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Treatment Prescribed topiramate for amphetamine cravings


Dec 10, 2022
I’m nervous to start it because things that affect gaba tend to send me into a depression. Does anyone have experience with this?

And what would the pharmacological action be? I know it decreases dopamine but abilify already does that. Think it’s going to be too much. 2 different dr. One is an addiction specialist and the other prescribed the abilify is a psychiatrist. So idk if she is mental health specialty meaning the one that prescribed topiramate. I feel like she’s just a GP.

I just don’t want to decrease my dopamine too much. I know that too much dopamine is bad but idk how I feel about taking both and yes she is aware I take it.

Edit: does it make you dumb? They keep saying it made them dumb and have permanent memory loss in Reddit? I’m cool.
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Mate. I think you're getting a bit to obsessive here. I also think you want less drugs not more.

Can you not just not think about stimulants? It seems like you're trying to get clean n sorted by obsessing about drugs n chems n neurotransmitters.

I'm not a doc. But why not just stick to your abilify? It's still early days.

I'm gonna message you...
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Mate. I think you're getting a bit to obsessive here. I also think you want less drugs not more.

Can you not just not think about stimulants? It seems like you're trying to get clean n sorted by obsessing about drugs n chems n neurotransmitters.

I'm not a doc. But why not just stick to your abilify? It's still early days.

I'm gonna message you...
I think you are right. I’m going to just stick with the abilify and stop focusing on it so much. I tend to hyperfocus or obsess not sure which it is. Guess it’s kinda the same thing just one come with adhd and the other ocd. But I mean kinda the same except no compulsive behavior so yeah probably hyper focusing. Doesn’t matter same solution.
I agree with @BadBoy377 Imho, the first two/three months of quitting meth you will go through cycles of mania and try to pin things down as ADHD etc. It takes time for your receptors to go back to normal and you'll probably feel less bipolar after a good long abstinance.
One issue, ability can make compulsive behaviors worse like gambling and reckless sex. This is documented and an insert warning. Could affect stimulant use too. Make sure you see a therapist who can catch a manic episode.

The mechanism of action of anticonvulsants reducing drug cravings is not understood and the research in my opinion is too early to formulate any a hypothesis.
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I’m nervous to start it because things that affect gaba tend to send me into a depression. Does anyone have experience with this?

And what would the pharmacological action be? I know it decreases dopamine but abilify already does that. Think it’s going to be too much. 2 different dr. One is an addiction specialist and the other prescribed the abilify is a psychiatrist. So idk if she is mental health specialty meaning the one that prescribed topiramate. I feel like she’s just a GP.

I just don’t want to decrease my dopamine too much. I know that too much dopamine is bad but idk how I feel about taking both and yes she is aware I take it.

Edit: does it make you dumb? They keep saying it made them dumb and have permanent memory loss in Reddit? I’m cool.

Can you give us a listing of all the pharmaceutical drugs that you've been prescribed since December of 2023 because you ask a lot of questions about a lot of different drugs that you're being prescribed and it seems like you're going on and off on and off and we don't have an idea of exactly what you're taking, what you did take whatever

Can you give us a listing of all the pharmaceutical drugs that you've been prescribed since December of 2023 because you ask a lot of questions about a lot of different drugs that you're being prescribed and it seems like you're going on and off on and off and we don't have an idea of exactly what you're taking, what you did take whatever
Testosterone- 200mg IM cypionate weekly
Abilify-still taking 5mg a day
Clonidine ER .2mg once a day but supposed to take twice might quit. Makes me too not functional. Lethargy.
Just started lithium last night 300mg.
brixadi on Friday and suboxone to bridge.

Adderral - I discontinued myself because I was afraid I’d abuse them again. Vyvanse the same.

I do agree with @BadBoy377 but I haven’t been sleeping hardly at all for a couple weeks strait and I’m trying to get it fixed. I even go hard on the weights and cardio every day but still can’t sleep. And I work. It’s literally insane
Testosterone- 200mg IM cypionate weekly
Abilify-still taking 5mg a day
Clonidine ER .2mg once a day but supposed to take twice might quit. Makes me too not functional. Lethargy.
Just started lithium last night 300mg.
brixadi on Friday and suboxone to bridge.

Adderral - I discontinued myself because I was afraid I’d abuse them again. Vyvanse the same.

I do agree with @BadBoy377 but I haven’t been sleeping hardly at all for a couple weeks strait and I’m trying to get it fixed. I even go hard on the weights and cardio every day but still can’t sleep. And I work. It’s literally insane
Again, not a medical professional. I've tried clondidine and just taking .05mg is enough honestly. I think I have the short-release one but a lot less shaky and have a bit less anxiety. Maybe try dropping the dose a bit?
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Suboxone I think is new reveal?

I still think the TRT dosage should be cut in half until mood stabilization is evident. 200mg is, as reported in another post, above the normal range and can lead to mania.
I do agree with @BadBoy377 but I haven’t been sleeping hardly at all for a couple weeks strait and I’m trying to get it fixed. I even go hard on the weights and cardio every day but still can’t sleep. And I work. It’s literally insane

Hey Bud!

I don't want to give you advice because I admit that I can't really tell what's wrong with you. So I'm grasping at straws here.

But were you aware that some people naturally require very little sleep.

Because there's two types of insomniacs - people who aren't getting enough sleep and they feel tired every day, and people who are getting enough sleep but they're worried about it because they're overthinking it.

...is it possible that you're overthinking this? This might be a blessing in disguise.

I don't brag about this a lot, but I'm technically fine on four hours of sleep. Better, even.

Edit: I'm only saying this at all because you're doing all of the things that normally WOULD work in this scenario. Your overall approach is excellent.
Again, not a medical professional. I've tried clondidine and just taking .05mg is enough honestly. I think I have the short-release one but a lot less shaky and have a bit less anxiety. Maybe try dropping the dose a bit?
I take clonidine when I'm anxious and clonzepam isn't working.
Very underrated drug for anxiety and sleep imo
Hey Bud!

I don't want to give you advice because I admit that I can't really tell what's wrong with you. So I'm grasping at straws here.

But were you aware that some people naturally require very little sleep.

Because there's two types of insomniacs - people who aren't getting enough sleep and they feel tired every day, and people who are getting enough sleep but they're worried about it because they're overthinking it.

...is it possible that you're overthinking this? This might be a blessing in disguise.

I don't brag about this a lot, but I'm technically fine on four hours of sleep. Better, even.

Edit: I'm only saying this at all because you're doing all of the things that normally WOULD work in this scenario. Your overall approach is excellent.
Very true. When I'm not shooting hydromorph I only sleep 6-7 hours and I keep thinking it's not enough. But it is