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Psychiatric medications and love


Dec 27, 2005

I'm on an antipsychotic, an antidepressant and pregabalin. Do you think these medications could block, diminish or weaken the feelings of love?

I think I'm in love, but not madly deeply, and I think my meds could be the issue here.
The antipsychotic could potentially do this as they're known to weaken libido. Which one are you taking?
Yeah man, Antipsychotics numb your emotions and also your ability to cum or in sum cases u can't get hard at all. Worst mrds on earth.
When i was on invega and abilify i felt fucking nothing and couldnt get it up. A chick in the psych ward even grabbed me by the fucking cock and i just wasent interested. But now my sex drive has come back full force on latuda. If your getting anhy sexual dysfunction from the clozapine id suggest bringing up latuda with your doctor.

What antidepressant are you on? asri/snri's can flatten your sex drive as bad as any antipsychotic. When i was on effexor i had no sex drive and when i could get it up i couldnt get off to save my fucking life. It was like having a rubber cock. However there are alternatives like wellbutrin that actually increase your sex drive.
^I take citalopram. The sex part is fine, I can get erections and cum. But love. Where are the feelings of love? :(
^I take citalopram. The sex part is fine, I can get erections and cum. But love. Where are the feelings of love? :(
Antipsychotics (and in some cases SSRIs to a lesser extent) can cause emotional blunting, which includes reducing feelings of love. Wellbutrin can help some people in combatting side effects like emotional blunting and sexual dysfunction from SSRIs. But once you start adding meds for the side effects of the other meds, it kinda turns into a shitshow of a med cocktail.

I'd suggest talking to your doctor to see what your options are here.