Site Feedback Question about my close dthread

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Rio Fantastic

Feb 19, 2009

Could someone kindly explain to me why my thread was locked whereas this similar but arguably more mean-spirited thread is allowed to flourish? I asked the moderator who closed it, but other than getting a two word confirmation of the fact that he feels only his little clique should be allowed to post in The Lounge I haven't been provided with any kind of adequate answer as to why my thread was closed. I'd have no problem with my thread being closed if someone would just take two mintues to explain why.


I would suspect because the closed thread was an attack directed at one named person, whereas the other was an invitation to talk shit about anyone you wished. But only the mod who closed it knows for sure.
I would suspect because the closed thread was an attack directed at one named person, whereas the other was an invitation to talk shit about anyone you wished. But only the mod who closed it knows for sure.

My post was a general thread about overrated members, starting with a personal example. The other was a general thread about who should be permabanned, also started with a specific personal example. I don't see the distinction. The only reason I've been given for what seems to me to be doublestandards is that I was "being a jackass" and a formal warning. I don't know why calling a poster overrated is being a jackass whereas saying someone should be permabanned is totally fine. The only thing I've been able to gather from this whole charade is something that really should be added to the rules "Don't criticise the cool kids, lest you face the wrath of their moderator friends".

On an unrelated note, you really want to be a mod don't you???
The second post did not start with any specific examples. It just said "..who will it be? you can choose only one and must explain why." I think a thread with room to insult everyone has more potential than a thread attacking just one person. There's been plenty of criticism of CH and it's never been deleted before, so it's not a "cool kid" thing. Just whether or not a thread has potential for discussion. It's just a guess though ,since I'm not a mod and have absolutely no desire to be one, despite having been invited to.

What the fuck is having a point of a forum if members can't respond to other members? Let's have the same strategy in BDD, OD, etc. Only mods can offer opinions. Should be v stimulating.
The second post did not start with any specific examples. It just said "..who will it be? you can choose only one and must explain why." I think a thread with room to insult everyone has more potential than a thread attacking just one person. There's been plenty of criticism of CH and it's never been deleted before, so it's not a "cool kid" thing. Just whether or not a thread has potential for discussion. It's just a guess though ,since I'm not a mod and have absolutely no desire to be one, despite having been invited to.

What the fuck is having a point of a forum if members can't respond to other members? Let's have the same strategy in BDD, OD, etc. Only mods can offer opinions. Should be v stimulating.

You seem to be wildly misinterpreting the point of my thread and I don't know if it's intentional or what. If my thread was called "Captain Heroin is overrated - who's with me!?" then I'd understand. It was about the general topic of overrated forum members, which I started with one line about a minor gripe I had with Captain Heroin where I didn't even address the guy by name, and I meant for other members to then chip in with who they thought was overrated. You keep referring to it like the whole thread was aimed at him, I could have named other members but I felt like he was the most overrated so I started with him. Forgive me for detecting favouritism when my thread was closed seemingly just because it mentioned him and then my post about him was deleted and then I get a formal warning for mentioning him in a negative light.
Then maybe I'm wrong. You asked a question, I offered an educated guess. And I said EVERY SINGLE TIME that only the mod who closed it can tell you for sure.
Could someone kindly explain to me why my thread was locked whereas this similar but arguably more mean-spirited thread is allowed to flourish?

the OP's thread was nothing more than a thinly veiled personal attack against a BLer, masquerading as a legitimate lounge thread. As such, it was closed. the other thread that the OP is comparing it to was not started in a similarly malicious manner, and its frankly a silly comparison. not that it matters anyway, as forum mods are allowed to use their discretion in cases such as this.

OP then decided to throw a temper tantrum over the closing of their thread, causing a sizable cleanup job for the lounge staff.
this thread has been sufficiently answered by a Lounge moderator.

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