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Quitting risperidone to be able to take psychedelics


Bluelight Crew
Nov 4, 2010
Hi guys,

I had a couple of paranoid psychotic episodes (caused by a stressful life situation, not drugs) many years back, and I was prescribed risperidone, which I still use (3mg a day). I really haven't had any paranoia or other psychotic symptoms for 5 years, so I wouldn't really need the med anymore, but I'm still using it because it helps me get sleep at night. I've also become somewhat physically dependent on risperidone, and I get some kind of panic disorder symptoms and insomnia if I don't take my medication.

The problem is, the risperidone has started causing me erectile dysfunction and lack of libido, which is a common side effect. Also, I'd like to try psychedelics but it would be pointless to take them because risperidone blocks their effects (5-HT2A antagonism). Quetiapine is an antipsychotic that does not lower testosterone levels like risperidone, so switching to that would probably solve the sexual problems. However, quetiapine also blocks 5HT2A, so it would still prevent me from experimenting with psychedelics.

Has anyone been in a similar situation, having to quit antipsychotics for a few days to be able to take psychedelics? Risperidone has a half-life of 24h and an active metabolite with similar half-life, so it would probably take a week of abstinence to get it cleared from my body. I have a few hundred ololiuhqui (turbina corymbosa) seeds in my cupboard, and I will probably ingest about 150-200 seeds when the time comes. Is it possible that my 5HT2A receptors have become hypersensitized during the years of constant blockage by risperidone, and that when I take psychedelics they have a stronger effect on me than normal people?
I don't think your receptors will be hypersensitive but you will need to taper yourself off risperidone if you wish to quit.
I'm not sure what a good taper program is for risperidone but your doctor should be able to help you or another forum member
I'm already tapering, I've been taking only 2mg a day for the last two days. I've had some slight anxiety as a WD symptom but nothing bad.
Yea since you're tapering I wouldn't expect any rebound sensitivity for your 5HT receptors
By the way, do those ololiuhqui seeds really work? In most reports, people seem to have experienced at least some psychedelic effects if they have taken more than 100 seeds.
The seeds contain LSA, yes they will work.
You won't be tripping and likely won't get much for visuals except sometimes everything appears to be vibrating.
They also put you in a lucid psychedelic state of mind.
I enjoyed LSA after the absolutely brutal nausea for an hour on the comeup
^ Good, I wasn't planning to trip very hard on my first time, the only hallucinogens I have tried before are DXM, nitrous oxide and ether. I have heard that the ololiuhqui are easier on the stomach than morning glory seeds.
I failed to quit the risperidone on my own, because the discontinuation symptoms got too unpleasant. However, last night I tested what happens if I take 5 g of ololiuhqui seeds despite being on risperidone... The effects were apparently not completely blocked by the antipsychotic- I felt euphoria and a "body high" (being in my own body felt unusually pleasant) and some lack of motor coordination when walking. My imagination became wilder than usual. Listening to psychedelic chill-out music on youtube felt great. My pupils were dilated and I had a dry mouth. The effects lasted for 6 hours, after which I fell asleep.

I didn't experience any significant visuals, but the mental and body effects were not blocked by risperidone. Anyone else have similar experiences with tripping on antipsychotics?
I don't find LSA seeds extremely visual to begin with...

anyway I would exercise a lot of caution, and take more time to get or stay stable on or off the medication before adding a psychedelic. It is pretty risky to use something destabilizing if you are already perturbed.