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Questions about Fentanyl patches! Please help me out.

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Aug 30, 2010
Hey guys I have a prescription for Oxycontin 80mg(60 per month) and Roxicodone 15mg(75 per month) for my back and the new Oxys hurt my stomach. So a buddy of mine told me about these Fentanyl patches. He said they work VERY well! I have a few questions if you guys could help that would be great...

Would the Fentanyl patches be good to switch to from the Oxycontin?

How many micro grams would be similar to the 80mg Oxycontin's?

I just lost my insurance so does anyone have a rough price of how much the Fentanyl patches would cost at the pharmacy?

I don't know how much Fentanyl patches sell for on the street, but if the cost of the prescription is expensive maybe I could sell some patches to help me pay for them... Does anyone know the street value of the patches?

I really appreciate any and all advice. Thanks!
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that comes out at 41.1mcg/h so it would be the 50 mcg/h patch prolly, how much roxy do yu take a day?
I take one Oxy in the morning, then 2-3 Roxie's throughout the day depending on how my back feels, and then another Oxy at night.
So then you think I should ask for the 100mcg/h patches? Or keep the roxys and ask for 50mcg/h patches?

Also any idea the price of the patches without insurance?
they may start with 50/h not to sure
and not certain about price but i believe there are generic versions
Congrats on your 100th post! WOOT!

Also thank you for your help, I appreciate it! Generic would be great, but I am worried about the cost because I don't have insurance! BOO :(
U are on wayyy to many opiates i truly feel bad for ur withdrawls man. Alsl price discussion isnt allowed ^^
ok i have been doing fentanyl steadily for the past few months so i have some experience.
1. if you are really in pain then the patch just might be for you but DO NOT suggest a dose to your doctor. that fucked me now i lost my norcos.
2. every converter is different but if you have been taking 60mgs of morphine daily for at least 2 weeks then they can transition to a 25mcg patch. so convert your oxy dose to morphine then go from there. at your tolerance you would probably get a 50 maybe 75mcg patch.
3. no idea as it depends on generic and how much the dealer i mean pharmacy charges.
4. ask around no price discussion here.
If you get in a position where you do get prescribed the patches, call around! When I was a total broke ass, I used to get my wife's psycho meds from Shoppers Food Warehouse (don't know it you have them around you) and would go back and pay for them a week at a time. They were by far and I mean by a large margin, the cheapest pharmacy anywhere around me at the time. Believe me, you'll find that your cost will be all over the place depending on the pharmacy you call. Some of mine where like $200 at one place and $75 at SFW. Looking back at it, SFW basically catered to broke ass folks like me and I believe their pharmacies followed the same credo and kept prices as low as they could. Good Luck!
I feel just lucky to pay 32% in taxes just to know that each and every pharmacy here in Finland has same prices and you get either 42%, 75% or 100% deduction just for being a citizen
I didn't like fentanyl. I found it annoying.. Showers, being in the sun, the patch falling off. Not a fan of how they made me feel and the withdrawals were pretty bad but that's the case with any opiate, of course. Oxy and Roxy? Sounds like heaven to me!
I feel just lucky to pay 32% in taxes just to know that each and every pharmacy here in Finland has same prices and you get either 42%, 75% or 100% deduction just for being a citizen

Sorry I forgot for the moment the international flavor of this site. It's actually one of the things I really like about BL but it just slipped my mind when I posted (it was in the middle of a sleepless night, sorry).
This thread is from 2010 so I doubt the OP will see this. We don't permit price discussion either.
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