRIs as women. Just switching from cymbalta to prozac was torture, but from what I understand prozac is a lot easier to come off due to the long half life, and I can recall having CT'd it in the past that despite having brain zaps, they weren't constant, they would come in waves.

So by Monday, I will likely get one more 10 day supply (30 5mg tablets), try to stick with 10mg a night, and then after that, switch to 2mg tablets). Perhaps I should just switch to the 2mg tablets instead of having this sort of "last dance" with a regular dose. It is mostly a psychological addiction I feel I have with it, because it really doesn't do a whole lot for me at this point. Yes it's relaxing but at one point 5mg would literally make me nod out completely, K.O. I can be wide awake on 15mg and I've taken 20mg at least twice. But yeah, I mention psychological addiction because I've felt this way about so many things even beyond drugs. For instance, I am addicted to drinking chamomile tea before bed with a stack of graham crackers and banana bread. I literally have to have this, one night when I realized I was out of graham crackers I was PISSED! I also feel this very strong psychological desire, like a need, to do DMT right now, because my brain has convinced me that a strong psychedelic experience, or several, will help me find new footing.

This is getting sort of all over the place, so I'll stop here. It really seems that I'm afraid of losing this ritual that I have associated with peace of mind and relaxing. I simply would not have made it through this hellish, nightmarish year without valium. It's still continuing to be difficult. There is looming uncertainty over various personal matters for me at the moment, including figuring out what the hell to do with my life besides work in retail when I have so many talents.

Mental illness sure is a bitch. But I'm trying to find a decent therapist in the meantime. I've just had issues with insurance or distance, but I think I've found a potential good candidate. I saw one back in college, he was a counselor but also a licensed therapist, and he was perfect. Anyone I tried to see after that ended up in me having to say, hey, this isn't working, sorry but I'm out.
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You're in some luck at least. Valium has a super-long half-life. Probably the best benzo to taper with or get off of. Same with prozac.

Sounds like weed is both good and bad for you (?) I hear positives and negatives alike.

That indeed is very skinny. 118 for six feet is way low, like dangerous.

Do you think that staying on valium might be best for you? Sounds like it's working for you in a pinch. Maybe it can help you eat more.

Lol chamomile and graham cracker addiction, hmmm? I can probably fairly certainly say that's not an issue, which is good!

Got to be careful with those psychedelics, though. COmbined with benzo withdrawal it might be problematic. DMT is the most intense of the lot, too, though it only lasts like a half hour.

How can I be of more help? Good luck!
^ I took xanax before for opioid withdrawal. I would have much preferred Valium but the psych. acted like it wasn't prescribed much anymore . . .
anyway thank you for your information.
^ I took xanax before for opioid withdrawal. I would have much preferred Valium but the psych. acted like it wasn't prescribed much anymore . . .
anyway thank you for your information.
Surely! Usually they give klonopin these days instead of valium. I heard from a reputable source that Valium can cause some gnarly depression is why. Xanax is a mixed bag. It sort of depends on one's philosophy. Some think that dependence on benzos is primarily a result of the drug staying in your system continuously, while others think that it's the rebound from a short-acting ones that gets you.
I could stay on the Valium, it's just that it really doesn't have a significant impact at this rate. Cannabis is my one true love. While it can give me anxiety, it's the opposite if I'm having anxiety, if that makes sense. So if I'm having a panic attack, weed will more than likely obliterate it. But if I'm in a good mood and smoke way too much or something, I might get pretty anxious. It's a bit strange but at the end of the day, it feels like it's so much a part of me.

Interesting plot twist, however... I mentioned how I had stopped Gabapentin before at times with no issue. However, for awhile now, despite being prescribed 600mg, I've opted to take 900mg, or 800mg, and then maybe have a day where I take a few less. Usually my re-fill is a few days before the month is over.

So I didn't take any the last 2 days, and I got absolutely zero sleep last night. I woke up feeling like I was having kratom withdrawals, so I took some kratom, and I still felt just as bad. I knew something was up. I came home from work to try and nap and had the most uncomfortable half awake vivid dreams where my body felt like it was moving underwater.

So it would seem I have this other issue now lol... I need to stabilize the Gabapentin whilst tapering the Valium. Back in January I went like a week without taking any and I was fine, but then I started to regularly take around a gram. This was somewhat due to the chronic headaches I was experiencing due to my sinuses, it did help out quite a bit. But I know in the back of my mind I was also trying to feel something otherwise, because God, the anxiety, it's just been so fucking awful this year.

Today was my first day back to work and I was greeted with yet again wonderful stomach cramps. It seems my work environment really stresses out my G.I. If I took a valium before work, no problem, I can eat. It's a tricky situation. In all honesty it was a "breakfast day" at work though and I had 2 pancakes. They were small but I think these motherfuckers put like 20 eggs in them I swear, it was awful. Considering I've had literally zero issues with my stomach the 2 weeks I was out of work eating anything I want, this was either a fluke, or I just need to get out of this fucking Walmart job. I'll find out tomorrow snacking on something lighter if my stomach is OK. I mean, I just ate several greasy ass slices of pizza for dinner and I'm completely fine.

