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Questions About 5HTP

Our favourite for dreams is fresh Mugwort in the pillow. Works everytime. No tolerance is developed and the practice appears safe. Dreams are not always totally pleasant, but can be wildly adventurous. Strangely enough it also provides a good rest despite a night of action :)
Its weird how u feel exhausted but still get a good nights sleep.
[Edit: Content in breach of Guidelines removed. Please do not ask for sources of anything. BigTrancer]
[ 27 November 2002: Message edited by: BigTrancer ]
Good response Squire !
I understand where you're coming from and I fully appreciate what your saying in relation to Cow's milk.
I guess I come from the view point that biologicaly we are not cows with multiple tummies and the milk we should have should be from our species as opposed to that from another.
I understand your intolerance to Milk. As you age past weaning you naturally loose the digestive enzymes for milk. This is natures way of saying "Ok, feed me solids now".
Yes Milk does have some benefits, alas most of the protein in cow's milk in contained in the Casein component(Which, by the way, is a raw material for making industrial glue) Because most of the milk is undigested, due to lack of enzymes, the Casein coats the mucus linings and very little is actually absorbed into the bloodstream.
Suprisingly, the correlation of Asthma, Osteoporosis, Prostrate cancer and dairy intake is very high.
The countries with the least amount of dairy intake have the least amount of osteoporosis.
In rural Africa, least dairy, there is no word for Osteoporosis.
As far as my facts are concerned, Vegitarian/Vegans have a vastly lower incidence of Osteoporosis than those who consume milk.
Anyway I could ramble, but if your interested then checkout the book by the Chairman of Pediatrics at John Hopkins University (Dr Frank Oski MD) who wrote a book titled "Don't drink your Milk" Do a Google search...your bound to find something.
Anyway, I'm off for a Banana Milk shake !!!!!!!
Pinkanga.........So true about the dreams and waking up rather exhausted.
^^^ Cheers BongoBongo I'll chase Dr Oski's book the as soon as time allows. Interesting stuff about Africans / vegetarians, and low reports of osteoporosis amongst these groups.
Before having to give up the love / addiction of my life due to ankle/knee probs, I usually ran 6-10km a day. After a gradual shift I eventually did 2 years on a no dairy, vegetarian diet. I found my intake of calcium was lacking considerably during this period, and noticed several symptoms of deficiency. I took a daily mixture of Ca sandoz, Ca orotate and Ca gluconate. None of this seemed to help and I found it wasn't until I started on dairy again that I felt right. It was almost overnight. Guess I'm toooo used to getting my calcium this way, :( damn lazy body! ;)
Such a fundamental life element is calcium, and yet some mechanisms are obviously far from being completely understood. You've made some interesting points BongoBongo, no doubt with considerable merit. Thanks :)
Excellent Phase-Dancer.
Check out "Fit for Life 2 Living Health" to read about Calcium Absorption of Dairy Products...very interesting. Also check out "Diet for a new America" by a chap called "Robbins" (Heir to Baskin and Robbins) all about calcuim too.
I too was a runner, but got sore knees. I then started to run with just socks on (on lawns only)
Apparently, so I am told-and I can testify to it myself, that running shoes transfer the shock from the foot to the knees. The feet are somewhat designed to absorb shock in the first place.
So now I run in shoes with no bouncy stuff in it, or just socks. No knee problems anymore.
Good luck squire.
Some of the dreams i have had after rolling + 5htp have been unreal.. although sometimes they could be a bit twisted.
Do you have to sleep after taking 5htp for it to work ? :)
Earlier in this post I said:
I'm thinking that because the thing the body needs to do to turn 5-HTP into 5-HT (serotonin) is quite quick, you can pretty much take it whenever and still get the benefits. 100mg is a good dose, and pretty much all of it gets converted into serotonin.
Some of the problems with taking it during the day is getting a slight stomach upset or getting drowsy, two symptoms I've had. But I guess it's better to put up with those two minor effects than feel like utter shite all day.
I don't think I was clear enough, but yes, you can take 5-HTP anytime in the day, and it will effect the amount of serotonin in your brain. It is just usally taken before sleep because that is the best time for the body to produce more neurotransmitters. I think the drowsiness caused via taking 5-HTP during the day is due to "excess" serotonin being converted into melotonin, a big chemical in the sleep department.
On a more musing note (phase_dancer, Bigtrancer, Apollo, I'm looking in your direction), I was wondering if the "wacky" dreams caused by 5-HTP before bed could be related to the possiblity of 5-HT being converted in DMT in VERY SMALL amounts just via some sort of equilbrium reaction or something. It looks chemically possible, and I've heard of people taking huge amounts of 5-HTP to get a "trippy" effect.
5HTP has on a few occasions made me vomit (only taking 100mg dose)
Anyone known this to happen?
Any explanations? :(
Yeah, I get nausea if I take 5-HTP on an empty stomach before bed, but not to the point of vomiting.
I remember reading somewhere a post from babydoc_vic that said that there are serotonin receptors in the stomach, and because 5-HTP can be considered "concentrated" dose of serotonin (give or take a carboxyl and hydroxyl group), it may account for the vomiting.
I find taking some food with the 5-htp eliminates nausea, or alternately taking the caps just before bed and sleep through the nausea.
BigTrancer :)
BT - from unbearable nausea while rolling...
Originally posted by babydoc_vic:
We all have a truckload of serotonin receptors in our gastrointestinal tract, which get stimulated by MDMA like the ones in your brain do. For some people this doesn't cause problems. For others however, it means nausea, vomitting, gas/burping, diarrhoea and/or abdo pain during or after e. Chances are your friends GIT is just more sensitive to this than other peoples, and therefore it probably isn't anyhting serious. Although it is of course distressing.
Fetish Jester - I've got a lot of info on this. I just typed up a huge response, but I fucking lost it to my own stupidity. I'll come back and post it when I've got the time.
For now I'll just say this - the pineal gland contains mechanisms which convert serotonin and melatonin into DMT and beta-carbolines. In situmlating the production of more serotonin through 5-HTP intake, the pineal gland finds more 5-HT, and thus metabolises more DMT/beta-carbolines than usual, resulting in the dreams you speak of...
I'm fuckin angry that I lost that post... No point in crying over spilt milk, but hell it's painful losing something you put a fair bit of time in to. Oh well, more to come :)