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Bluelight Crew
Jan 22, 2010
Due to the fact that I've moved and currently have no connections for any substances I've looked at a few legal highs on the internet.

I found out about Propylhexedrine and it seemed pretty interesting to me.
I do enjoy stimulants and this seems to be like it could work pretty well for a cheap legal high.
I know it sounds disgusting (eating the cotton) but I think I could do it.

The only problem is I don't like it when my heart rate increases. Would taking a benzo along with the Propylhexedrine help with the increased heart rate? Would it be dangerous to take a benzo along with it?

If anyone has any experiences with Propylhexedrine please do share, I'd like to get a few opinions. I'd also like to know if taking some Ativan with it would help with the increased heart rate / anxiety.

#1. DO NOT EAT THE COTTON! You will get very sick due to GI blockage and the body's inability to digest cotton. Soak the cotton in some lemon juice for at least an hour then remove the cotton, squeeze it out into the juice and drink away.

#2. If you had UTFSE you will find a million posts on how to do this drug properly as well as trip reports. Next time search before starting a thread with questions like this that have been answered 1,000 times already.

#3. Save the Ativan for the comedown to smooth out any possible crash. If you take it on the come up or the peak you will dull the high. The only reason to take it during that time is if you don't like the high and you want to kill it or your heart is racing so fast and you are so anxious that you are uncomfortable.
^I agree with her on most of that stuff lol. But I would say the lorazepam would be good for during the experience. This substance has a lot more pns symptoms than even adderall, the king of pns symptoms. It might make the whole thing a little more enjoyable and productive. But the quandary here is that you will need some for the comedown too, because it is a little rough
the crash is very rough, save the ativan for that. this is a STRONG stimulant, don't think because it's otc that its weak, it's often thought of as stronger than adderall. also, don't eat the cotton, and you may want to start with half to see how it affects you(you don't wan't to go into cardiac arrest, as stated above it is strong at the PNS).

there's loads of threads on the subject, look there for any more info.
Some of the stuff staysedated was right, pns symptoms and all of that stuff. I wouldn't really call it a Strong stimulant. If you've ever done adderall or even ritalin, there's nothing there that will surprise you. I will say, speaking only from personal experience, that propylhexedrine is more like ephedrine that it is like adderall.
Some of the stuff staysedated was right, pns symptoms and all of that stuff. I wouldn't really call it a Strong stimulant. If you've ever done adderall or even ritalin, there's nothing there that will surprise you. I will say, speaking only from personal experience, that propylhexedrine is more like ephedrine that it is like adderall.

wtf...really? you think it's more like ephedrine? i am persrcribed adderall and have tried pretty much every worthwhile stimulant there is to try. ephedrine is nothing compared to propylhexedrine. i'd compare propylhexedrine to ethylamphetamine(most similar imo), or weak oral methamphetamine(with slightly less stimulation). the biggest difference between ethylamphetamine/oral meth and propylhexedrine is the euphoria, though strong, comes in "waves" throughout the high where amphetamines have a steady stream of euphora packed in a distinct "peak".

but yeah, propylhexedrine feels a lot like ethylamphetamine. it's way better than ritalin and comparing it to ephedrine is a joke. however, i hear propylhexedrine experiences tend to vary between people, but idk...
interesting, I wouldn't really consider my comparison "a joke"... it's at least in the realm of possibility if myself and others have experience it that way. I'll elaborate on what I meant. The euphoric, speedy effects of propylhexedrine have a definite ceiling when taking into account the pns effects. For instance, I bet I could get really high by eating 500mg of ephedrine, but my heart would be beating way too fast at half that dose. Propylhexedrine compared to ephdedrine raises this "ceiling" of comfortable effects slightly, but it's still no miracle drug. Just using logic for this one, if it were indeed "as good" as racemic amphetamine, then: A. It wouldn't be easier to get and cheaper than ephedrine and B. It would be illegal, and wouldn't have been used to replace racemic amphetamine inhalers in the first place.

I don't discount your experience with this one, and if you indeed do get as high on these inhalers than you do on amphetamines or methylphenidate even, I'd say you're in great shape as you can just bypass completely going to a doctor and getting a prescription. I'm interested to hear what other people have to say though, I may be the odd one out here who knows
Would you say this increases your heart rate as much as MDMA does?
How dangerous is this drug to your heart? Lets say it started to increase my heart rate too much, would is be safe to take 5mg Ativan to "abort" the high?
That's a tough one. I know MDMA increases heart rate, but it's heart to take inventory of that sort of thing while you're rolling face and just loving everything. For that reason though, I would say the increased heart rate on propylhexedrine is much more noticeable and uncomfortable. Benzos are great to have on hand for just about every occasion, and this is indeed one. I'd say having something like lorazepam on hand can make propylhexedrine a much more versatile drug. It has some good CNS stimulation properties but it has a lot of negative PNS symptoms too. If you're using it for studying or something like that, you can take a good dose and combine it with some ativan or what have you, and it'll streamline the whole thing. I think I might have said it before up there, but the combination of the two is the way to go, and of course save some for the comedown.
Im using the benzedrex for recreational purposes, not studying.