At the end of the day I just hate to rely on a benzo, I really do. I don't want to end up making this a significantly difficult taper. Perhaps if I stayed at this dose it wouldn't be, I know it's not very high. It would help me eat more, at least a little more, while at work. At the moment I'm on short shifts so it isn't imperative that I eat since I get out around 1:00pm. I had a barium swallow done awhile back that showed delayed gastric emptying and this may be related, like stress slows down my digestion, but I don't really know. It's all confusing. Valium has its positives but it has its negatives just like weed. The fact that I rely on it for one, but also how I sublingual it and tense up my jaw, it can give me pretty bad jaw pain, and I grind my teeth in that state as well, a habit that I try to never do anymore.
^ I took xanax before for opioid withdrawal. I would have much preferred Valium but the psych. acted like it wasn't prescribed much anymore . . .
anyway thank you for your information.
Thsts so wrong, valium is better for opioid wds than Xanax. It has muscle relaxant properties and lasts longer while Xanax is just an hypnotic drug that wears off after 2 hrs, Shame on that Dr.
Ok I'm 100% blaming those pancakes for just being terrible. I shit out the Basilisk from Chamber of Secrets. And that's a good sign because I was relying on miralax for my "delayed gastric emptying." Totally TMI, but I'm at least somewhat hopeful that tomorrow I'll be able to eat something. I was suffering from absolute extreme constipation this entire year. I believe beginning to use cannabis again is what helped me gain some of my weight back. On a side note, sometimes when my stomach is cramping, eating would help. There's certainly some things going on I don't fully understand. But chamomile tea is supposed to help with bloat, I use 2 bags and they have 5mg CBD in each.

It's true though that Valium probably saved me from dying of malnutrition or something through the winter. Aside from the fact that I was just casually suicidal. Then again I have been for around 6 years, despite having so much I can work with for myself. Still, this has been easily the most devastatingly bad year of my life Sadly the man of my avatar and I share some similarities. But there is still a lot of hope for me, I think. I need to find some professional help as I'd mentioned. I've been focusing on my sinus recovery, but I can't go too far off track.

That does seem shitty, yea. I actually wanted to be prescribed Ativan instead of Valium after a bit because I though the Valium was too sedating and I wanted to be able to use it during the day. Ativan is apparently less so and is weaker in general, but I was told due to its lower half life it has a higher risk for addiction/dependency. Maybe the latter makes more sense, I suppose all of these drugs can produce a similar effect, but I'm not sure. The only other one I've tried is Temazepam recreationally a couple years back, 30mg or so, I really didn't feel much besides a little dizzy. And considering 5mg of Valium was enough to K.O me at first, that seems kind of odd. Temazepam sounds like it's stronger according to a lot of what I've read.

The Valium eventually became stimulating for me instead. I mean it still helps me sleep, but I suppose this "stimulation" is sort of a focused relaxation or so. Gabapentin is more of a stimulating feeling for me now as well when I do feel it. It's subtle but it loosens me up like a few drinks. After realizing I'm beginning to have withdrawals from it though, I have to be careful. I never meant for it to reach this point. Today felt like kind of a nightmare when I got home and tried to sleep, my body felt like it was vibrating. Last night and this nap I only felt like I was 70% asleep
Thsts so wrong, valium is better for opioid wds than Xanax. It has muscle relaxant properties and lasts longer while Xanax is just an hypnotic drug that wears off after 2 hrs, Shame on that Dr.
Yes I actually use Valium only when I need to get off Xanax. I take a great deal of Valium in the first week or two to mask the Xanax withdrawal and then steadily take less and less but don't really do any kind of serious taper. I take Valium for about a month or so after the last Xanax, then I just stop the Valium cold turkey. Super long half life, I don't get any withdrawal nasties from Valium, but I do cut out caffeine for the first week. Going cold turkey off Xanax even with a quick taper, well, that's probably the most nightmarish experience I've ever had. Tried twice, ended up back on it within 48 hours out of necessity.
I quit Valium January of 2021,I was upto 40-50 mg a day for about 6 months before that I was doing a couple mg of Xanax daily before switching to Valium because it’s easier to taper off long as your not in a rush like I was I’d just start reducing your dose to a comfortable level for a few weeks before reducing again, the first things I noticed was my sleep was affected and my anxiety was crippling at times and I was anxiety free or close to nothing before starting them , from 40 mg to 15 mg was pretty easy but things got intense after that which is why I just wanted to get it over quickly, I didn’t even last a week on about 7.5 mg before I jumped off totally,for me the first three weeks were the worst of it and it slowly improved from there..I just retired a few months earlier so it was doable with me being home but there’s no way I would have been able to perform my job if I was working ,I also stopped via taper at the same time gabapentin and tramadol so the lines were blurred on which drug was creating which uncomfortable feeling but let’s just say it was a bad month. I used weed,hydroxyzine regularly and trazadone for sleep every other day,sleep was 3-4 hrs a night for the first few weeks and slowly improved and by September I was sleeping 7-8 hrs a night withoutout any meds except melatonin ..