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psychedelic enlightenment my experience


Dec 19, 2014
You always hear people say that taking shrooms is very spiritual and so on but the countless times I've ate them I've only felt like 'Im tripping ball' effect although it was a very clean feeling I didn't feel much else but when I have taken acid I have had some crazy thought's about life in general ect.. Why do I only get the 'I'm tripping balls' effect off libs?
Lmao are your seriously asking this as a question. =D

I'd put my 2 pennies on the fact that mushrooms along with any psychedelic is a hallucinogen, and causes the user to trip balls.

You would have the same effects if you were to take them in the comfort of your home or in a drum circle. It's what you 'want' from the experience that can make it spiritual..imo

Also i want to add that lsd is less visual then mushrooms, tho i've always felt it more in my body then in my head.

Hell try them both together!
Hmmm yeah I get what you mean they were taken to just 'trip balls' but so was cid? My only explanation is the visuals are too distracting to actually have a sit down and think about it, I once went through a 4 hour trip and in what seemed to be 15 minutes because of the intensity of the overall buzz I got off them, I don't see how you could sit down and feel spiritual after eating a few grams of dried libs tho your mind does be in a different planet enjoying the shit out of some intense visuals!
I suppose it has alot to do with doseage aswell tho small doeses could be ok but I wouldn't know lol
nobody gets "enlightened" by taking psychedelics. yes, it is possible to use them as tools for spiritual and personal growth, and sometimes it happens that you have a trip which might be an extremely important event in your personal developement, but in my opinion, "enlightenment" is just a pretty empty term coined by some esoteric hippy type people...

some people take psychedelics just for recreation and fun, and when they come down, they don't take much into their sober life, some people use them only for spirituality, it really depends on the person who takes these drugs.
I am at a similar point with psychedelics. People around me had profound spiritual experiences on lsd, mushroom. I am a non-spiritual person and I was looking forward to have similar experiences: being one with all the living creatures, our earth, that we are all made out of energy waves (which theory greatly overlaps with what we know about quantum physics). But I had none, except for one visual on 2C-B where I've seen some vegetation grow and die, grow and die countless times when some continous threads of energy appeared from somwhere (I couldn't see), passing through them and going away, this being repeated for as long as I kept my eyes closed.
I also thought psychedelics will teach me something but I had to realise they only extend the boundaries of my own perception depending on dosage. It's still a great tool to put something you already know in a different perspective, but - at least for now - it doesn't seem to bring any information 'from the outside'.
This.. paradigm shifting is kind of a catch 22. It has to occur before you can understand it on psychedelics. It seems like I can only experience what I already believe and I'm not that easy to 'convert' from being an atheist. Or agnostic. I don't like being told by other humans, what to believe. I'm still in doubt, this whole thing angers me and hope some guidance from the spirits of dmt which seem to be more willing to teach.
Sounds like you're not taking enough, frankly. Mushrooms are very pushy about lessons and beauty and awe in my experience. How much do you usually take?
I started with 2grams of dried liberty caps and worked my way up to 4grams by the end of the season (all taken in 1 sittin)
Are liberty caps less potent than cubes? You should have been having some pretty profound experiences at 4 g. I've always had pretty cerebral, weird experiences on shrooms. It's like automatic meditation. Then again, shrooms are just totally unpredictable. Are you on any medication?
Liberty caps are more potent per gram

4g of liberty caps would trip you out more than a 4g cube but there so small that it takes 30-50 dried per gram and there not always easy to find :(
Perhaps you simply prefer LSD to mushrooms?
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I don't think anyone becomes enlightened by doing anything. I've certainly never seen anyone who was enlightened. It's a meaningless term.

It's not at all a meaningless term. It has a lot of meanings. The two most relevant are in the Buddhist sense, and as a synonym for insight, learning, etc. The latter is unquestionably something psychs facilitate. I can say that from personal experience. Psychedelics allow the mind to travel new paths instead of taking the same old ones. This can help people have personal realizations.

