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Pros vs cons of opiate use.

Speaking for myself, the pro's:

Euphoria. This one everyone can relate to, I think. I've tried a hell of a lot of drugs, and none of them match a opiates for providing immediate and overriding happiness (except arguably meth, but it always felt like you pay a lot more for the meth high than you do the opiate high). No matter how pissed off you are, no matter how tired or bored or unhappy you are, opiates will fix it, and sometimes we all need a bit of self medication, or something to look forward to after a long day.

And cons:

Effects on personality and lifestyle. This is the major one, and I think the one that a lot of people overlook, since it's slow and subtle, but opiates tend to override a lot of other aspects of someones personality. They inspire a particularly obsessive devotion in their users, to the point where it begins to blot out other parts of their life. You start pouring all your money into opiates, and you have less for the other things in life you used to enjoy, and possibly even just for the basics of life. It's easy to neglect hobbies, aspirations, relationships, responsibilities, because why work on those things that might make you feel a little good, or make you happy down the track, when you could go get high and feel 'really' good, right now. Why spend the time and money to go out with friends, or to a concert, or on a holiday, when you could have just as much fun sitting at home with a bag of drugs and a needle? Opiates make you feel better than anything else, but they ask for everything else in return.

+1 good post.
This is a personal list of course, opiates seem to have varying effects on people.


Higher social functioning, especially if I am at a family gathering or business meeting where I really don't want to be. Opiates help me feel content in these ordinarily uncomfortable situations. I also get a lot more positive feedback when I am on them, people have no idea I was high as shit the entire time.

Not feeling a single bad emotion.

More motivated to go out and do things instead of wanting to sit around on the couch all day and watch TV (although this is fine on opiates too :) )

Nodding, provided I don't overshoot my intended dose (never happens anymore)

Better sleep. I have intense sleeping problems (non-24 hr sleep-wake cycle syndrome) and opiates are the cure.

Now the cons, which are few but substantial:

Possible felony convictions.

Risk of getting robbed at gunpoint getting my shit.

Running out of money because the habit eventually becomes unaffordable, it is why I am clean 99% of the time today.

Risk of social alienation. If my business partners or family were to discover that I still occasionally used opiates, I would be ruined. Everybody knows my history because nobody knows how the fuck to keep their mouths shut, but it is OK as long as it appears to be ancient history.

And last and least, getting overly involved in opiate culture means you have to hang out around a lot of scumbags. All opiate addicts aren't scumbags, but I would say at least 50% of them are, and you never know when the scumbag side is going to come out, as opiate addicts learn the gift of manipulation quite well. I suppose it is both a pro and a con that I have learned a fuckload of very useful business skills in my time as an opiate addict.

Anyways, until the day the government decides to allow us all to get diacetlymorphine from our psychiatrists, I'll just have to suffer through Suboxone and getting high a small handful of times a year. The cons outweigh the pros for me, and most of these cons are related to unnecessary and unrealistic social stigma, and illegality.

By the way, illegality doesn't keep me from occasionally doing coke, weed, MDMA, LSD, or anything else. It only keeps me from heroin and oxycodone, as these markets exist only in ghettos, and I can't afford to be caught buying shit in an open air market. The kid next door needs to start selling some high quality shit, fast.
Effects on personality and lifestyle. This is the major one, and I think the one that a lot of people overlook, since it's slow and subtle, but opiates tend to override a lot of other aspects of someones personality. They inspire a particularly obsessive devotion in their users, to the point where it begins to blot out other parts of their life. You start pouring all your money into opiates, and you have less for the other things in life you used to enjoy, and possibly even just for the basics of life. It's easy to neglect hobbies, aspirations, relationships, responsibilities, because why work on those things that might make you feel a little good, or make you happy down the track, when you could go get high and feel 'really' good, right now. Why spend the time and money to go out with friends, or to a concert, or on a holiday, when you could have just as much fun sitting at home with a bag of drugs and a needle? Opiates make you feel better than anything else, but they ask for everything else in return.

That was very well said. Excellent post.
I don't feel like listing any, in the end you're only trying to convince yourself.
"I won't stop doing because of.." and the list goes on until you crash, some day.

OK, I won't generalise anything, but this was the case for me. Not doing any opiats anymore because the cold truth is,
it's either everything or nothing. What you consider as acceptable varies so much from person to person.

Simply not being yourself while on a substance. I don't change THAT much, but people will notice or know sooner or later.
Word of mouth. Prejudices. Face it, you simply can't blame other people from not wanting to see you, if they know you'll most likely be high.
People will start to avoid you when they know you shoot up, even if it's once a week and in "control".
Painting an image of someone important doing something so disgusting in their mind, WILL change the way the see you.
Frustration will follow and if you ignore their efforts of trying to help, sooner or later you'll find yourself pretty much alone.

Your personality will slowly, but surely fade away. Eventually you'll be faceless.
Before you saw other people as examples of an addict, and if you don't stop in time, eventually you'll be the one.
After that it'll be much easier to simply forfeit and accept it, than to fight out from the only thing that keeps you on track.

