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Prescribed 4 30mg Adderall + 100mg Zoloft, can I take them together?


Jan 22, 2009
Only on 100mg Zoloft, can I take it with adderall or should I space it out?

Before posting this I did a bit of researching and found a lot of different things, some people were saying the Zoloft can cause serotonin syndrome? I'm only on 100mg Zoloft daily which I don't think is enough to cause serotonin syndrome, along with 120mg adderall throughout the day not at all at once lol. Is it safe to take both at the same time? Is it best to space them apart? does it matter? Thanks in advance!
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both can be taken together its actually not uncommon
BUT 120mg of addy is quite a dose even if its spread out throughout the day
both can be taken together its actually not uncommon
BUT 120mg of addy is quite a dose even if its spread out throughout the day

Thank you. I know it's a high dose and the worst thing is the "peak" lasts maybe 1.5 hours off a 30 IR
It is true it the combination is not uncommon in psychiatric medicine, however neither is lithium, and lithium is a real toxic son-of-a-bitch. I am just making a point; don't trust something just because doctors might - really, it is a dangerous trap. That said, if you've been on the 100 mg Zoloft for a good amount of time and you are habituated to the effects without any side-effects, than it is not the most dangerous thing to do, for most people, to take a little amphetamine - 30 mg IR concerns me. See what you can handle by titrating up from a much lower dose; it might seem silly or a waste of time, but it would decrease your risk of serotonin syndrome and all it entails. That said, for some, even a little amphetamine mixed with an SSRI could really cause some serious issues, I am sure, risking cardiovascular/cardiac dysfunction, loss of homeostasis with a fever, possibly seizures, possibly hallucinations and delusions, possibly paranoia and/or mania, serious agitation/panic/anxiety.

Just know, this IS a risky combination, and please be safe.