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Quarantine made your habits worse or better?


Dec 20, 2017
It's not really often discussed but I don't see how people could have gone through the past few months with literally zero mental health issues. Not that people were thinking about addiction when it came out but it definitely affected some things. The beginning was a bad time I'll just say that. Alcoholism is up and opiate overdoses spiked... but maybe is it just waves of people relapsing or? If people don't want to talk about it though that's okay too--
It's not really often discussed but I don't see how people could have gone through the past few months with literally zero mental health issues. Not that people were thinking about addiction when it came out but it definitely affected some things. The beginning was a bad time I'll just say that. Alcoholism is up and opiate overdoses spiked... but maybe is it just waves of people relapsing or? If people don't want to talk about it though that's okay too--

Honestlyyy I had been on a run when it first started becoming a scare, then once there were quarantine suggestions, and then mandates, my mother actually reached out to me and wanted me back home. She wanted me to do my detox there and get off the stuff to minimize my chances of catching COVID along with my using. So I did it. But then about 3 months into lock down, with no phone, no sense of community or reminder I am not alone in this—I went back out. Snuck around at first, then it became blatant. I left her house and have been doing my thing since. I believe had I been connected with my recovery community, I could have avoided this relapse. Especially after hunkering down and detoxing at home. That was so rough. Knowing I can do that is somewhat empowering and definitely makes me think I can make it through to the other side again. Just not alone, and even though I had my Mom and siblings, as an addict I felt alone. I’m sure even nonusers are feeling this sense of solitude and loneliness, which could be why people are using for the first time. Yet it also could just be the sheer boredom 😂🤷🏻‍♂️
Is say mine is worse thinking about it. Less frequent, yes, but when i do get out and score/drink/use, i am using/drinking more, faster and harder, spending all my money quicker, maybe due to built up boredom and needing/wanting to 'unleash' harder, or knowing I can't get out and do it again for another good few days/a week, etc 🤷‍♂️
i am using/drinking more, faster and harder, spending all my money quicker, maybe due to built up boredom and needing/wanting to 'unleash' harder, or knowing I can't get out and do it again for another good few days/a week, etc

It’s almost like making up for lost time 😂
Perfect example of an addict mindset, “Better do extra since I can’t when I want to!”
Much, much worse this year than it would’ve been without COVID-19, 100% I was not able to get into rehab in April due to quarantine and distancing protocols, and have most often been off the rails ever since. I’ve had some luck with programming since, but have been so totally fucked it’s not been manageable to maintain that or get completely off of the drugs and alcohol. I’ve rarely been sober and never for long. IApril I was 2 weeks clean in a detox and absolutely ready and willing for long term treatment but could not go.

summertime I got into a 2 week program but the preceding detox was so rough I bailed.

Im not even gonna bother with rehab or anything anymore. Wait lists forever, services are reduced still cause distancing and demand much higher cause mental health / addictions skyrocketing all around, and full lockdown is looming again anyway so fuck trying. And I have fucking COVID now too so not going anywhere regardless. I don’t even have that choice for awhile to even simply detox medically if I wanted to.

Have been doing better lately though substance wise. No meth Couple weeks and alcohols been cut out for a few days now too.

this whole thing with Covid has been a real drag. Hanging around here, alone as of this afternoon cause my roommate/bedmate and close friend / odd couple “not” partner here got his before me and is able to go back to work today. I’m slowly getting sicker it’s fucked up. I’m really pissed off or upset inside all the time.
Probably worse to be honest. Not by a lot but I had zero benzos before lockdown here and no interest in getting any and now I have Clonazepam, Alp, and Diazepam sitting here. Also Tramadol for a change but I’m mostly about Pregabalin these days.
For the first few months, it got much worse. All my band's plans for the years were canceled and I was so depressed about it... plus I am a very social person so isolating at home drives me insane, I fucking hate it. I was drinking a lot, and then I got some GHB and started abusing it... semi-ODed and ended up in the ER (my girlfriend was scared, I was fine though, but she found me unconscious and called 911). After that I kept using it secretly, then switched to phenibut, spent lots of time slowly tapering and withdrawing, then got on opiates again to help, ended up out of control on opiates. Finally started to get my shit together and went on a detox. As an end result, I guess, my habits are better than they've been in years, but it's been a journey.