Yeah, I know it. I have to be as I wouldn't be here otherwise, it's the thing that doesn't make me go back.
My story isn't anything special, and by that I mean relatively easy.
18 months of Subutex snorted once or twice a week. I thought I was, or could be THE example of that casual use of opiats do work.
Out of nowhere something so hard hits you, that the only options you see are to numb it down, or end yourself.
I still don't judge myself from the decision, probably never will.
Nonetheless, 8 months of daily IV use turned my life upside down. Permanently.
The damage done not only to myself but others alone make me shiver.

Obviously I never saw this coming. That's why it hit me so hard.
My friends only consumed alcohol & cannabis. Trying to sit in to the junkie world alone was so out of reach & eye-opening.
I just hope I could provoke a thought or even two, especially if you see anything alike in your life situation.
Hmm. Good writing, made me think.
The pros and cons of any drug are ultimately subjective. I tried heroin many times—most of which were with an IV ROA—and each time I disliked it as much or more than I did initially. The nausea, vomiting, constipation, and panic attacks were simply too much for me to ever get an addiction to it. Many of my friends, however, were obviously not of the same opinion. They got addicted because they felt the pros outweighed the cons, whereas I did not get addicted, fortunately, because I felt the cons outweighed the pros.
use all of your money on it
your dick stops working like it should (like seriously it goes from making you not bust forever to just praying you can get it up to fuck a girl that you want to fuck, there's no bigger gamekiller or reason to quit)
only associate with people that just care about buying/doing/selling dope
Dui/accidents/hit and run

it feels good
it kills pain
Cons - uhh addiction will ruin your life?

Pros - angels caressing your body
Man all these people make it seem like opiates arent that bad. Then I remember that they are that bad.

I wish i could be *that guy* that is able to get off methadone, go the whole abstinence thing and use once a month. I tried that it didnt work and i got on methadone. I am one of those never again people if I want a real life. Then you find yourself asking "do i actually want a real life"
Man all these people make it seem like opiates arent that bad. Then I remember that they are that bad.

I wish i could be *that guy* that is able to get off methadone, go the whole abstinence thing and use once a month. I tried that it didnt work and i got on methadone. I am one of those never again people if I want a real life. Then you find yourself asking "do i actually want a real life"

Word up that's some real shit bruh bruh. Just off the done myself and no opiates feels a must.

life would be alot easier not livin with junky qualities.
Pros: cheap, not unhealthy, and feels like heaven in the short term

Cons: expensive, unhealthy, and need it to feel normal in the long term. Friends and family may disown you regardless of how much or how often you use if they find out. The law will fuck your ass up if you get unlucky.
Pros : Euphoria, relatively harmless to organs orally, if one OD'd he/she would die in an extremely euphoric utopia.

Cons : Addiction, illegal opiate temptation, desperate behaviour, lack of empathy, lack of emotional connection with people, develop a dangerous tolerance, become an absolute hedonist, withdrawal, completely twisted brain chemistry, depression, irritability, ignorance, arrogance, physical damage from IN, IV and smoking ROAs narcissism, trips to the ER(less common), OD.
Man all these people make it seem like opiates arent that bad. Then I remember that they are that bad.

I wish i could be *that guy* that is able to get off methadone, go the whole abstinence thing and use once a month. I tried that it didnt work and i got on methadone. I am one of those never again people if I want a real life. Then you find yourself asking "do i actually want a real life"

Soooo true. For me perhaps the biggest con is the distance opiates gradually, bit by bit, put between the user and the rest of the world. When I'm using, I don't have 'normal' feelings at all...sometimes I will sense a reasonable approximation of happiness, anger, sadness, etc, but guess what? For all of those, opiates are a great answer, until I rarely notice myself feeling much of anything emotionally. The only really excitement I feel is when going to buy drugs and either get off or get well.

Opiates also obliterate your sex drive...and when you do have sex, it isn't anything approaching the way it is off drugs. Dating a non-user is pretty much impossible, as partners' goals just do not line up long term. One more way in which they isolate you...although it must be said, I don't think anything will ever compare to that feeling of God/divinity/whatever caressing your shoulders after a shot of morphine. I wish there was something in the "real world" that made me reliably as satisfied as that.
In the end theres no pros. I've been addicted for years lost to many too it. After the shit takes over u just isolate yourself get skinny and die.
Cons: Ruins your teeth, lowers your testosterone by 75%, lose all feeling/passion for anything other than drugs, destroys your gut, etc

Pros: feels good man
personal pros

-Extreme euphoria
-I become extremely extroverted and social, wheras sober I am very introverted
-Removes all social anxiety
-Huge self esteem boost
-Much more productive when on opiates

-Very expensive
-Adiction is a possibility, although personally I find benzos more addicting, even if I prefer the effects of opiates more.
Pro's: It feels good, especially if you actually NEED it for pain.
Cons: If you are not going to a doctor, it eats up all your money, you avoid people so you can stay at home and get high, it's the only thing you look forward to in life, even if you kick it, there is a big chance you will relaspe because you feel so fuckin empty all the time,the only friends you have are ones you use with and have nothing in common with, although you might see a true friend every now and again and you can see the look of pitty/there never gonna get better in their face, loosing jobs, stealing from family/freinds.

If you really think opiates not used from a doctor for LEGITIMATE pain issues have more Pro's than Cons, then you are still in the honeymoon phase and I wish you luck in the next few years.