The Buddhist concept of enlightenment, or letting go of desires/pain/compulsions is definitely possible (haven't you seen the monks who sit in lotus position while burning alive?), but I highly doubt it's achievable through drug use alone. I could easily see it being used to assist, though. My girlfriend understood meditation and mindfulness almost instinctively after trying mushrooms. I feel that some psychs put you into a meditative state.

Nope, why do you ask?

Because some medication dulls psychedelic effects.
Enlightenment is a state of no perception. youve destroyed all the illusions, therefore you don't perceive stuff like we human do, as the true way to perceive anything, is to not perceive it with our sense, to not be affected by it, as their true nature is CHANGE. why be bother to try to analyses and understand something that its very nature is to change? better just let go of any perception and just be.

also, the very meaning of enlightenment is around the very fact that: all experienced things are unsatisfactory (this is the last word of the buddha on his death bed).

but, anyone who do a drug is to gain and experience a experience. just to begin to be in the path, is to train the mind to let go of any desire, any gain and any sensual desire.

sadly, its much much much harder to become enlightened then taking shroooms.

BUT, IMHO, psychedelic will show, to those ready, the path. They always seem to show me, more or less, the same teaching of the buddha.

It's not at all a meaningless term. It has a lot of meanings. The two most relevant are in the Buddhist sense, and as a synonym for insight, learning, etc. The latter is unquestionably something psychs facilitate. I can say that from personal experience. Psychedelics allow the mind to travel new paths instead of taking the same old ones. This can help people have personal realizations.

The Buddhist concept of enlightenment, or letting go of desires/pain/compulsions is definitely possible (haven't you seen the monks who sit in lotus position while burning alive?), but I highly doubt it's achievable through drug use alone. I could easily see it being used to assist, though. My girlfriend understood meditation and mindfulness almost instinctively after trying mushrooms. I feel that some psychs put you into a meditative state.

Because some medication dulls psychedelic effects.
It's not at all a meaningless term. It has a lot of meanings. The two most relevant are in the Buddhist sense

They only mean something if you believe in Buddhism. You can't take me to anyone alive on earth today and say "This bloke is enlightened".

The Buddhist concept of enlightenment, or letting go of desires/pain/compulsions is definitely possible (haven't you seen the monks who sit in lotus position while burning alive?)

That's not enlightenment is it - you get muslims blowing themselves up every day who've let go of everything in life. If you look at the history of Tibetan monks for the 700 years prior to the chinese invasion you find they were running a feudal slave-state using the native Tibetans as slaves. If the tibetan slaves stole a goat to feed their families the "enlightened" monks would gouge out their eyes.

I feel that some psychs put you into a meditative state.

I don't. I believe they put you in the psychedelic state. Would you really go up to someone who'd only ever meditated and say "Here you are mate, drop this 500 mics of acid, you'll know what it's like cos you've meditated".
but, anyone who do a drug is to gain and experience a experience. just to begin to be in the path, is to train the mind to let go of any desire, any gain and any sensual desire.

sadly, its much much much harder to become enlightened then taking shroooms.

BUT, IMHO, psychedelic will show, to those ready, the path. They always seem to show me, more or less, the same teaching of the buddha.

I disagree Murphy - I think buddhism is, like all religions, a delusion. That's why they always promise you jam tomorrow - "You need to meditate for 60 years before you become enlightened". I think psychedelics are vastly superior to Buddhism in every way imaginable. If you want to tell yourself you're "on the path" while sweeping the ashram for 60 years then that's up to you. I think religions are completely and utterly meaningless. Psychedelics are their own path - you don't need to read any bullshit fantasies created by people you never met thousands of years ago, it's simply you and the psychedelic. Nothing else. That's frightening to most people which is why they feel the need to "follow" a religion in order to get the reassurance that thousands of other people are doing it too - so that must make it good.