Quitting opiates, taper or cold turkey?


Hah. Price you gotta pay for all that time you spent high. Think of it as the karmic scales balancing out. You spend years and years sometimes, getting high, being numb, cheating emotions, living in a way people are just not supposed to live. Well, your withdrawal and how much it sucks is the flip side to that equation. The universe finding some equilibrium after you fucked everything up by being high as a kite for half your life. Haha.

Pay the piper, bro.
Thanks Evey. Feeling so down today. Haven't even gotten out of bed and don't want to.

Hoping this is not forever, or I'd leap off a bridge.

Nothing is that bad. Please don't do anything like that. If you're feeling suicidal there are people who you can talk to. The samaritans, for example. Nothing is as bad as that even if it seems that way now. People would miss you. You're going through withdrawals right now but it won't always be that way n you will get through this.
Sending a virtual hug ((((wantTOBeReborn)))) xxxx
I would be doing as much stuff as possible.. anything.. sitting around and dwelling on how awful we feal just makes it so much worse.. go see a movie, a prize fight, a sporting match, volunteer.. anything but sitting around thinking of how this sucks=D<3
I'm struggling today. Really feel shitty, sick, dehydrated and a lot of insomnia. Any advice appreciated.
This may sound like an obvious one for the dehydration, but be sure to drink lots of fluids! Water and sports drinks with electrolytes are helpful for rehydration. Make sure you eat a well balanced meal too.

How are your cravings? How are PAWS treating you?
Hi Ad Lib!

Thanks for the reply! I had been managing to drink up until a few days ago and eat, but then started really struggling to keep anything down. Good point about the electrolytes, a potassium drink helped yesterday as I was having horrible heart thumping sickness and severe pain in my gullet area. I'm still off the pills but not technically at paws stage yet as such due to still having doses of the liquid morph, which I am reducing slowly as I really feel the big reductions. Still struggling with tapering this.
I've managed to get up and do a few small tasks at home. It really does make such a difference just forcing yourself to get up and move about. Have been eating and drinking again. The electrolytes definitely made a huge difference.

I think a long hot shower is on the cards in a little while!

Any suggestions for how I can manage a night's sleep would be hugely appreciated.

Sleep is rough in withdrawals. Insomnia is one of the last symptoms to go away for a lot of people. There's not much you can do naturally.. I mean, hot shower before bed, tea, stuff like that. diphenhydramine helps some people. Benzos also can be a big help. Seroquel was the only thing that worked to get me a few hours of sleep during detox, and still only after the first week or so was I able to start getting even 3-4 hours with the seroquel.
Hey being reborn<3.. hang in there your doing great!!!! Since you are starting to feal pretty rough you may just consider jumping off completelly and pushing through the inevitable.

You may wish to try adding time melatonin in to try and get some more sleep.

Keep up the good work!!!! Fight fight fight!!!
Doxylamine succinate is another - think they are called Sleep Aid - anti histamine like things. But get this for weird - they seem to make me a bit high!!! It is so bizarre!!!

Ugh yeah it was really hard. I don't know, man. It was hard to deal with. I tried to stay busy and focus my attention on other things beside how bloody tired I was, but after a while, it's all you think about and really start to loose your mind.

Are you getting any sleep at all right now? Even only an hour can make a massive difference.
You are doing great!! No advice to add, but just wanted to say that I tapered off morphine for pretty much the same exact reasons as you, and felt the same way, wondering if I was ever going to feel anything positive ever again.

I was rough for a while, but let me just tell you that the day your brain chemistry starts to normalize again and produce its own feel good chemicals, all of a sudden you are going to feel fucking amazing, and it will be even better because you will not be a slave to any type of pill or liquid any longer.

That day will come for you, friend. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Beachcat - that really means a lot.

Everyone talks of this day when I will start to feel amazing - it reallys speaks volumes of how evil this poison is to the mind, body and soul, when I say that honestly, I have forgotten how that feels and can't even imagine it any more. I see people doing stuff and going about their business and not sleepy all the time and it feels like they are on another universe. Will I ever feel like them again I wonder?

You will feel like that, again. I know it can seem like it'll never happen, and that feeling or normalcy and happiness feels like a different life time, but it does happen. Keep staying clean and one day you'll wake up and feel great. It takes about a year for your brain to go back to normal and start producing the natural endorphins that the drug addiction destroyed. Once that happens you'll feel like a new person.
Keep going, wanttobereborn, you're doing ace doing ace. Things will get better.
You've had a hard time of it but you will get through this. You kniw we're all here n you're welcome to pm anytime as you've been doing if you need to talk hugs xxxx
Thanks everyone, that really helps me to see a light at the end of this shitty tunnel!!!

Do you guys think it is possible for even people with say ten, fifteen + years of opiate addiction under their belt to actually return to proper receptor function? I have a buddy that's been also on medical opiates but has been on a long, long time and is also trying to quit, but I was wondering, can the brain still recover?

I think for me, the biggest damage is on my motivation, just not wanting to to do anything but lie around, loss of the work/reward circuitry, huge loss of energy and inability to feel proper happiness - will these things improve when I get clean?
I can't answer that, hopefully others can. Your brain will need to repair as you already know n there's PAWS (I have a thread on PAWS in TDS with info if you'd like to look) but I assume that it will eventually repair if you treat the body well: exercise, healthy food - that sort of thing. You're doing ace xxxx