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Question on microdosing and tolerance build up


Nov 10, 2015
Hi guys, I recently have taken up microdosing LSD about twice a week (once every 3 or 4 days) and have found it amazing for productivity, creativity and general well being. Every now and then though I like to actually trip (usually 200 - 300mcs) but I have yet to do this amidst microdosing. This past week I microdosed twice Thursday and Saturday, I am looking to trip this upcoming Friday (my usual dose 200-300), do you expect I will trip as normal or will my microdosing from the previous week affect the trip? and if so would you recommend increasing the dose? Any help is appreciated, Thanks!
If you are microdosing you are probably not taking enough to have it effect any sort of tolerance.

When myself and other people I know experimented with microdosing LSD we did not develop any sort of tolerance to the drug, and were easily able to trip and have a psychedelic experience on larger doses of the drug even though we had taken micro/low doses for 4-5 days daily until taking the larger dose.
@Mollyadam, depends on how big the microdose is.
i.e. if your 4 days are after 10-20 mics then you should have no impact from microdosing on the effect of 200-300 mics, but after this blast, microdosing will be an ineffectual waste for 2-3 weeks.