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Need Help Psoriatic Arthritis and Vyvanse


Dec 10, 2022
Hi all,

I think this is the right forum for this. I just am looking for some feedback and suggestions. So, I have had really bad psoriasis for many years. I went to inpatient treatment and completed their 60 day program on 06/24.

They started me on suboxone, vraylar, and vyvanse 70mg a day. I noticed my psoriasis flared extremely bad after being on the meds for about 2-3 weeks but attributed to stress and picking up smoking and chewing while I was there. I’ve always vaped but I haven’t smoked for years. However, I cut back the smokes to 2-3 a day and had them take me off vraylar because it was causing akithasia. I have been off of vraylar for about 5 weeks I think, but one day a few weeks back I felt pain in my wrist all of a sudden and saw what feels like a bone nodule about 2 inches im diameter on the top of my wrist area. Well slightly above my wrist.

I told the doctors but they said there was nothing I can do. I had stopped my biologic about 4 months ago as well. I was too busy getting high to go to the dr. And I didn’t see this coming.

Well, the pain is getting worse. I have pain n my fascia on the bottom of my feet, pain in ky spine, and knees now and I’m worried that maybe it’s the vyvanse aggravating my psoriatic arthritis. I’m assuming it’s psoriatic arthritis as I just completed my substance abuse treatment and don’t see the doctor until Wednesday but it’s keeping me up.

Would the increased norepinephrine from the vyvanse possibly cause cortisol to increase and flare up psoriatic arthritis like this?

I have suboxone or iborofen or aspirin that I can take to help with the pain. I am leaning towards the ibuprofen because I don’t think suboxone would really be better for the pain and besides it’s not what it’s prescribed for. I would still be following my orders though because technically it is the next day. I ONLY take meds as prescribed now and am really thinking about stopping the vyvanse because I really think it must be the culprit but I guess I have to cut out all sources of inflammation. I disposed of the rest of my tobacco already.

I am just kinda scared to be honest at the rate this feels like it’s spreading. I don’t want to be crippled at 41. I did start my biologic again because they let me call my doctor while I was there and he ordered it for me but I had to start a loading dose again. I take my second dose of Stelara next week. I really hope it stops it if it even is psoriatic arthritis. I thought it usually hit the fingers and toes first but maybe I’m wrong.

I know you can’t give doctor advice but any insight and suggestions would be greatly welcomed.

Thanks all.
I don't think that amphetamine tends to make physical pain worse most of the time. Seems simple enough to go to a GP and tell them about it? Could be psychosomatic, dunno, not an MD.
I don't think that amphetamine tends to make physical pain worse most of the time. Seems simple enough to go to a GP and tell them about it? Could be psychosomatic, dunno, not an MD.
Agreed, I went to my rheumatologist for psoriatic arthritis and asked her about the Vyvanse. She said it definitely is not the vyvanse and that she wants me to keep taking it because she thinks it’s helping me take care of my health.

It’s just I saw a rare side effect being joint and muscle pain and I started the vyvanse around the same time the psoriatic arthritis went into my joints. It was extremely bad and I didn’t know it could cause muscle pain too until I spoke with the doctor. So it seemed likely to be the vyvanse but it turns out it was not. My theory was the increase in cortisol was causing it to flare. But I was in an irritable setting being that I was in inpatient treatment with 30-60 other people coming off drugs. So that and not being able to control what I ate I am sure we’re the factors.

It’s been two days since I have had that pain. I still get very minor aches and pains but so seldomly now. I mean like 2-3 times a day and not everywhere anymore. Sometimes, rarely, I’ll still get like a pinching pain where my heart is but I’m confident it’s just anxiety or my psoriatic arthritis, not the vyvanse.

I only take it in therapeutic doses though it does still give me a mood lift. I never have abused vyvanse but I did abuse adderral n the past, but I’m committed to staying sober so I’m not abusing it and sometimes it’s hard to not give myself n to a craving but I work through it and go to support groups/therapy because I know that if I abused it it could cause some serious problems physically and mentally and it’s just not worth it to me anymore. I didn’t commit to 60 day’s inpatient just to go back to slowly killing myself.

And also, if I abused it I wouldn’t be able to take it as a medicine anymore and it probably wouldn’t work anymore. Yeah, I’m done with the misery of addiction. I’m just speaking for myself of course. Some people can use drugs and it not cause them what it caused me. It destroys me and everything around me when I let addiction control me. Some people I think can use drugs recreationally and not let it control their lives. I’m just not one of them.
Agreed, I went to my rheumatologist for psoriatic arthritis and asked her about the Vyvanse. She said it definitely is not the vyvanse and that she wants me to keep taking it because she thinks it’s helping me take care of my health.

It’s just I saw a rare side effect being joint and muscle pain and I started the vyvanse around the same time the psoriatic arthritis went into my joints. It was extremely bad and I didn’t know it could cause muscle pain too until I spoke with the doctor. So it seemed likely to be the vyvanse but it turns out it was not. My theory was the increase in cortisol was causing it to flare. But I was in an irritable setting being that I was in inpatient treatment with 30-60 other people coming off drugs. So that and not being able to control what I ate I am sure we’re the factors.

It’s been two days since I have had that pain. I still get very minor aches and pains but so seldomly now. I mean like 2-3 times a day and not everywhere anymore. Sometimes, rarely, I’ll still get like a pinching pain where my heart is but I’m confident it’s just anxiety or my psoriatic arthritis, not the vyvanse.

I only take it in therapeutic doses though it does still give me a mood lift. I never have abused vyvanse but I did abuse adderral n the past, but I’m committed to staying sober so I’m not abusing it and sometimes it’s hard to not give myself n to a craving but I work through it and go to support groups/therapy because I know that if I abused it it could cause some serious problems physically and mentally and it’s just not worth it to me anymore. I didn’t commit to 60 day’s inpatient just to go back to slowly killing myself.

And also, if I abused it I wouldn’t be able to take it as a medicine anymore and it probably wouldn’t work anymore. Yeah, I’m done with the misery of addiction. I’m just speaking for myself of course. Some people can use drugs and it not cause them what it caused me. It destroys me and everything around me when I let addiction control me. Some people I think can use drugs recreationally and not let it control their lives. I’m just not one of them.
Sounds to me like you have a lot of insight overall. Yeah, best to check with the pros on this one, likely.