And honestly if I was still isolated at home it would probably still be bad, but I hang out with some friends and do some stuff with my band now.
Nothing has really changed for me. There is nothing to do in my small town and I've always been a homebody, so none of that changed. The only thing that bothered me was Walmart closing instead of being open 24/7. I still have to go to work, in the public. Getting screened every day before work is a bit annoying. I've almost been sent home because i had the sniffles.
I was actually sober the whole beginning of all the mess. I didnt relapse until Sept but it had nothing to do with COVID, it was because i got off paper.
At 1st much worse. My drinking spiked even harder than 2019. Was already working from home mostly in 2019, aside a day or two a week. Then when we went fully remote in January day drinking spiked. Then to not working in March, and drinking went out ofwaaaayyyy out of control. I did not do well with 0 responsibilities, plenty of saved cash, and essentially nothing to do aside get wasted.

Around August I realized I am out of control and started to clean up. Might as well, passing out with a beer in your hand only to wake up and start drinking it again is no way to live.

Stress levels are still high, though. Probably will be until all this clears up.

Now addicted to getting my health back in check and rid my body of all drugs. Except weed. But have really cut back here too. Smoking barely once or twice a day now.

Kinda glad this covid happened in a way. Forced some reality into me.
In reality, I think in the end it's a good thing for me, for the same reason. I did get way wore during the beginning of covid, but I had been spiraling slowly for a couple of years. Maybe I would have stayed in control, but I had already had some serious consequences, the biggest of which was a DUI, also an opiate relapse that came and went before covid.
Funnily enough better much better maintaining on methadone atm once you start taking methadone and nothing else except maybe some weed you start to realise most of an opiate addiction is mental it's in your head
Overall, better. I'm eating healthier, spending far more days completely sober & I'm in better shape.

I just have zero social life and no job atm...

For some reason London lockdown means I have way more girls messaging / wanting to date than usual.
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started off really bad with constant drinking and smoking weed for like a month or so

then i took 3 months sober from everything

then i moved back for school and started smoking way too much. in the process of quitting now
Overall, better. I'm eating healthier, spending far more days completely sober ad I'm in better shape.

I just have zero social life and no job atm...

For some reason London lockdown means I have way more girls messaging / wanting to date than usual.
ahh I ain't been to London in time

I agree with what you say life does seem to be going better for me also.. I swear the world seems happier more energetic it's like covid has made everything more happy or maybe it's just my natural dopamine levels hmm 🤔
Some things worse, some things better; I never go out to score, anymore, but my alcohol and cannabis consumption have increased at a prodigious rate.

Partly due to poor mental heath- though, honestly, aspects of my mental health have been better, being in quarantine; no more customer service/shit job, just employment insurance and making art.

A big part of it, though, is how (in Canada on the WC) heavy alcohol and cannabis use are becoming even /more/ culturally acceptable. My addict brain sayz: "look, these non-druggie folk are abusing booze out the whazoo, so I, being an addict, logically am 'allowed' to increase my drinking to keep pace with cultural norms".

Convenience of delivery has proved alluring enough to be problematic- anything that can be shipped to my door, be it booze, weed, RCs, or even food, has my brain lighting the fuck up @ investing zero energy to reap comparatively immense rewards.

The US election, especially the two weeks before and the weeks since, have been a MUCH greater stressor than quarantine. As an outside observer in Canada it's... rough, folks, my heart goes out to all the Americans. It has required a nonstop train of dissos and whiskey to keep me focused on my own internal state.

Let's not mention the ecstacy bender I went on when elections were being tallied over here. For the first time I was incoherent and aggressive from sleep deprivation and the rolling. I literally could not get through the elections sober and I voted on it as well lol! It was definitely more stressful than COVID's appearance. I have never been incoherent from substances and I'm not a novice to stimulants.

But we won. I'm not sure if political posts are allowed here but Mr. Pres is still in power and making quite a bit of noise these days as he always does.
Well, I started drinking alone for the first time ever in my long binge drinking career and I slowly started smoking again more and more after quitting last year....though only when I drink....so that's been shit.

I don't need the plague to kill me, I'll do it myself, thankyouverymuch.

Mentally though, I've been fine...I think I just look for excuses in life to indulge my degen impulses. Could be residual subconcious remnants of my depression/suicidal ideation also.

Can't wait til this rubbish is over so I can go back to drinking pints at the pub over a footy match like a normal degen. Our pubs are closed except for take away. It's not the same atmosphere, buying the pints at the pub and then drinking them alone at home. Fucking plague.

I empathise with people who have real drug use problems as the wee tip of the iceberg I deal with is bad enough.

Be well.