• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Psycho neighbor, threats and the post office!!

Well yes I meant that "sarcastically" And you are a mom and you shouldn't go around kicking bitches assess and banging your gat in the air like your live in the hood, unless you do if you do live in in the hood please take no offense. But I have a few idea...well lets see...

1) If you want to put fear in her without cops being involved, well when you see her next time and she starts her shit just stare at her like a psychotic lunatic do some creepy facial expressions like (weird smiles, drooling and gritting your teeth at the same time, mumble crazy shit, idk you get the point?) But as you do this have a dead lock stare eye to contact, you got to make yourself seem more crazy than her. This could back fire as she is crazy and well you r not.

2) You could take a photo of her and post it around town "Have you seen this person" Write some shit below the photo like lock your doors, hide the little ones she' a nut case. If you see this women call *insert said number* and offer a cash award lolz, this should embarrass the holy fuck out of her and maybe she would stop her crazy shit, eh or at least tone it down.

3) Tell her the feds are putting bugs in peoples yards and watching out for suspicious people in the town.

4) So all above fails, you still have crazy bitch doing crazy shit go to your local police they should take it from there. Trust me cops will not drop your name and fuck it if she "thinks/knows" you called em' fuck her at least you gave it a shot.
I'd pick some literature up at the local bank on various loans they offer. Then just keep it on your person. When you inevitably see her, start reading through it, and ask her oppinion on a couple of the different options.

Should send a clear signal you don't have spare cash to be giving out, and it avoids being overly descriptive. People like this generally like to have their oppinion asked too, which will also be accomplished. Couldn't make matters worse at least.

Well, we are wayyyy past the speaking point. Everytime she sees me it is to threaten to have me killed (or kill me or eff up my world). She no longer asks for anything. After I wouldn't bend that time and she freaked that's actually what started all the problems now. Now just constant threats, nast screaming and name calling (from her only, I have actually only twice said something back in the dozens of times this has happened and once was because she was telling my son to fuck himself because she kept saying "hi *John*, hi john, I said hi.."she couldn't see me and he refused to speak to her so she just kept getting louder and louder saying saying hi and his name. After about 10 times she finally screamed "fuck you then john).
Also she tneds to tell everybody who will listen, whether they care or not, that I am a drug user/dealer (though I of course am not), that I am the psycho, etc etc.
So its way past that point.

She told me the other day that if I call police on her then she is going to tell them I am just pissed because she refused to sell to me, so I broke into her house the other day and stole her prescription meds. Of course this is absolutely untrue and so off the wall I hope it won't even be given a second thought if she were to actually go through with it. But I just hate for someone including the police to even have those thoughts about me and any doubts whatsoever. I want to call the police and tell them she threatened this but I don't know...

And no, LOL not the ghetto. Super nice subdivision. The only reason they moved here from the ghetto iis because they got some settlement from some lawsuit.

Mail rarely touches human hands except when being picked up/delivered. It's all automated. I really doubt the post office would have the time to xray everything that comes to you, or if they even could. I worked for the post office for a couple of years, not in the actual office though. The only thing I've heard them doing even close to this is having suspicious packages checked- with powder on them, making a suspicious noise, etc. Even then, law enforcement is brought in, they don't check it out themselves. They either told her this to shut her up because it was obvious she's a lunatic, or most likely, she's straight up lying. Crazy neighbors are the worst.

This is exactly one of the answers I was looking for! Thank you for this.:)
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1. Get a restraining order.

2. No matter what, do not speak to this woman again.

3. From this point on, don't become overly familiar with your neighbours.
Are you going to start documenting exactly what she does and inform the police, or are you reluctant to involve the cops?

I do think it's more likely than not this situation will escalate before it's resolved, and it seems to me getting it officially documented sooner, rather than later, is going to work in your favour. I think her threats are just that, threats, but if she does say anything to the police, it's going to be better for you if you've already contacted them and have relayed your story calmly and sensibly, with documented incidents, or even better, actual recordings. If she's the first to contact the police and then you tell them this whole history, it is not going to be treated the same as it would be if you contacted the police of your own volition, for what is a legitimate reason. If you wait until she contacts them, or even another neighbour does after a serious incident is witnessed or heard, the police will ask why you haven't contacted them earlier, and it will become a he said/she said type deal, with your story unfortunately, I believe, losing some credibility simply because it will appear you are saying it in defense.

I hear you on the concerns about your name being associated with dodgy type behaviours, but I think, if what you've said is true, and you state that to the police, they will see this situation for what it is - a crazy neighbour making baseless threats. At this stage, it seems your name could become associated with negative things whether you go to the police or not. I think it's worth considering whether it's better to have control over how that happens - by going to the cops yourself - or to wait until the situation gets out of your hands, and be in a position of having to defend yourself.
Post a no trespassing sign in your front lawn :D

Thank you..we were just actually talking about this idea about an hour ago (a friend and myself)!

Don't know why didn't occur to me before. It won't stop her from screaming from her yard or door but at least if she comes onto my property I can have her arrested! I don't think in this state I can just shoot her ass for trespassing....but it was a thought (J/K)
If you blank her, ignore her and always have your smartphone on record whenever you are walking through areas where she's likely to be, she will probably eventually lose interest and you will have a recording of any incident to use against her. If you record things you will eventually get some evidence of her behavior in general, showing how vindictive and crazy she is if there is a police investigation.

You definitely should avoid engaging her in any argument or discussion whatsoever. I mean say absolutely nothing so that as far as she is concerned she may as well be speaking to a brick wall. Any reaction will just encourage her, but again, cover your ass wherever you can. If you can afford it install CCTV on your property. CCTV prices have gone way done in recent years so most people can afford it if they save up. Ebay is your friend. Even if it's a dummy CCTV unit it will be better than nothing. On a sign you could write, no trespassing, CCTV recording in progress.