(probably not important i think but too fucked to tell) don't let me post rn, mmk?


Dec 25, 2014
ok so you see here my problem is i can't post on bluelight rn cuz im on a lot of lorazapam. I'm tempted to go ramble somewhere so i need someone to say not let me or something. I'm good at listening to sober people orders omg the new sober order@@@@@ fuck this music is making my head spin and im all blurred now and cant remember what i was writing, brb gotta reread it. shit im dumb lol. anyway, just reply like "dont post you wasted retart" or something like that, mmk?
lol i ended up getting invited to a game of league of legends from my friend right after my reply to this post and completely forgot about it until now. Nice to know where to ramble now tho. thanks