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Harm Reduction Purifying Your Drugs of MSM


Moderator: OD
Staff member
Apr 17, 2015
Found this interesting little tid bit of information that will be highly useful..

It’s a process to purify meth and Amphetamine of a commonly added cut called MSM (aka methylsufonylmethane, dimethyl sulphone).

This cut while not so often added to amphetamines these days (still is but other cuts have also joined the picture) is very often added to other drugs like Ketamine and MDMA. The below process should work for these drugs too.

“Source: MICROGRAM; 1999; V32 (1); January; P10
Abstract: It is frequently the case that samples of methamphetamine hydrochloride or amphetamine hydrochloride are mixed exclusively with dimethyl sulphone. It was found that, when attempts were made to identify the methamphetamine/amphetamine salt in the presence of dimethyl sulphone, the dimethyl sulphone interfered with the IR spectrum. In order to isolate the controlled substances from the dimethyl sulphone, therefore, the sample was heated in a convection oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 115C. As the sample was heated, the dimethyl sulphone sublimated, leaving behind the methamphetamine hydrochloride or amphetamine hydrochloride. If this process does not work, then heating the sample for a further 10 minutes should solve the problem.”

When looking at Drugs Data, MDMA and Ketamine are most often cut with it. Ketamine being by far the most common and highest proportions.

Ketamine HCl melting point is 262C. MDMA HCl is 147-153C. Both would likely be left unscathed if heated to 115C in an oven for 30min to ensure it’s all gone.

My belief is that Ketamine often found in large chunks is cut with MSM, whereas the small needle like shards are probably more pure.

Any comments? I may try this if I ever get my hands on any more than a point of K.

Very interesting @G_Chem. I know your intention is to relate this to MDMA and Ketamine, however many users of meth argue that one should avoid the first set of plumes from heating a bowl and letting it cool and crack back before inhaling anything for precisely this reason. Although I have no idea if that rapid heating would be as effective as the oven heating described above.

Where I have read about using an oven to remove MSM from meth, people have always stated it is best done in a convection oven rather than a normal oven. Presumedly to ensure flow of air to carry the MSM fumes away as they emerge. They also insist that the substances need to be crushed as fine as possible and spread out as a shallow layer for the process to work.
I've used this method to "purify" meth in the past with very good results. I've gotten big shards that look like they have different crystal densities, it's a bit hard to explain but to the trained eye it looks like it has been mixed out with something.
Although if it was cut by a professional it might look normal.

A very quick process for amphetamines involves washing with acetone and then putting them in the oven as described in your post, convection would be best but I don't think it's a big deal if you use a regular one for 10-15min (meth's melting point is 175°C so there's a good margin). Just watch it closely if you have very hot spots in your oven.

That method will remove the MSM (if present) and most volatile and acetone-soluble cuts/impurities in only 20-25min at the most.

Is ketamine soluble in acetone? I think it isn't but not 100% sure. MSM is soluble but a quick wash won't always remove all of it when it has been co-crystallized, which is why the oven method is recommended.
I don't see why this wouldn't work with ket and MDMA as well, though I've never tried it with those substances.
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