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Opioids Psychological Dependance on Opioids Was a MUCH Bigger Deal Than I Thought

Yeah, like that for me too, not that I have a huge physical dependency on anything. I've used harder opioids, from opium to pills, but kratom, that shit got me. It's so easy to get and get to a point where it is and isn't an issue, I'd just rather be on it than not, and find myself taking it more often than not. It's not a huge high, but it's better than normalcy. However, a side effect of this is also normalcy being worse without it. Kind of counter productive. Oh and I kind of hate it. Every time I puke it up I'm like "ok bro get your shit together, this shit ain't it." And then take it the next day cause I have it.
I'm no longer physically dependant on opioids after a forced 9 day detox, but have taken them at least once during 5 of the past 7 days.
I thought once I wasn't physically dependant, I'd be fine going without sometimes, but I've found I still spend all of the time I'm not on them thinking about them and missing them :/
Are you in pain? Not withdrawal pain but real pain? I mean from something else?
It's because opiates make you feel better and after coming off them pain is intensified and with your tolerance lower there is more incentive to use them. It's very easy to go back but in the long run it's not worth it.
Are you in pain? Not withdrawal pain but real pain? I mean from something else?

Yes, I have pretty severe pain. I take Naproxen, Gabapentin and (even though I don't believe in it) Acetaminophen all the time, but sometimes I do absolutely HAVE to take opioids for the pain, too.
Acetaminophen, careful with it. It kills livers and is more dangerous than pure opiods. I am only allowed by my doctor to take pure opiods, because I have chirosis of the liver. Acetaminophen is in most opiods and it kills people who abuse opiods with it, in it.
Gabapentin is dangerous also and like acetaminophen doesn't help with severe pain the way opiods do.
This quackery by doctors now is just horrible.
Naproxen should not be used by people with liver problems, kidney problems, diabetes, seizure disorders and other conditions. Check online for a complete list.
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Yeah, like that for me too, not that I have a huge physical dependency on anything. I've used harder opioids, from opium to pills, but kratom, that shit got me. It's so easy to get and get to a point where it is and isn't an issue, I'd just rather be on it than not, and find myself taking it more often than not. It's not a huge high, but it's better than normalcy. However, a side effect of this is also normalcy being worse without it. Kind of counter productive. Oh and I kind of hate it. Every time I puke it up I'm like "ok bro get your shit together, this shit ain't it." And then take it the next day cause I have it.
Kratom is def a bitch to let go. Have tried also harder opiates and Kratom is no joke to quit because the consequences

With oxy your wallet hurts, with heroin your health hurts, but with kratom you can do it every damn day in a cheap and kind of 'healthy' way. Is this kind of apparent no consequence (short time) that makes it difficult to find a reason to quit.

Oh, and also when I was close to quitting because the stuff wouldn´t get me high anymore I remember by some weird coincidence the last dose would get me really high lol, so it would be so difficult to let it go.

But yeah you end up being getting tired of the 'chains' and one day you say no more! Don´t worry that day will come for you too.

I'm no longer physically dependant on opioids after a forced 9 day detox, but have taken them at least once during 5 of the past 7 days.
I thought once I wasn't physically dependant, I'd be fine going without sometimes, but I've found I still spend all of the time I'm not on them thinking about them and missing them :/
Well, the psychological dependence of opiates is basically the 90% of the chains of opiates Lol.

Everyone can lock themselves a week or two with a bunch of supplements and detox physically. Is the game of how you build your life so good and fun that you don't crave the opiates anymore.

That´s why I always thought people who call themselves addicts is a bullshit argument , if one really wants to quit, there you go, 2 weeks of miser ability but then you are fine.

But of course once those 2 weeks are gone people have the same life that drawn them to wanting opiates...as always there´s no other solution but to make your life so joyful and full of love you don´t want to take a opiate to bring it down.

