PsyTrance Discussion and Stuff ver. III

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scary dalfir! do you know how the fire started? glad everyone walked away unscathed 8o

so far i've missed 3 outdoor gatherings, i'm a sad panda :(

i'm hoping the crews here band together and throw a wicked summer solstice party, i don't think i'll be able to make it out to GMSF or gemini b/c of timing issues.
No idea whatsoever...As I was trying to sleep in my tent I was hearing cars driving off and the words fire being thrown around...Dozed in and out of that for about three hours, when I finally got up it was like the beginning of a zombie movie. most of the cars around us were gone, the sky was blue and riddled with red smoke and there were just forgotten belongings scattered around. Very surreal.
Heres a bit of a track in the new style I'm writin' in- Stars & Triangles. Production not tweaked yet and song not finished- but yeah, have a listen

I'm not a producer but:

I enjoyed the track except for one aspect which was the kick, i really despise the high frequency element of the kick sound going on throughout the whole tracks, perhaps adding dynamics to that sound as to prevent monotony would help. But, that is just my sonic aesthetic, enjoyed it otherwise though.
^Yeah, I do tend to agree- its what I named 'zap-kick', was slightly dubious about it too. Can't really add dynamics to the kick drum though ;) But good advice, I'll tone down the high frequencies....
Damn - just when I get all excited about hearing a new swilow track, yousendit tells me that the file's reached its maximum download limit! Mind uploading again?

Strange? certainly
arbitrary? I would certainly disagree

I found the musical flow to be some of the most engaging arrangements I have heard in trance yet. Frankly I feel like if anything trance is often far too straightforward, this sort of deconstruction/reconstruction shifting time signatures and melodic wackiness is far more mentally engaging.

Oh and I heard a few of his tracks on a dancefloor this weekend, out in the woods and I have to say they worked far better than I imagined, his basslines are beyond powerful and had the whole dance floor out of control.

Give it a few more listens (out of a huge system if you get the chance) perhaps it will grow on you?

Thanks for reminding me to give it another chance! :) Music can definitely grow on one after multiple listens, I'll not deny... I'll blast it on my really nice monitors tomorrow perhaps after indulging in some sort of serotonergic substance. ;)
I'm liking Menog a lot lately. Especially after hearing him tear it up in mexico.

Yeah, I've been listening to the album Musically Speaking for a bit now....really enjoy the track "Frequency Notes"; nice powerful fullon music. Though Menog and Spacetribe could easily substitute for each other and we'd never know I reckon....Only annoying thing is the comrpession of the kick/bass; too heavy in my view, but thats merely an aesthetic- and he could certainly have killed both the first and last trax....But yeah, probably the best full-on I've heard in a while...

Currently listening to a mix of NANO recordds peoples; some Protoculture, Allaby, Headroom.....and now Astrix, yes he's no NANO, but he's playing....quick, shut him up!!!!

Still REALLY enjoying the Encephalapathicys and Atriohm album, really dusky sombre sounding tunes- not too dark, but nicely trippy.

Anyone listen to Speed Demons Vol2- the Zero Blade track is utterly killah I must add.....:X<3:D

Best Menog track ever = Digital Feelings

Re-digging Panick's Lab-O-Matic. Blind Sensations is one of my favourite tracks.
People Walk Funny is a pretty bangin v.a. goa release. As is Merr0w's new cd Born Underwater.
I just discovered some great goa trance yesterday. Chi-Ad and Filteria. This is exactly the type of stuff I'm looking for. Goasia is still the best though.
what's a good place/method to download psytrance? I used to use Emule, but that doesn't work anymore.
Infected Mushroom is the band I have enjoyed more than any other live... Love psytrance :D

They are hardly psy-trance and their live sets definitely aren't any more.

what's a good place/method to download psytrance? I used to use Emule, but that doesn't work anymore.

Don't download it illegally - the artists make fuck all as it is but the labels really need support. Just check out samples on your favourite webstore and buy some actual CDs.
So what is the darkest psy you guys know about? I don't necessarily mean like horror movie samples and screaming and such, but actually dark deep psy.

I really enjoy Haunted Castle, they can freak me out real good.
^In terms of utter blackness, I find Kindzadza's Waves from Inner Space to have a really dark, industrial feel- not at all evil or such, just utterly Pitch Black....Also, another mention to Zero-Blade seems in order...

Ikpeng and Silent Horror are certainly VERY sisnister sounding.....Methinks though that the term dark is being applied to freely- anything that isn't fullon isn't by needs be dark....
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