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Trigger Warning PSA. Naltrexone and Samidorphan compounded with common scripts (OPI ANTAGONISTS)


Dec 23, 2006
I have been laughed and called uninformed by some of the forums most informed members: Even told it was an impossibility do to legality...So I assume this is new.

They are compounding a naltrexone and buprion and marketing it under the brand name "concave".

They are also compounding Samidorphan (naltrexone analog) and olanzapine as "lybvaldi" and advertising it quite aggressively.

If you are addicted to opi's this means DEFINITE PRECIPITATED WITHDRAWAL. If you don't, well you will never be able to experience them (welcome opinions on this).

SO IN SUMMARY, THEY ARE SHOVING OPIOID ANTAGONISTS INTO BOTH WEIGHTLOSS AND ANTIDEPRESSANTS. Which I would assume is the majority of americans. (overweight or depressed by their own standards)

This is VERY REAL and it is time to adapt to survive so to speak
Really, not one person has one thought about this? *srry for bumping my own post but I find it strange noone is willing to engage WHATSOEVER, minus a couple helpful folks i wont drag into this.