When you were 6 years old and full of life, or where you had a perfect day with your gf etc...would you want to put that love/exhuberance down by taking a chemical? No.

But because we are not feeling like that and we suffer our mind we want to put it down and we call that 'bliss'. No, that is not bliss. But when one is in a state of distress when that distress is eliminated we call that bliss or 'being high'.

Actually is not being 'high', is being 'low'. But anyway.
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With oxy your wallet hurts, with heroin your health hurts, but with kratom you can do it every damn day in a cheap and kind of 'healthy' way. Is this kind of apparent no consequence (short time) that makes it difficult to find a reason to quit.

Oh, and also when I was close to quitting because the stuff wouldn´t get me high anymore I remember by some weird coincidence the last dose would get me really high lol, so it would be so difficult to let it go.

That´s why I always thought people who call themselves addicts is a bullshit argument , if one really wants to quit, there you go, 2 weeks of miser ability but then you are fine.
The first part, exactly how I feel. It doesn't get you high per say, at least not after a while. Not really psychological. But I feel a slight elation in my chest, nausea, some itches and pinned pupils might happen over 8gs or combined with corydalis (come to think of it I have a lot of that shit. Could work wonders coming off kratom, replace the very mild opioid activity) I think in normal doses kratom is more an adrenergic. For real, though, the last little dose on the taper always hits like a Mac truck and I hate it cause it makes me think them lil ass doses always gonna fuck me up. They won't.

The other quote, I'd have to disagree in certain situations, alcohol and benzo wd can be deadly. Opioid wd can cause grand mal seizures in a small population too.
Acetaminophen, careful with it. It kills livers and is more dangerous than pure opiods. I am only allowed by my doctor to take pure opiods, because I have chirosis of the liver. Acetaminophen is in most opiods and it kills people who abuse opiods with it, in it.
Gabapentin is dangerous also and like acetaminophen doesn't help with severe pain the way opiods do.
This quackery by doctors now is just horrible.
Naproxen should not be used by people with liver problems, kidney problems, diabetes, seizure disorders and other conditions. Check online for a complete list.

I almost never take acetaminophen, just if I'm still in pain after maxing out everything else. And even then not often. I don't actually believe it has any affect on pain in adults at all. None of my opioids have acetaminophen in.
Why is Gabapentin dangerous? I've never had any negative effects from it.

I have kidney problems, seizure disorder and diabetes, but still take Naproxen. I'm on a low dose of it, though and don't take it every day.
It can build tolerance quick, and can have nasty withdrawals. They give it to so many people, because they don't want to give opiods, and it seems like they give it to Americans to avoid opiods. They don't care about helping people, they are just have become stingy with narcotics, which actually work.
I also only get opiods without paracetamol as they call in the UK. My doctor says only pure opiods because of my bad liver.
It seems like so many places, have decriminalized small amounts of drugs for personal use in Europe, but The UK has gone in opposite direction and that seems to only make things worse.
people will get what they want one way or another but it seems like in America getting illegal drugs is easy but prescription opiods is damn near impossible for many. Gabapentin is Nuerontin with they used to give my to father for diabetic leg neuropathy. They give it out here instead of anything with an opiod and it does nothing but create bad withdrawals and quickly builds tolerance. It is ridiculous because over 100,000 people a year are dying from illegal fentanyl each year. Heroin killed4-5 people and Narcan was not available to the general public like it is now. Also during what was labeled the opiod pill crisis here under 20,000 a year died and Narcan was not available to average people.
I read that over 118,000 people died from illegal fentanyl last year and Narcan is now available.
around 5 to 6 times as many deaths and now pain patients are screwed.
The whole thing is ridiculous and now I am starting to change my views on opiod programs in Switzerland and Germany now.
The government here seems bent on killing people who use heroin, but there is no more heroin in America and Canada.
The worst part is both major parties are to blame for this.
I hate politicians and their arrogance. Most of them know nothing about medicine, yet they they think they know more than doctors, well they don't