(South Australia) Purple stars


Aug 13, 2010
Havent seen a report for them yet but know there floating around in adelaide.
Has anyone tried these or heard anything?
Sorry i dont know much about them didnt buy as i knew id probably be waisting
my money
Hi railz, we really need more details other than the name and location of the pills. Can you please try to find out some more info on them, grab a photo if possible, or check pillreports? We also have a set format here for pill info requests that makes identifying pills easier (as per the guidelines).

Please try to adhere to this and edit your original post or we'll have to close the thread sorry.
Yeah no worries if i come across them again ill grab one for a photo and get the measurements ect up.
Hmm, yeah. Find out more for us if you could. Purple moons floating around are pretty dirty apparently, they could be the same as these. Good luck.
There are a few purple pills that are dxm tho i should invest in a test kit to, can you buy them any
In adelaide or is it easier to buy them of the net?
Much easier to buy them online. You can buy them at Off ya tree on hindley but when I went in there the shop keeper was judging me and telling me that I'm an idiot for taking pills. Such a prick.