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Pure MDMA powder

Plur said "potent MDMA powder smells a little of licorice and a little of that bitter Band Aid-like"
Most amines (MDMA being a amine) smell slightly when damp (moisture from air) but in a chemcial way not in a floral/herbal way you are describing, what your describing is eaither impuraties or stuff added on purpose asa selling point ("look how much this smells it must be stong kinda thing")
WTF, everyone seems to think they know what they are talking about but then next guy comes along and dumps on them... this thread is starting to become funnier and funnier.
PS. rumor has it that mdma suppose to smell like sarsaras whatever the fuck that smells like.. because it is made with that leaf extract.
The word you're looking for is sassafras. MDMA's not made with it, it's made from it - more precisely, from the essential oil, which is distilled from the root, not the leaves. (assuming you start that far back and not with isosafrole - but still, that most likely came from sassafras - or MDP2P or something) And sassafras does smell somewhat like licorice.
I wonder if there's any differences (even as superficial as smell) between MDMA that came from safrole that came from sassafras, and that which came from camphor?
[ 31 July 2002: Message edited by: stardragon ]
Hi there,just woke up from a night on real pure mdma powder,it was awesome.Lately we had some weak pills,so when our friend said he had powder,we had too try.We took a little bit in a small amount of water,nasty taste though :)But i think we were to carefull,so we took a bit more after an hour.Then it started kicking in.It was simmilar to the feeling you get the first time you take an e.Only thing is that we kept on taking it,cos it didn't last as long as pills.We ended up with doing that precedure 5 times.But i'm still here,very relaxed,coffee,cigarette,and for the first time this week woke up without my tonguepiercing hurting :))Wanne have more !!!!
This debate really is quite pointless because whether you get that isomer or not or whatever really depends on who made it and not in what form it takes.
I know pure mdma does feel quite different to quite a few people but to be honest I think thats just because they arent used to getting it because of poor pills.
Also the feeling that you've got better stuff than other people helps too.
As anyone who had the pink star trek pills which came out of the dam a while back will know strong pure mdma does come in pill form.
How would you take pure MDMA powder? And what does it look like?
Would you take it with liquid or mix it in a liquid then drink?
How long does 100mg last on the average person?
Mn the smell issue mdma from safrole or from mdp2p or from eugenol(Pyridine/MW) is the same molecule therefore same smell(chemically).. as i said before the smell(licorice/rootbeer) comes from impurities.
Sassafras oil contains safrole (alkene)
Camphor oil (Brown 1070 Fraction) also contains safrole.
This is one of starting precursors for MDMA.
(Clove oil)Eugenol can also be converted into safrole with pyridine + Microwave Radiation
or with fused alkali.
There are various routes to mdma from safrole.
Safrole ---> Isosafrole ---> Ketone (MDP2P)
one of these..(many more to mention)
Catylytic Hydrogenation --- > MDMA
Hg/AL Reductive Amination ---> MDMA
Nabh4 Reductive anmination ---> MDMA
Leukart ---> MDMA
Most synths start with sassy (or if the lab is lucky from MDP2P bought from china)
as for the different isomers mentioned by someone else... i wouldn't worry shulgin seperated the 2 isomsers of mdma and found the sum of the parts is greater than the whole...so raceminc mdma is better than just one of the isomers on its own..
[ 02 August 2002: Message edited by: deko ]
[ 02 August 2002: Message edited by: deko ]