Question, i need help.


Oct 11, 2014
Ok, Im fixing to start WDing off suboxone. I have some test cyp and some PCT IV which has ostarine in it. I have been working very hard for the past few months but I'm about 3 weeks off cycle into PCT and I don't want to lose the gains i've got from the cycle. What can I do to minimize gain loss during my withdrawal stage's?
Eat, rest and accept the reality that you are probably going to lose some gains (if you eat right the loss will be minimal) but you will easily get them back next cycle.
Why not do a cruise for a few weeks like 250mg perweek until your withdrawals have subsided?
Why not do a cruise for a few weeks like 250mg perweek until your withdrawals have subsided?

This along with what Guido said. Cruise, eat, and rest until you're comfortable going back to the gtm without the fear of vomiting or shitting yourself (idk what dose you're coming off of and how long you've been on subs)
Depending on the severity of your addiction and how long you were on the drugs, would it not possibly make sense to stay on indefinitely?
Depending on the severity of your addiction and how long you were on the drugs, would it not possibly make sense to stay on indefinitely?
If he's part of narcotics anonymous Then he can't claim clean time sadly (according to a world service bulletin, not my own personal thing.) . Also why be dependent if you don't have to? I know this is kind of hypocritical coming from someone who uses gear and goes to NA and also blasts and cruises lol. But then again I don't use any narcotics anymore and the literature says nothing about gear yet covers all the other bases.
i am part of NA an i went to a rehab where they hook u on subs, i been on for 6 months at 8mg/day but I've weined down to about half now an i have 1 sub left so ima make it last an fast taper...i got a lot of weed an kpins to help ease through it and i wouldn't go back on cycle I'm almost done with pct so ill just wait a few weeks longer an do another cycle...i did hdrol 4 weeks straight to epi with test cyp whole 50mg eod. sucks man but i wanna get off a crutch
i am part of NA an i went to a rehab where they hook u on subs, i been on for 6 months at 8mg/day but I've weined down to about half now an i have 1 sub left so ima make it last an fast taper...i got a lot of weed an kpins to help ease through it and i wouldn't go back on cycle I'm almost done with pct so ill just wait a few weeks longer an do another cycle...i did hdrol 4 weeks straight to epi with test cyp whole 50mg eod. sucks man but i wanna get off a crutch

I feel ya. Just try to take it easy. Remember your recovery comes first as without that, any hopes and dreams of aspirations will be null as we know the drugs always came before that stuff in the past. I wish you the best of luck. I'm a former heroin addict and so is Guido so we can relate to that shit. We made it through and are on to wonderful things now even though life is still life sometimes.
If he's part of narcotics anonymous Then he can't claim clean time sadly (according to a world service bulletin, not my own personal thing.) . Also why be dependent if you don't have to? I know this is kind of hypocritical coming from someone who uses gear and goes to NA and also blasts and cruises lol. But then again I don't use any narcotics anymore and the literature says nothing about gear yet covers all the other bases.

I was thinking more in the direction of getting his bloods tested by a gp and if results are bad going on TRT. I thought opiate addiction crashed your hpta depending on certain factors?
I was thinking more in the direction of getting his bloods tested by a gp and if results are bad going on TRT. I thought opiate addiction crashed your hpta depending on certain factors?

talked to GP today about that so I'm having a blood test done to see my levels and see if ill need only 24 though so I'm hoping i don't need TRT, I've ran 3 cycles.. in my past but right now my body is feeling shut down an its hard to get hard(no pun), an i just have no sex drive