I have a tolerance of 6mg Ativan, and I'm also going to cut half of the cotton and soak it in lemon juice for an hour. When I strain the half piece of cotton and drink it (the lemon juice, not the cotton), how much ativan do you think I should take with it? 2mg? 3mg? I also have a lot of Ativan, so I have plenty for the comedown.

One last question: Is taking Lorazepam and Propyhexedrine at the same time considered speedballing? Is there any dangers considering one is an upper and the other is a downer?
Bump. Sorry but I need the above question answered before I wake up in the morning, if possible, with a few different opinions. Thanks.
The highest dose you feel comfortable taking would be best. I know it's not really harm reduction, but if you're just trying to get high you should just eat the cotton, see how you feel, and keep taking lorazepam until you feel perfect. Know what I'm saying?
But is taking lorazepam and the stimulant a speedball? Could they be dangerous to take together?
Technically, yes it is considered a speed ball when using a upper and downer at the same time. The true speedballers will tell you it's only when you shoot coke and H. Samantics. And BTW, anything can be dangerous when taken together, even if you've done it hundreds of times before. It only takes once. The doses your talikng about may not be harmful, but someone with no tolerance, or just so gun ho to keep pushing it could take more loraz without realising it, that's when it becomes risky too mix IMO. Surely you've heard of people taking benzos and waking up the next day with a near or totally empty bottle not remembering shyt.
It's not a speedball at all really. There's no danger in combining the two, in a somewhat reasonable dose. There's still the danger of OD'ing on either drug, but the benzo+stimulant combo is not inherently dangerous. An emergency room will likely treat someone suffering a stimulant overdose with a benzo to calm them down, among other things...

^In my experience combining these two, I've determined that benzos and speed go together like Siegfried & Roy. Whenever I am on either benzos or speed separately, my judgment tends to go out the window completely in different ways: the speed will make me do stupid things as a result of overconfidence, while benzos will just make me do retarded nonsensical shit. When I put the two together at the right dose, I feel my judgment is way more reasonable. I just wish I had realized the subtle greatness of benzos when I was younger :(
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For the majority of people there's strong and undesirable PNS side effects and a pretty bad crash. For a lucky minority, which includes myself, the tolerable dose is much higher (I take 325 mg instead of the average 125 mg) and it feels a lot like a meth bomb MDMA pill with less of a crash. What crash there is for me is pretty successfully mitigated by using vitamin C and eating lots of sugar to avoid the glucose and insulin dive. I speculate that the minority's blood brain barriers are more permeable to it so much more gets into the brain. Don't start with more than half an inhaler and don't expect to be in the minority.

I've eaten the cotton before, but I cut up 1.5 inhalers into like 30 pieces, stick it in a capsule to avoid the taste, then drink it with lots of water and a little food so the pieces have something to carry them through the digestive tract and the propylhexadrine doesn't sit in a focused area. It's a pretty vicious vasoconstrictor that's been shown to destroy the ear tissue of rabbits when injected and been reported by neurologists to cause brain stem transcription errors in chronic IV users. Neurotoxically it's likely to be as bad or worse than meth (alt. name is hexahydromethamphetamine), with higher doses of course being worse. It's a once a season drug for me and I recommend adopting the same frequency or less to any who are thinking about using it.
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It's not a speedball at all really. There's no danger in combining the two, in a somewhat reasonable dose. There's still the danger of OD'ing on either drug, but the benzo+stimulant combo is not inherently dangerous. An emergency room will likely treat someone suffering a stimulant overdose with a benzo to calm them down, among other things...

^In my experience combining these two, I've determined that benzos and speed go together like Siegfried & Roy. Whenever I am on either benzos or speed separately, my judgment tends to go out the window completely in different ways: the speed will make me do stupid things as a result of overconfidence, while benzos will just make me do retarded nonsensical shit. When I put the two together at the right dose, I feel my judgment is way more reasonable. I just wish I had realized the subtle greatness of benzos when I was younger :(

I agree, that typically it's not a dangerous combination. I was leaning more towards those that are just starting to expirement with benzos, stims and/or both at once. Most people apply at the least some common sense and test the waters. There's occasionally the one that feels the need to one up their friends and take it too far too soon. Perhaps that is where I went off topic. IDK anything about inhaler stims, so instictivelly I'd apporaoch it, or it this case respond to it cautiously. Pretty much what I was saying. And while I and most BLers wouldn't consider taking my perscribed benzo with my ADD meds as doing a speedball. The majority of NAers and drug counselors beg to differ. I should have articulated that comment better.
This should be merged into that big propylhexedrine thread, whould should be turned into a benzedrex mrgaythrread. anyone else agree in that?

(sorry... typing is hard when i am dped up,benzoed, up,and noddin too hard lol)

oh edit:
speed·ball (spdbôl)
An intravenous dose of cocaine mixed with heroin or an amphetamine.
Medical Dictionary

So that mixtue ismore what I would consider a pharmaceutical speedball....
but po-tay-toe, po-taht-toe... lol
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for anybody out there who has tried ethylamphetamine(its rare, but i have), doesn't propylhexedrine feel very similar?

to me it does, but thats just me.
This should be merged into that big propylhexedrine thread, whould should be turned into a benzedrex mrgaythrread. anyone else agree in that?

there should be one huge propylhexedrine megathread. theres too many seperate threads discussing basicaly the same thing(except mine which covers snorting/smoking it).